Chasing After My Wife

Chapter 150 - SHE DIDN'T FORGET

Jillyanna wiped the single tear which fell from her eyes down to her face. She never knew that knowing the cold truth would hurt so much.

"Is that all you wanted to know?" Travis asked her without taking a step towards her. Right now, he didn't know how Jillyanna felt towards him. For all he know, she could be angry and despising him already.

Jillyanna asked him the last two questions that she wanted to ask. "Have you been investigating their death and sent Lucian your evidence? Did you know that I was somehow related to them?"

"Nope. I didn't know that you were related to him. When I gave them the investigation results, I would always ask my secretary to send it with my name written on it for them to know that it came from a reliable source."

"Thank you for clarifying this matter to me. I am glad that I finally got the answers."

"Are you angry?" Travis inquired tentatively.

Jillyanna sighed and took the first step to get close to him. She linked her arms with his and smiled at him. "I am happy that my questions finally found its answers and the burdens I've been carrying were lifted. I'm only angry to my mother's parents."

"They're a tough opponent. Until now, I couldn't find a solid evidence against them." he commented knowing that she'd set her sail towards her maternal relatives to find evidence.

Jillyanna nodded her head in agreement. "Though indeed. Two years ago, I almost died because of them yet there's no evidence to point things on them."

"Don't worry, after the last mission of Savannah and everyone else, I will ask them to come and help us with this matter."

"That would be great." Jillyanna uttered softly with a smile. She held on to his hand tightly and looked at him. "Our mothers must be happy now that we have met again."

"They surely are." Travis agreed and held her waist.

They bid farewell to their parents and left the cemetery just few hours before they would close the place.

Her heart was now lighter than usual and she no longer hold any resentments to him and his family after her mother died. She fully accepted the truth that he was also a victim on this matter.

'I swear I'll strip you off naked in public! Ruining your life isn't even enough to compensate my mother's life.' she noted mentally while keeping a straight face.

'I'll make sure to get all evidence against them. I'll make sure they suffer to compensate the years of her loneliness.' Travis mentally stated with a smile hanging on his lips.

They went back home in silence. They had different thoughts bouncing off their braincells but one thing was similar - it was to compensate their love ones.

When they got home, Jillyanna didn't have much of an appetite so she only ate a few spoonful of food before dismissing herself.

"I'm full already. I'll go up first." she mentioned to everyone at the table after wiping off her mouth with the napkin.

"Have a good rest." Savannah responded. Even if she wanted to know what happened to her, she didn't want to intrude in her private life too much.

Travis let her go first so that she'll have time to think about things. She may have accepted the facts earlier but he knew that she was still digesting the information.

Jillyanna pulled out her phone and sent Lucian a message to focus their investigation on her maternal relatives.

"Why are you insisting on them? I thought you gave up that idea already." Lucian scolded her knowing what danger she had been through two years ago.

"A week ago, someone came to me and claimed me to be his niece. Someone showed up to my house and scanned all nooks and crannies of my place to find something. Earlier, Travis confessed to me that her mother received a text before she died. It was from my mother's father. I don't know why but I believe I am on the right track in finding the truth.

"Well, it's a mess up explanation you have there but I believe you and your man. I will have someone check on them."

"Thanks bro. I'll try my best to help as well."

"Just focus on your health and your baby. Don't worry, within a month I will solve this case no matter what, specially that we have some leads already."

"Alright. I'll leave it in your care." Jillyanna stated with calm manner which showed how much she trusted the man.

They talked about other things for awhile before he ended the call to continue working.

After an hour, Travis came to their room so that he can talk to her and hear what exactly she's feeling towards him. As a loving and caring husband, he couldn't allow any unsettled issues between them.

She was already lying on the bed, curled body under the blanket which made her look even smaller.

"Jill?" he called out to her name softly in case she's asleep.

She stirred for a moment and let her head popped out a little so she could see him. "Get your pillows and blanket. Sleep outside tonight."

This stunned him and stopped him on his tracks. He couldn't digest the words at all. "What do you mean?"

"I already told you earlier not to make me remember the time I confessed and got rejected, yet you did it over and over again. So, sleep outside."

"Hey wifey, you're joking right?"

"I'm not." she snorted.

Travis could feel the on coming headache and had himself massaged his temples. Jillyanna didn't even bother and just ignored him.

"Wifey, are you upset because of what we talked in the cemetery?"

"Nope. I am upset about the confession talk. So go out already or I will throw you out myself."

His shamelessness made him grin and jumped on the bed to sleep beside her. He hugged her with the blanket which was wrapped around her body like a lumpia wrapper.

"I love my wife the most." he whispered softly to her.

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