Chasing After My Wife

Chapter 160 - UNEASY

"Let me clean these stuff first." Savannah smiled happily upon receiving affirmation from Jillyanna. She gestured Hawk to bring the box upstairs and hopped happily beside him as they go back to their room.

Jillyanna stood rooted on the ground with indescribable feeling. She didn't know what to say. Fear started coating her heart and she was feeling suffocated. She didn't even noticed that she stopped herself from breathing.

"Jill? What's wrong?" Travis asked her when he saw her red face. He raised her chin and that's when she gasped for air to fill in her lungs. "Why were you holding your breath? Are you crazy?" he scolded her though he was hugging her close from so much worry.

"I am not crazy." She retorted back at him, hoping to comfort him a little. Valkyrie who was watching them just sighed helplessly before he left.

"What upsets you? You were just talking about going to the mall and now you're like this." Travis spoke, pushed her a little so he could see her eyes. "Don't do it again." He added as he led her back inside the house.

She just nodded her head and followed him inside. However, her mind was occupied with something else. She wasn't even listening to Travis.

"Are you still with me?" Travis tugged her arm slowly to bring her back to reality. She's been zoning out of space again.

"Sorry. I'm a bit distracted." Jillyanna stated. "I want to eat fried chicken."

"All this while, you were thinking about food?" Travis asked in disbelief. He was blabbering non-stop earlier and here she was thinking about a fried chicken.

Even if Jillyanna was accused she didn't correct him either. She let him think that she was just thinking about food.

"Wait here a bit. I'll cook food for you." Travis told her and left a gentle kiss on her temple before leaving for the kitchen. Somehow she's feeling guilty again.

When Travis was no longer around, she pulled out her phone and contacted someone whom she didn't talk for few months now.

"Little lass! You've called how are you?" A woman's beautiful voice echoed from the other line. Jillyanna had to move the phone away because her ear was ringing from the high pitched greetings.

"I'm doing fine. How about you? Did you gave your things to someone?" Jillyanna asked the thing that's been bothering her.

"I'm fine and nope. I didn't give it but I lent it to your sister. Most of the things were hers. They needed it for a mission starting tomorrow." The woman answered.

"By any chance, do you -"

"I sliced up some apples for you." Travis spoke as he placed the plate on the coffee table. "Just let me know if you need something."

"Sure. Thanks." Jillyanna responded with a faint smile. Her heart was beating so fast and her mind was a mess because she didn't know how much he heard from the conversation. 'I didn't say anything wrong so it should be fine.' She noted mentally while trying to calm herself.

Travis noticed that she placed her phone on her back when he came. Her expression was quite different, too. "Are you keeping a secret from me?" He inquired, staring straight into her eyes.

"You'll find out soon." Jillyanna mumbled with a pout. She needed to think how to erase his suspicions. "Let me take this phone call first. I need to ask Cielo something."

Travis didn't force her to say something. He nodded his head and went back to the kitchen. Even though they got some helpers, he still like cooking for her and spoil her.

When he arrived at the kitchen, he called Cielo but the line was busy. He looked at the woman in the living room who's busy talking and thought that she was indeed talking to her sister. It's not that he didn't trust her but, he just didn't want her to suffer with things alone like what she did before. He also checked the social media and found no bad news about her. He finally felt relieved and continued cooking food for her.

Jillyanna checked her phone and found that it wasn't disconnected yet. "Sorry. I had to deal with urgent matter in my end."

"Are you married now?" asked the woman.

"Not yet. We're planning to." she answered honestly.

The woman smiled on the other end even though Jillyanna couldn't see it. She was happy that two of her students became great figures. "Have you tried contacting your sister these past few months?"

"I'm planning to. I'll give her a call after this." Jillyanna mentioned. If she didn't see the items Savannah used today, she wouldn't even think of calling them. "She must be busy but I'll reach out to her."

"That would be great. She'll be happy to hear from you." The woman answered.

"Teacher, the things you lent, is in my house." Jillyanna dropped the bomb that she's been holding. The woman whom she called teacher was silent for a moment. "I saw it."

"I see. Are you okay?"

"I'm a bit bothered by it and my hands are itching to hold them up."

"You silly little rascal." The woman chuckled. "Does your boyfriend know?"

"Nope. Not yet. I'm planning to tell him when I get the opportunity."

"That's good. It would be better if it's coming from you. Let him understand."

"If he won't understand and he'll leave, I'll just lock him up."

The woman burst into a fit of laughter. It's been a while since Jillyanna made a silly remark with her. "I'm glad you're living a good life."

"Thank you teacher." Jillyanna spoke softly. "I'll visit you with Winter next time."

"I'll wait for your return."

Jillyanna finally ended the call. A little bit happy that she was able to talk to her but she was also worried.

She knew that Winter was a Lieutenant Colonel but she didn't know that the people inside her house were actually her subordinates.

Planning to tell your secrets and acting your plan are two different things. Right now, she's really scared. She's scared that he'll reject her again because of her secrets.

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