Chasing After My Wife

Chapter 174 - A UNIVERSITY I

"I love you Jill. I love you to the moon and back." Travis responded and kissed the tip of her nose again. "Do you still want to go to the mansion?"

"Yup." Jillyanna answered cheerfully.

"Then, I suggest that you get off from me for now because I haven't put any clothes yet. You don't want us to be late, do you?"

That's when Jillyanna realized how perverted her soon-to-be husband was. She can't believe she's thinking of marrying this person. Not wanting to keep her thoughts to herself, she let Travis know about it.

"You know what, I sometimes think that I'm making a mistake." Jillyanna uttered while she stood up on her feet and adjusted his robe before something else can be seen. "You must have put something in my food lately. How come I love you more and more when you're this perverted?"

"My dear wife, I am only perverted towards you. What can I do? You always mess up my thoughts when you smile, when you laugh, when you pout, when you're flustered, when you're-"

Jillyanna covered his mouth to stop him from saying anything. "Enough. I've heard enough." Her neck was getting redder again and so were her ears.

Travis let out a throaty chuckle and reached over to remove her hand from him. "We'll really be late if you continue to look at me like that."

"Whatever. I'm going down now. Hurry up and put on your clothes." She pulled her hand from him and left the room in a hurry. When she closed the door behind her, her blush crept up to her face. 'I need to put some distance a little or that beast might just devour me.'

She went down the stairs and walked to the kitchen to drink her vitamins. Their food was all ready so she started eating. "Auntie Fei, during the construction, you will have to cook lunch for the workers and at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, you will have to prepare their snacks. You can let them use the back garden. I'll let the guards know so that they can set up the tables and chairs. Travis will be coming to check the progress from time to time. If you needed something, don't hesitate to call me, okay?"

"Yes Jillyanna. You take care of yourself always."

"Thank you Auntie Fei. I'll trouble you to let Auntie Sisi know."

"Hn. I'll let her know when she's back from the grocery store. By the way, should we also give supply to Mr. Shan?"

"No need. Jenny is tasked to do that." Jillyanna answered her. "If they needed urgent help though like emergencies, I'd be grateful if you can help them."

"Alright. No problem."

While she gave instructions and reminders, Travis was leaning on the kitchen door, watching her smile, chuckle, pout, lost in thought and her different facial expressions. 'I am thankful that we are given a chance to fix our broken relationship. I will never waste this second chance to hold you.'

Jillyanna noticed someone watching her. When she turned around, she saw Travis smiling at her. "What are you standing there for? Eat already. The food is getting cold."

"Nope. My food is very hot." he stated while looking at her with his dark eyes, glazed with merriment upon seeing his reaction.

Jillyanna could only roll her eyes and ignored his teasing. She picked up his plate for him and placed it beside hers.

Auntie Fei who heard his statement let out a faint laugh. She left the two lovebirds and continued doing her task.

"Why didn't you eat in the dining area?" Travis asked and sat beside her.

"I missed eating here. I always eat here when I am alone. I don't like using the dining table." Jillyanna stated a matter of fact. "It's my way of reliving the past with my mama and papa."

"Are you missing them now?"

"I miss them everyday. I think I'll find my father soon. I just realized that waiting for another 7 or 8 months won't change anything."

"Let me know when you'd like to find them. I'll help you out."

"Thank you." They talked while she placed food on his plate. Travis didn't refuse her care at all since it was very rare for her to show her caring and sweet side. "Eat now so we can leave."


"Are you ready?" Valkyrie asked Savannah who was putting her small backpack behind her. She had some books on her hands too.

"I'm all ready. I just hope this will end soon so that we can go on vacation and for you to find Brown."

"Stay vigilant all the time." Hawk reminded her. "I'll keep an eye with your trackers."

"Such a worrywart. I will be fine. Don't worry. I'll come home around nine tonight." Savannah responded. She kissed his face and left the house. She couldn't leave the house with someone so she had to do everything on her own once she's out of the house.

"Take the bus." Valkyrie spoke through her earpiece.

Savannah walked just like all the students but people kept staring at her. She looked so pretty and harmless. No one would even think that she's a special task force officer.

She smiled politely to everyone who looked her way. She didn't look snobbish at all.

"Are you going to A University?" a young lady with a vibrant burgundy hair asked Savannah. She had the same lanyard as her.

"Yes. I am a transferee. It is my first day today." Savannah responded with a faint smile.

"I'm Kath. What's your name?"


"Which department do you belong Savy? Your lanyard has a different color than everyone in the school."

"Actually, I taking classes for my missed subjects. They belong to different departments and the admin didn't know where to put me."

"Poor you. Anyway, I live around this area. If you want, we can go to school everyday."

"Thanks Kath. I'd be very happy to have someone walk with me to the campus."

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