Chasing After My Wife

Chapter 185 - HOME AT LAST

After a few minutes of waiting, Jillyanna was called to the interrogation room. Supposedly, she will be interrogated the next day but Travis wanted her to take a rest without anyone disturbing her.

"Are you okay?" the female officer tasked to do the questioning asked her. "You really attract trouble." she joked making Jillyanna shrug her shoulders.

"I don't like this either. I just wanted to live my life peacefully but troubles always find me."

"It'a good that you're fine or else, Lucian will wreck havoc in this station. He did that when you were kidnapped last time."

"He's very protective of me since I don't have a family. Cielo and Lucian acted more of a parents to me when I have none."

"That I can agree."

The officer opened her laptop and recording device. Another officer sat at the corner to watch over them.

"Shall we start? I don't want you to stay up late specially that you have a baby." the officer stated.

"Thank you. We can start now." Jillyanna responded.

"How did you end up at the crime scene?" the officer started.

"I visited a friend earlier in the afternoon and while waiting for her to come home, I went outside to make a phone call. I was a bit distracted due to some issues and I didn't notice anyone behind to attack me. When I gained back my consciousness, I was already in that place."

"Why did you attack them?"

"That was out of self defense. They were about to attack me and I didn't have a choice. If I want to live, I have to fight. I didn't kill them because I don't want to be charged with murder even if it was just a self defense."

"What tools did you use to attack them?"

"I used the same tools they have. I took it from their hands. I also used my necklace because I don't have any other things to use."

"Did any of the students help you to attack them?"

"Nope. I did everything on my own."

"Alright. That's everything I have to ask you. We'll deal with this matter and call you if there's anything we need.

"Thank you." Jillyanna stood up and walked out of the room. She saw Travis and Lucian outside, waiting for her to come out. "Bro, you're here."

"Hn. I just finished my job and came here. I wasn't allowed to talk to you before your interrogation." Lucian checked her from head to toe and found no problem. "I'm glad that you're fine."

"Hn. I was really brave." she stated with a smile. "Where's Cielo?"

"They're at home." Travis answered her. "They were worried for you and waited at home."

"I see. Then, Bro I will go home first."

"Hn. Take care of yourself. Tell Cielo to come home when you see her."

After a long night, Jillyanna finally relaxed her nerves and leaned her head on Travis' chest when they got inside his car. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep in his arms.

"Let's go home." Travis told his driver and hugged Jillyanna tightly. He caressed her hair softly and kissed her forehead. "If something happened to you, I don't really know what I would do." he whispered to her even though she can't hear him.

"Travis...I'm scared." she talked in her sleep with a pale looking face. Her expression gripped his heart that it hurts to even breath.

"Jill I'm sorry I wasn't able to protect you. I'm sorry." he mumbled as he kissed the top of her head. A tear fell from the corner of his eyes but he wiped it immediately. "I'm really sorry."

They reached home in the same position since they left the station. The driver opened the car immediately and Travis got down with the sleeping Jillyanna in his arms.

"Thanks God you're back." Sky exclaimed upon seeing the two of them. She noticed that Jillyanna was sleeping so she lowered her voice. "Is she okay?"

"Yes, she's fine. For now, she needed to take a rest." Travis answered. "You can use the guest rooms while waiting for her to wake up."

"Huh? A no need. We'll go home for now. It's enough to know that she's perfectly fine." Cielo responded to him. Alex just stood in the corner with Thomas after confirming that Jillyanna is fine.

"Okay. Please visit her again tomorrow." Travis compromised.

"Hn. See you guys tomorrow." Cielo waved her hand and bid farewell. "Uncle Thomas, we're leaving for now. We'll come back tomorrow since Jillyanna needs to rest."

"Okay. You guys take care of yourself. We'll be waiting for you to come back." Thomas responded. He sent them out as courtesy and went back to find Travis. "I don't want her in danger again. Clear up all your enemies before they do something to her."

"I'm working on it Dad." Travis answered. Left with nothing to say, Thomas left them so that they can take a rest.

Travis went inside the bathroom and prepared a warm bath for her. He peeled of her clothes and picked her up from the bed. He gently placed her on the tub which made her moan from the pleasing warmth.

Travis ignored the awakened part of his body and continued to clean her. He put on a good amount of soap on the sponge and scrub her body to get rid of the blood. Since she was asleep, he had to work slowly in order for him no to awake her.

He rinsed her body and wrapped her with the bathrobe to keep her dry. Jillyanna woke up a bit dizzy from what was going on. "Don't put around me, I feel uncomfortable."

"You have to keep yourself warm." Travis didn't know if she was sleep talking or if she was really awake but he responded to her anyway.

He carried her out and let her sit on the couch in their room. He changed the bed sheets, pillows and blanket before letting her use the bed again.

"Don't go."

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