Chasing After My Wife

Chapter 194 - HACIENDA TOUR II

After greeting them politely, the woman went back to her work. Travis looked at Jillyanna in bewilderment.

"How many times have you been here for them to actually recognize you?" Travis asked.

"Hn. It's countless. Auntie Vergie and Uncle Danny were the ones who helped me every time I ran away from home."

"Why didn't I know of this?"

"It's because, I will only come here if you are not around. Over the years, Dad formed a habit of bringing me here when you are abroad or staying somewhere."

He stood in front of her with shock written all over his face. He just couldn't' believe that his father did it. He had been looking for her and his father tried hiding her away.

"Don't be mad with your father. He must have not told you about this because he didn't want us to feel awkward. Aside from that, during those years, my anger because of you was at its highest peak. If we met, I would only become angrier."

"That sounds true." Travis agreed and sighed. "I am glad that we found each other now that we are sensible and mature."

"Right." She stood up from the swing's seat and walked towards a different tree. "I have something to show you." She walked around the tree, looking up and down to find something.

"What is it?"

"Here. Look over here." She pointed on some wordings which was almost not visible in his eyes. Moss covered the carved letters and the writings were small.

"What's this?"

She tried recalling the written words from her memories. "I guess it was a choice to meet you in the future or not." She uttered with a faint chuckle. "Back then, I was very conflicted. There were times I wanted to see because I've got no one to play with or to talk to. However, most of the times, I'd rather not see you. These are the marks I made."

Travis could see that there were more marks on the "NOT" portion. "It doesn't matter anymore. In the end, we still found each other."

"Hn. Counting it was rather useless when I think about it now." She agreed to him and walked to a different area where an orchard of oranges can be found. "I always like it here. I was even wondering why you can't stay put in this place when it is really beautiful."

"My mom was the one who managed this place before. She was the one who picked up these street people and helped them by working here. When she was gone, I found no reason to come here."

"I see. Sorry to hear that."

"It's fine."

"Have you guys ever thought of giving this land to the farmers?"

"Nope. This land won't be enough for them. What my mother did is for them to work, save and buy their own land and house. You may not know this but the standard share here is 80/20. The 80% will be theirs and the 20% will be ours for maintenance."

"You guys are so generous." Jillyanna commented after knowing such information. No wonder that the people here are very loyal and workaholic.

"We are not a big family and we don't need millions of money everyday. If you have something to give and share, then why not share it. At the same time, I need to work hard. Maybe not for ourselves but for our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren in the future."

Jillyanna smiled while listening to him. Everyday, he will take care of her before going to work in his study. Everyday, he's working with their future in mind.

"I am really glad I gave us a chance to make this relationship work." She stated before giving him a hug. "I am glad my escape plans didn't work."

"I am glad I didn't give up on you." Travis whispered back to her as he kissed the top of her head.

"Aigoo! I shouldn't have gone here. Now, I'm being blinded by this love." Savannah commented while covering her eyes.

"You're here! How are you?" Jillyanna asked them since she had not seen them these past few days after that incident.

"We were not the one who engaged in fighting. We should be asking that question to you." Valkyrie retorted and Savannah just nodded her head in agreement.

"I am fine. No sweat." Jillyanna answered with arrogance in her voice.

"Then why didn't you come out for three days?" Savannah inquired with a raised brow.

Jillyanna shifted her gaze and smiled awkwardly while scratching the tip of her nose. "That was a different story. Haha." She turned to face Travis and glared at him. "It's your fault." She whispered through greeted teeth.

"Did you guys receive the email?" Travis asked them as he snaked his fingers with hers and intertwined them.

"Hn. We got the email. Thank you." Hawk answered. "We're planning to leave tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Can you do it on Tuesday instead?" Jillyanna knew that they'll be gone for a month to go on vacation. "We are planning to register our marriage on Monday and have a little celebration."

The three of them stood in surprise with her news. They didn't see it coming.

"Oh my gosh! This isn't a joke right?" Savannah exclaimed and jumped to her side. "You really agreed to marry him?"

"Hn." Jillyanna replied with perfunctory remark.

"I am so happy for you RV! This is great! Alright, we will leave on Tuesday. That's it. It's decided." She stated cheerfully without any space for arguments.

"By the way, Lieutenant Colonel Avery wanted me to give you this and put it back on your necklace." Hawk handed her a small mechanical bee which captured the video of her fight and led the way to that house.

"Thanks." Jillyanna replied to him. "For the second time, she saved me again." Jillyanna murmured before placing the mechanical bee inside the small compartment of her pendant.

'I should really talk to her properly.' she thought to herself with a deep sigh.

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