Chasing After My Wife

Chapter 20 - BOSS IS SULKING

Travis was sitting in front of the shareholders once again. It was another meeting but with the ESL company representatives who was planning to expand their land and use the lot located beside their building.

They were not the only company who was vying for that piece of land. They were the third company who was proposing to Travis and the shareholders in that very same day.

Travis would check his phone whenever a shareholder asked a question. The decision lies in him but he gave the power to the shareholders in asking relative questions. They are the people who would always count benefits even if it was the smallest portions.

"Sigh. No text again." Travis murmured after letting out a heavy sigh.

The shareholders thought that he didn't like their ideas so they think of other important things to ask.

"So if you were given this piece of land, when will the construction start? Do you have the layout of your building?" One of the shareholders asked.

"Yes. We have it. I can show it to you." The ESL representative showed a picture on the screen. It was a nice design which maximize the usefulness of every space the land could offer.

"How long will the construction last?" another question was raised.

"We were planning to get this done within two years. We wanted to hire more people for man power during construction of this project." the representative answered.

The assistant secretary noted some of the information since she was sure that their boss wasn't listening. His attention was elsewhere.

'I miss her. Should I really not contact her? Just going to ask how she's doing? Not fine?' he was weighing down the pros and cons of him contacting her first. She mentioned before that she didn't want someone who would demand time from her.

Travis pinched his glabella from frustration. Everyone inside the meeting room tensed. Even the representative started to stutter when he saw his expression.

"He's at it again. Did he get into some lovers quarrel?" one of the shareholders whispered to the person beside him.

"Keep it low. Suarez will flare up if he hears you." the man whispered back to him.

"Hmp! Who does he think he is? His daughter can't even entice our boss! He should stop dreaming!"

They continued whispering while watching their CEO changed his facial expression from one to another.

It was their second time to see him not focusing on their meeting. 'Good Lord, please let his woman contact him now or nothing will be accomplished today!' That's what the shareholders thought.

They continued their meeting like Travis wasn't there and the secretary sped up her typing to catch as much words as she could from the representatives.

In Madrid's family villa, Jillyanna was lying on her bed with her stomach. She was typing some words on her laptop which ignited her fans buried flame.

"My goddess posted a picture!"

"Wait! Why is this an eye only?"

"Goddess YNA, you could actually send us a pair of eyes not just an eye."

"There's a caption. Please everybody stopped liking it. Read the caption or you will ruin our chance!" This comment made some fans stopped from typing. They all checked the caption that was placed above the picture.


"What the! How are we supposed to do that. We cannot control anyone from liking and commenting on the picture!"

"This needs discipline! We need to think of a way!"

"Goodness! Our goddess is playing with us by sending us puzzles."

"I have found a way! Right now, there are 23k likes and 16k comments. Everyone, within half an hour from now, those who haven't commented yet and those who haven't liked it yet, please do so. After half an hour stop liking and commenting it, so that we can count on the numbers!" This comment was liked by many and came first under the picture.

Jillyanna was having a great time reading their comments. She had been thinking about the online fight between her fans and haters. It's true that they've been following for a long time and she had never showed her face. Even during her launching event, she would always wear a mask to hide her face.

Everyone respected her decision for hiding her face but now that her fans were being targeted, she felt guilty about it.

"This is pretty fun." Jillyanna mumbled to herself while cropping her pictures to four parts." she was so happy and she felt energized to finish her next song. She was planning to release it once the whole picture was revealed.

While she was reading the comments and watching the likes rapidly goes up and stagnated for a moment, her phone suddenly rang which startled her.

She picked it up after a few seconds and saw the man's name whom she never thought would call her.

"What's up? Are you okay?" Jillyanna asked with concern but her eyes were still on the computer and she was typing with one hand.

"I am bored to death." Travis responded making the shareholders stop from what they were doing and looked at him sulking to someone on the phone.

"Are you not doing anything?" Jillyanna asked as she lay down with her back on the bed.

"I was doing something. But the higher ups were having a meeting and their ideas were great. I think I'm useless." Travis responded disregarding the stares he was receiving. He couldn't help himself from contacting her so he dialed her number when they were on break.

'Who is this man sitting in front of us? Please return our boss!' They wanted to cry for such unsightly action of their boss. Even if he wanted to sulk, can he at least do it when no one's around?

Jillyanna laughed on the other line while listening to him. "Come on. You are not useless. There should be something you can do. What are you doing by the way? Maybe I could help."

"I am trying to make a decision with millions of money involved." Everyone present was shocked that their boss was discussing such matter with someone outside the company.

"That's rather difficult. When's your day off by the way?" Jillyanna asked since she wanted to go somewhere and she thought of bringing him might give him some time to relax.

"My day off? Oh let me check because it would change from time to time depending on the number of works I need to finish." That was a blatant lie that everyone inside the room knew. Then he turned to his assistant to check his upcoming schedules after covering the mouthpiece. "Forward all the things needed to be done within these three days. Remove my schedules for Saturday." Then he went to his phone once again. "I am available on Saturday. Is that okay?"

"Yup. Saturday is fine. I'll send you the place and time. For now, just do your best at work. You can send me text when you're bored. Don't call me during working hours. You might get caught and scolded."

"Are you worried for me?" Travis asked cheekily at her but Jillyanna could only roll her eyes.

"I am just stating facts. You go back to work now." Jillyanna was still typing a reply on some emails that was sent to her for some collaboration using her songs.

"Alright. I'll do my best."


"Goodbye." Travis put down his phone with a grin still hanging on his lips. "I need to work now. You guys go on extended break. Come back after an hour. Leave those documents with me. I will review it. Keep moving now."

They all stood up and gave him their documented ideas on each proposals for the vacant lot. His assistant showed him the information she took note and some relevant ideas.

They all got out of the meeting room after that. "Good thing that Suarez wasn't there when he made that phone call." the secretary murmured to herself since she knew that the particular shareholder wanted to arrange the marriage of his daughter to their boss.

"Our young man looked more human when he talks to that person or when he received a text from that person." an older shareholder commented.

"You bet. He was like a devil robot before. Emotionless and cold." another person stated.

"Who exactly is that?" Everybody wanted an answer to this question but nobody has an answer unless the devil himself would answer it.

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