Chasing After My Wife

Chapter 200 - KISSED HIM AGAIN

"How have you been doing?" Valkyrie asked him before taking a seat on a couch near the glass window.

"I believe that's not what you wanted to say." Brown retorted as he sat on the bed, facing him leisurely with his feet hanging at the side of the bed. "Don't beat around the bush. I don't have much time."

"I am sorry. Sorry for everything that I've done to you. I am sorry for running away from you. Sorry for ignoring how you feel. Sorry for not communicating with you. Sorry for messing up your life. Sorry for not listening to you. I'm sorry for all the offensive words I said." His words contain sincerity and apologetic tone.

Looking at him, Brown sighed and handed him the letter that was 'supposedly' torn to shred already. Valkyrie was surprised to see the intact paper from him which contained all his love and apologies.

"Why are handing this back to me?" he asked with a frown while staring at the paper in front of him.

"Because I realized that you are right all along. That night was my mistake. I did it intentionally. Ignoring me is just a natural response and I am not angry about that." He leaned on the windowsill with the letter in his hand. "It will bring disgrace to your family. Your father will be disappointed to both you and me. I don't want to betray him. Aside from that, I don't want anyone to judge you for my selfishness. I don't want to give you a chance to break my heart too. Toying with my feelings multiple times is more than enough."

"I wasn't playing with you. I just didn't know how to express how I feel. I never said I hate you. I-"

"You didn't say you like me either." Brown interrupted him. "Is it really nice to make fun of my feelings?"

"Evan, it was never my intention to play with you. I never played with your feelings. I didn't talk to you about that night because I was afraid you'd feel disgusted towards me."

"Anyway, there's no use talking about this anymore. Let's just pretend that nothing happened. We've done that before so I am sure we can still do that." Brown told him with a faint smile. "Let's do our best to make sure that your Dad won't be disappointed."

"Why do you have to give a damn about what other people would say?!" Valkyrie snapped that made the younger man flinched in front of him. "Why can't we just think about ourselves? Just you and me."

"I'll be happy if your father is happy. I'll die guilty if I end up having relationship with you."

"I understand where you're coming from but if Dad agrees, will you give me a second chance? I am not planning to run away from you again and I don't have a plan to let you go either."


"Why not?" Valkyrie could feel his heart breaking into pieces already. "I know I was wrong. Can't I have the chance to make it right?"

Brown stopped leaning on the wall and faced him directly. His face was livid with anger and he was blushing from trying to control his frustrations. "I am not selfish like you. Do you even know what you are talking about? Your father will despise me for tainting you! And you will leave me for those big-boobs-big-butt women!" He yelled at him loudly. "Don't even say you don't like women because they are what occupies your attention! I don't need to risk my heart with the facts laid right in front of me! Did you really think I am stupid because I am younger than you?" He had a mocking smile on his lips and his eyes were spitting fire. If his gaze could cut a person, Valkyrie would be dead already.

Instead of getting upset, Valkyrie was amused with his words. "How I wish I can get my money back from paying those women." He stated lazily while looking at him. "I don't think your stupid and I am not looking down on you because you are younger. And even if you won't believe it, I will still say it. I don't like women. It's not that I hate them but I can't imagine myself having a relationship with them."

"Such a liar. You even liked Jillyanna even though you don't know her at first." Brown retorted. His anger wasn't subsiding at all.

"It wasn't her that I like but her song. Of course, when I saw her, I started to like her as a friend."

"Liar! You even spend a night with a woman outside!"

"Oh yeah! I ended staying outside because a certain someone kicked me out. I wasn't with a random woman though. I was with Savannah that time too."

"Liar! Liar! Liar! Stop lying! I will never believe your words!" Brown shouted at him before throwing the crumpled letter on his face. "I won't let you fool me again!"

"I am not lying to you." Valkyrie responded while picking up the letter that fell on the floor, all crumpled from Brown's grip. "I never had any relationship ever since."

"What a stubborn person you are." He snickered at him before turning to have him face his back. "It is too late to say all these. I gave up on you a long time ago."

An ice-cold water was splashed on Valkyrie's soul. He felt so dejected after hearing his words. What can he say about that?

He sat there in silence with a messed up mind. After almost five minutes, he spoke again. "Then I'll just make you fall in love with me again."

"Huh! Don't make me laugh. You will just be wasting your time. I suggest that you stop such foolishness."

"If I can make you love me again, even if it's a little chance, I'll do it. When that time comes, can you tell me your honest feelings?"

"Whatever." Brown waved his hand and walked towards his bed. "I don't care about what you will do."

Valkyrie stood up from his couch and walked towards him with an evil grin on his face.

Before Brown could react, he pushed him down on his bed and trapped him with his arms and legs. "One last thing, I am not straight ever since I was young and I confirmed it when you came into my life." Valkyrie stated before placing a feather-light kiss on Brown's lips, shocking him at his wits end.

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