Chasing After My Wife


It didn't happen just once. The next day, Jillyanna called Cielo once again to buy her green mangoes and peaches. Nobody thought too much about it since Jillyanna has been a glutton ever since the day they met her.

Cielo helped her peel the mangoes when she got home bringing the fruits with her. "These are sour. Are you jealous over someone?" Cielo asked as she peeled the second mango. Her mischievous smile wasn't hidden at all.

"What nonsense are you speaking of? Me? Jealous? I'd be dead if that happens. I just saw a video earlier and it made me want to eat some as well." Jillyanna responded before putting a slice of green mango in her mouth.

Her face crunched up when the sour taste exploded in her mouth. But when she tasted a bit of sweetness, she liked it more. She ate a lot with a little bit of salt to pair with it.

Cielo watched her eat alone since she wasn't fond of green mangoes and peaches. "My god! I can't believe you like that." Cielo stated before standing up to look for something she could eat.

Her parents left for dinner so it was just the two of them before Lucian could get home. "By the way Jillyanna, did Lucian tell you that the Madrigals provided a new piece of evidence for your mother's case?"

This question made Jillyanna stopped eating. Her hand stopped midair and the expression on her face couldn't be describe at all. She put down her hand and stared at it for a while.

"Was it uncle Thomas who sent it?" Jillyanna asked but there was no joy in her eyes even if it was a good news.

"I don't know. He didn't mention the name to me. Probably, it was him or it could be someone else." Cielo answered but she didn't know why Jillyanna wasn't happy at all. 'Isn't she close to the Madrigals? Why does she look upset?' Cielo thought to herself but she didn't probe her best friend.

Jillyanna stood up and took the plate of mangoes and peaches with her. "I'll eat this in my room. I still have something to do."

"Okay. Make sure to get some sleep. Don't stay up too late." Cielo reminded her since she knew that what she told her would be bugging her off.

Jillyanna only raised her hand with an 'Okay' sign but she didn't speak or turned around to face her. Cielo could only sigh on her own. She started preparing dinner for Lucian since it was almost time for him to come home.

'I should be happy, right? I should be happy that they are helping with the investigation. After all, Auntie Venus caused my mother's death.' Jillyanna spoke to herself mentally buy guilt was eating her away.

The night after her mother's burial, they spoke to her. Venus and Thomas Madrigal were the only people who stayed to comfort her, but the truth they spoke of crumbled her world. She would never forget that.

"Sweetie, we are very sorry for your loss. I am very sorry. If it wasn't because of me, she wouldn't have died." Venus spoke to her which Jillyanna didn't understand at that time. Her mind was closed off, still couldn't accept the truth that her mother was gone.

Venus continued speaking to her and among all the things she spoke, only one statement made Jillyanna react. "I am the target that night. The person they wanted to kill was me. If only I refused your mother but she was worried about you. I killed her. I am the cause of her death." Venus cried in front of her. She was grieving over her best friend's death. Jillyanna didn't really blame her openly, but deep within her, she started to hate her and she felt guilty about it.

When Venus died after a year, she was delighted for a moment and it struck her how she became a devil that she never wanted to be. She didn't visit the Madrigal for a long time due to her inner demons making her feel less human.

Jillyanna grew up into a cold person and she started to despise the word love. The only love that was given to her was taken away from her at the very young age. Little by little, she was only surrounded by darkness. Only a little light kept her on track, the light brought by Cielo's and Lucian's family.

How do you expect a young girl, abandoned by her father, to feel love? How do you expect a young girl, who was left by her mother, to feel love? How do you expect a young girl, who thought her mother's friend cared for her but actually caused her death, to feel love?

Love was just a fleeting feeling. You think it was there but the next second it was not. Love was something not meant for her. Love was something she'd never want herself to get involved. It was such a pain in the ass.

Jillyanna was lying down with her back on her bed. Her right arm was covering her eyes, stopping the tears from falling. Guilt and grief were coating her heart, forming another layer to suffocate her, drown her and break her.

"I'm sorry mom." Jillyanna cried her heart out the whole night. The fruits she brought with her were left untouched as she curled herself into a ball.

Travis had been busy after that dinner he had with Cheska's family. He had to make sure that there will be no pending tasks before he go on a date the next day with Jillyanna.

He finished everything before 3:00 o'clock in the morning. He cleaned his study room and arranged everything before getting himself some sleep.

Jillyanna was also able to sleep when the dawn was breaking. Nobody woke her up since they knew she would wake up early on her own if she had some things to do and she would wake up late if she slept late.

At 12:30 in the afternoon, Jillyanna woke up and check her phone immediately. It was the day, she invited Travis to go out with her. She took a long breath before standing out to exhale all the negative stuff in her heart. She wanted to get a positive vibe for another day of work.

She took a quick shower and brush her teeth. While dipping herself in the bathtub, she placed a cold face towel on her eyes to soothe it.

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