Chasing After My Wife


For a month, Jillyanna had to go between home and the secret organization in order to practice and take care of the kids.

Watching them gain a little bit of weight and height, she started to teach them some basic informations. It turned out that the only Riley and Jackie got the chance to study. Shein was never sent to school.

Everytime Jillyanna would leave the house to go back home, she would ask someone to babysit them for at least 2 weeks while she's gone.

This kind of set up lasted for a year. The kids she picked up grew up and started to act like how other kids of the same age did. Except for Shein. Jillyanna looked for a doctor who can help them understand the guy and facilitate his learning.

Shein wasn't really interested with other things aside from computers and numbers. In the end, the teacher that Jillyanna hired focused on Information Technology, from basics to difficult level.

When she's not busy, she would teach them some basic self defense actions. Contrary to her expectation, Rylie and Jackie took interest to martial arts. She thought they would be like other girls who loves to look pretty, not like her who was bent on taking revenge.

"I am not teaching you about these techniques to bully other kids. This is to protect yourself." Jillyanna reminded them almost all the time they commence their short training.

"We want to learn because we want to protect you and Shein. In the future, you won't have to worry about us." Riley answered in a cheerful manner. She had a wooden dagger on her hand while taking a stance in front of Jillyanna.

She didn't just teach them how to fight but she thought them etiquette, table manners, how to dress up according to occasions, acting skills and other things that can be used to their advantage.

This had become her routine. Train them before breakfast, go to her own practice in the organization and then go back home during night time. She would sometimes spent a week overseas, sometimes a month and the longest had been two months when one of her 'sisters' was killed.

She stayed in the organization for two months without contacting anyone. When she got home, the kids were all worried for her. That was also the day that Winter found out the kids that Jillyanna was keeping. However, she didn't know how skillful the kids were. She didn't ask the specific of their existence since it was obvious that the kids were orphans.

"Sorry for not coming home. I had some issues that needed to be settled." Jillyanna told them but Jackie just looked at her without saying anything.

"I thought you left us already." Riley mumbled, fidgeting on her place while playing with her thumbs in front of her.

Shein was also looking at her as if he was observing every little detail of her facial expressions.

"I am really sorry. At the same time, during this kind of situation, you need to grow up and take care of yourself." Jillyanna spoke to them in a gentle tone. "I won't be staying forever, you know."

"No! You are my only mistress. The mistress of this house and the only person I am following." Riley argued back, afraid that she would really leave them.

Jillyanna couldn't help but sigh deeply in her heart. She reached out to them and spoke calmly. "Once I turn 18 years old, I will finally become your guardian. That will be another year from now. Do you want to get a new name?"

"I want to keep my first name and get a new last name." It was Shein who answered her first. "Riley and Jackie gave me this name so I want to keep it."

"Alright. How about you use my mother's last name. At the same time, anyone with the same surname aside from the three of you isn't considered family. You can't trust anyone but yourselves." Jillyanna told them since her mother's relatives were still out there.

The three of them agreed and Jillyanna kept that promise when she turned 18 years old. Still a secret, she asked help from Winter to register their names.

She also decided to leave the organization and focus on helping Cielo with their business plan. Nevertheless, she kept her communication open for the kids she left overseas.

"When we turn 18 years old, we will follow you and find a good job near you. We don't want to stay in a place without you." Jackie commented one time when she was calling them via facetime.

"You have to wait for Shein to turn 18 years old. For now, learn as much as you can from your teachers. Don't look for fight. Protect each other and don't leave your younger brother alone." Jillyanna reminded them like a mother.

Under her protection and care, these three kids grew up with sharp skills and intelligence. Shein, still shy from others, became a hacker. He was the one who gave information to Jillyanna when she couldn't find any lead during her work as an undercover cop. Riley and Jackie became good in combat fighting and acting. They stayed with Shein to protect him but would go in and out of the country to see her.

Jillyanna promised to let them live a normal life but in the end, she was the one to break it and asked for favor again.

Back at the hospital, Riley and Jackie ate their late dinner while Jillyanna made a phone call. Hawk and Savannah took a rest already since someone was taking care of Travis this time.

"Hn. Both of them is with me in the hospital. Since you're alone at home, make sure to lock all the doors and windows. Don't let anyone in." Jillyanna reminded the boy over the phone.

"Sis, I have grown already but I am still glad that you keep reminding me that. Anyway, come and pick me up next week. I'll send you my flight details tomorrow." Shein responded to her still sounding like a child despite his age.

"Hn. Take care of yourself."

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