Chasing After My Wife

Chapter 230 - SHEIN X RILEY

Jillyanna and Savannah went back to the company first before Shein and Jackie went to J Entertainment to find Riley. He was making a fuss earlier just to see her even though Jillyanna already planned that to happen, she still likes teasing him.

"Ehh? Miss Riley? Why are you still here? Aren't you suppose to have a shoot?" It was the chief security guard who asked her when she came inside with Shein beside him. "Who is this young man?"

Jackie really wanted to roll her eyes at him but she kept a straight face to stop herself. Shein didn't shut his mouth though.

"Chief, this ugly hag beside me isn't Riley." Shein told the man which stunned the person. As quick as he said those words, he quickly step out of Jackie's attack range before she could give him a kick or a punch.

Jackie finally rolled her eyes and it was towards Shein. Since they were still at the entrance, many artists saw them and was surprised.

"Hey! Whose artist are you?" a woman asked Shein with a cheerful smile and a her heart was obviously in her eyes.

Shein just looked at the woman in front of him before whispering under his breath. "Don't come near me. I don't like your scent."

The woman was stunned but she didn't get mad since no one heard what he said. She knew that people have different preference so she didn't take it the hard way. At least he was polite to not let anyone know of his opinion.

"So honest." she commented before leaving his side in silence.

"Come on Jackie! I came here to find Riley! I didn't come here to be an art piece which everyone was ogling to see." Shein had his arms crossed over his chest while following Jackie to the lobby.

"He is looking for the new artist." whispered one of the girls who saw them.

"The other girl looked like Riley. She's probably her twin sister."

"Yeah. But she looked scary than Riley."

"The guy is just so handsome. I think he is a foreigner."

"His blue eyes are beautiful."

Murmurs were everywhere due to Shein and Jackie's arrival. The security chief didn't do anything to them since they were not causing any disturbance but he was curious of them, too.

Not long after, Wynwyn came down with her phone on her ears while glancing around. "I found them already. Hn...Sure..Yup. Bye." She put down her phone and walked to them. "Jackie! It's been a while." she greeted Jackie first before looking towards Shein with sparkling eyes.

"Just so you know, I am here for Riley. I have no plans of becoming an artist or whatsoever in your industry." Shein's sharp and honest words disappointed Wynwyn so much.

"Alright. I am contented with Riley already. Come with me." Wynwyn brought them up to where Riley was taking her photoshoot and video shoot for the new shampoo advertisement.

Everyone just watched their disappearing back before another batch of whispers and gossips occured.

Riley was currently changing her attire into a light pink dress that was three inches above her knee. A make up artist and a hair stylist was already awaiting for her once she's done. There are three of them in this shoot before they head out for an outdoor shooting.

'Knock! Knock! Knock!'

"Come in." Riley called out thinking that it would be one of the staff she's working with. She was done dressing up and was currently putting away her regular clothes.

"I missed this scent the most." Riley stiffened her back when she heard that voice. "Shein!" she exclaimed happily and ran into his warm embrace.

"I didn't know you'd visit me. Nobody told me!" she sulked and complained but when she raised her head to see him, she was still smiling happily. A genuine smile that can't be given to anyone else but to the people she considered family.

"Then it is a good surprise." Shein responded to her. Even though Riley was a year older than him, he was still taller than her by few inches. Given her younger looking face and short stature, Shein was always mistaken to be older than her.

"I still have to do a photo shoot. Can you wait up for me? Once I am done we can have lunch together." Riley asked him, purring in his arms like a cat would.

In fact between the two of them, it was Shein who grew up late with his mental health. He was made aware of this by his doctor and it was always Riley who was beside him to tell him what shouldn't be or should be done in certain times.

Riley was the one who never gave up on him and picked him up when no one wanted him. Riley was the one who helped him and took care of him. Although Jackie was also there, she was more like a big sister to him next to Jillyanna.

When he finally made it over the years of studying, socializing with normal people and with the help of the doctor hired by Jillyanna, he finally gained confidence.

Riley on the other hand became a good actress. She would never let anyone know her true feelings aside from him. She would tell him all the things she did and didn't like. When he was around, she wouldn't keep things to herself. Riley would always be in her honest form when she's with him.

"Go ahead. Jackie and I will be watching you." Shein responded to her before letting her go. "I'll go out first to have a talk with your manager."

"Hn. I'll be there in a few minutes."

When Shein left, Riley closed the door and smiled from ear to ear like an idiot. There feelings wasn't a secret either. When Shein was starting to learn how to live like a normal person, he made a promise. 'I will do anything for you and learn it the hard way so I can stay by your side forever.'

Those warm words were still running in her brain and kept her going.

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