Chasing After My Wife

Chapter 237 - PROPOSAL OR NOT?


Brown was still lying on his bed. He didn't know what the father and son were talking about and Valkyrie didn't come to see him at all even though hours had passed already.

Upset and worried at the same time, Brown buried his face on the soft pillow and went to sleep with an empty stomach.

He didn't know how long he fell asleep but when he woke up, there was still no sign of Valkyrie. Usually, he would sleep beside him even if he refused but now, the side of his bed was uncomfortably cold.

Brown sat up on his bed and looked for his indoor slippers. "Huh? Didn't I wear my slippers when I got inside?" he asked himself, looking around for his slippers before checking under the bed - there was none. "Weird."

Even though he thought it was weird, he didn't think much about it. He found his phone on his drawer and turned it on. It showed 9:32 pm. "So I fell asleep for more than 2 hours. He didn't even wake me up to eat. Or maybe his father brought him back." He kept muttering to himself as he walked to the bathroom to wash himself and change his clothes since he was still using the same clothes he used for work earlier.

When he got out, Valkyrie was sitting on his bed while flipping through a magazine. "Why are you still here?" Brown asked.

He was completely puzzled as to why he hadn't left yet. He was already expecting to see him gone from his life but here he was, staring back at him with lustful eyes.

Brown didn't bother himself to talk to him anymore and looked for dry towel to wipe his hair. Valkyrie was still unmoving beside him.

"If you have nothing to say, go out already and leave me in peace." Brown spoke to him. He even started to doubt himself if he was really listening to an audio earlier where Valkyrie confessed his feelings because the person in front of him right now seemed different.

He opened his phone again and looked for the audio that Jillyanna sent. 'It is here. Did I distort the message and made up my own?' he thought to himself and decided to listen once again.

"What are you doing?" Valkyrie finally spoke after 24 years of being silent. He watched Brown fiddled with his phone and refused to see him eye to eye.

"Can't you see what I'm doing? Are you blind now?" Brown asked him sarcastically before putting the airpods on his ear. However, Valkyrie took it from him. "F*ck! What's the matter with you?"

"Aren't you wondering what I told my father?" Valkyrie asked him with intense gaze. He was rather bold now because he wasn't hiding his desires at all.

Brown snatched his airpods from him and returned them on its case. "I don't really care what you guys were talking."

"I gave him a gift." Valkyrie stated, not shifting his gaze away from him at all. "I asked him to hand you for marriage."

Brown's jaw dropped and his eyes were wide open from shock. If he wasn't on the bed with him, his phone could've fallen on the floor. "Marriage? Are f*cking kidding me? How do you plan to marry me? We are registered as siblings! For Pete's sake."

"We are registered but we are not siblings by blood! Get a grip already! I won't let you hold me in your arms if I was thinking of you merely as siblings. Can't you really give us a chance? I may not be able to marry you but I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

Brown was dumbfounded. He didn't know what else to say. He was already expecting him to leave and yet, they were arguing about marriage.

Brown took a long and deep breath before letting out a heavy sigh. "Do you even understand yourself? You will be subject for humiliation and judgement if you stay with me."

"I can say the same thing you. People will start to judge you if you are with me. However, I don't really care about everyone else's opinion. Our friends and family are all okay and they accept our relationship." Valkyrie spoke to him softly this time. He reached forward and held his hands with his. "Father knew about me long ago. That is why he was more worried of you. With a long time of persuasion, he agreed with me given that I will take care of you and never leave your side. I was even wondering if he was really my dad or your dad because he was threatening to debone me if I bully you."

Brown was still unresponsive. He was trying to digest all the words that Valkyrie spoke to him. He was sorting out his emotions and responses.

"So Evan, can you give us a chance? I'm taking a step forward towards you. Will you take a step and accept me?" Valkyrie was so serious as if he was really proposing to him. Actually, the reason why he didn't come inside his room was because he was practicing his lines.

He took a sneak peek on him and found he was sleeping so he went in and brought his slippers outside for him to go out when he's awake. Despite his effort, Brown had no intention to go out at all and so, he decided to come inside to find him.

"Taking a step means giving you another chance to break my heart. Let me think about this." Brown pulled back his hands from his tight hold and went out of the room to eat.

What he saw in front of him surprised him so much. It wasn't a fancy dinner in a restaurants or hotels but it was still a romantic set up. 'Was he so busy with this that he didn't come to see me earlier? I didn't even hear any noise when he prepared these.'

Valkyrie was standing behind him, ready to block him if he chose to leave. Contrary to his expectation, Brown turned his head to see him and smiled. "My stomache's been rumbling since earlier. Can I eat?"

Valkyrie finally felt relieved and ushered him to seat on the chair. "Hm. Let's have dinner."

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