Chasing After My Wife


Dr. Sweden gave a long and deep sigh for the woman whom he treated like his own grand daughter. She was always cheerful and didn't care about her life and death.

"Jill, there is something you need to know about your condition."

"Go ahead doctor." Jillyanna listened to the gruff yet gentle voice on the other side of the phone. However, no matter how gentle the person was, when they delivered a bad news, it won't change. It will remain a bad news.

"Do you understand what I am saying?" Dr. Sweden asked her when she remained silent. He knew it wasn't anything good but she needed to know the truth.

Jillyanna wiped the lone tear which escaped from her tears ducts before answering him. "I understand doc. At the same time, I'm willing to do it. I can still endure this little prickly pain. Not a big deal at all."

"Are you really sure? By that time, we can't even guarantee your safety."

"I am sure. I will give it a shot if that is the only way."

"In the mean time, take care of yourself. Make sure to eat healthy foods and drink lost of water and --"

"Doc, you reminded me these information when I was young and I remember them clearly. It helped me grow to what I am now. But this time, can I ask you a favor?"

"What is it?"

"Please keep this a secret. No one should know about my condition. If time permits and my husband would find out, don't let him know anything. I can't add more burden to him."

"You are just like your father." Dr. Sweden commented before he could stop himself. When he realized what he said, it was already too late.

His statement struck Jillyanna to the core. She didn't expect to find something else aside from her condition. "You know my father?"

"Not really. An acquaintance of mine knew him."

"Knew?" she was particularly confused with the verb he used. "Doesn't your acquaintance know him now?"

"Of course he...wait! You don't know anything about your father yet?"

"I didn't look for him after my mother died. I waited for him to look for me, thinking he might still have a little conscience for leaving us all of a sudden." she answered sarcastically which stunned the doctor.

"Are you blaming him?"

"Who else should I blame? He ran away? He left me and my mom. Even when my mother died, he didn't come to see us. Is it wrong of me to blame him?"

"But he can no longer go back to you." Dr. Sweden had a hard time telling her the information. He was so confused why she didn't know anything about her father. "With your condition right now, do you want to know the truth?"

"I don't have a choice, do I? If I won't face this, I don't think I'll have another chance." Jillyanna bravely admitted to herself. Before, she would refuse to find her father but now, she wanted to know everything before it's too late.

"I'll contact the attorney for you. He will tell you everything about your father." Dr. Sweden informed her since he couldn't bring himself to talk such depressing topic.

"Alright. I'll wait for the attorney to contact me." Jillyanna agreed immediately. It would be best for her to prepare herself in case his father got a new family and replaced them.

She ended the call and dressed herself up before she caught herself a cold. She dried her hair and went to out to the kitchen to get some fruits to eat.

Brown and Valkyrie were out of sight so she went back to her room again and read books about parenting.

"I will not give up for you sweetheart so hang onto mommy, okay? We are in this together so let's be strong. Don't let go of mommy no matter what." she spoke to her child while caressing her small baby bump. "We are going through difficult times right now but it's fine. I will keep you safe no matter what."

She stayed in her room until it was time for lunch. She ate with Valkyrie and Brown to lighten up her mood. Seeing them together made her smile happily, forgetting all the bad news she received. Even if she remembered them, she will just push them at the back of her mind.

There's nothing she can do about it. She will just be stressed out and her baby will be affected. She didn't want that to happen. As much as possible, she wanted to cheer herself up.

"By they way, aren't you guys going for a trip or something? You still have few days of vacatio left before you will resume your work." Jillyanna asked the two of them who was sitting across her.

"Not in the mood for vacation. Probably, after Travis recovers, we can have a vacation." Brown stated while reaching out for the shrimp.

"That would be great. I'm looking forward to that as well." Jillyanna responded happily. "I hope he'll wake up soon." she smiled brightly at them.

Valkyrie and Brown were finally relieved to see her doing fine. She seemed doing much better compared to herself when she arrived earlier.

Where did Riley learned her acting skills? Of course they wouldn't know anything. If Jillyanna wanted you to see that she's sad over something she will show it but if she wanted to hide anything, you will never know what she's feeling. You won't find any trace of her acting at all.

Acting fine had been her specialty since she was young. She honed her skills from the time she was being adopted by her relatives to the time she joined the Madrid. It was the perfect skill she has. Cielo didn't even know that she was just acting all these years. If she didn't admit to Jillyanna, she wouldn't know that she was exposed a long time ago.

Jillyanna's acting would never betray her. How else did she survive all these years? She just needed to act and everything will be fine.

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