Chasing After My Wife

Chapter 272 - BACK TO STATES

Jillyanna booked the earliest flight to N and packed her personal stuff in a small suitcase. She changed her clothes to a tight-fit and elastic black leggings, a black sleeveless and a large overcoat. She picked up the small gift on her table and put it inside her coat before going out of the room in a hurry.

"Where are you going? It's dinner time." Brown asked her since she was walking quickly to the front door with her suitcase.

"I'm going back to the hospital."

"Come and eat first. Auntie Fei and I cooked a lot of foods for you." Brown insisted her to have dinner in order to find out why she was in a hurry.

She only have 3 hours until the next flight and she still had to stop by the hospital to see Travis. She didn't have much time.

"Sorry Evan but I really have to go this time. I'll grab a bite on the way. I'll come back as soon as I am done with my business." Without waiting for his reply, Jillyanna pulled her suitcase and walked out of the house. She looked towards the Mango tree and smiled cheerfully. "Guide me Dad." she murmured to herself before placing her things inside the car and drove out of the mansion.

Brown called Hawk and Savannah immediately to let them know about the situation. Even if it was Jillyanna's private matter, they were all worried for her given that she has a heart disease. It would really be troublesome if something happens to her.

"I'll let you know once I see her." Hawk told him before ending the call. After almost half an hour of waiting, Jillyanna showed up with her striking appearance. Some even thought that she was an artists who was having a shooting or was filming in the hospital. But she didn't care about all them.

"What's with the outfit? Are you going somewhere?" Savannah asked her while looking at her from head to toe. She just got back from work to find out that Jillyanna hadn't come back since she left that morning.

"Hn. I have some business matter to attend to. Please take care of the company while I'm gone. You can rely on Mr. Sandoval if you need anything. You won't be able to call me during my absence so don't bother contacting me." She was walking towards Travis as she talked to Savannah. "Don't worry too much."

"Are you going there alone?" Savannah asked in worry.


"How about you bring one of us?" Savannah suggested because she can't dispel the worry she's feeling in her heart.

"I'll be fine Savy. Don't worry about me. Oh! Please give this to Riley tomorrow when she visits the hospital" she looked at her watch and found that she only have two hours left. She leaned closer to Travis and kissed his face. "Don't forget about me."

She looked at him one last time, caressing the face that she came to love over time before she finally left the place.

Jillyanna arrived at the airport just in time for the announcement to go on board. She walked quickly to catch her flight which she successfully dead.

"You almost missed your flight." the person who was sitting next to her was none other than her opposite season, Winter Avery.

"She called you." Jillyanna stated devoid of emotions.

"She did. I had to arrange my flight as quickly as I can and requested to change my seat in order to sit beside you. Ain't I a good friend?"

"Hn. You are."

"Tsk! You're not even showing the least bit of sincerity with that poker face of yours." Winter snickered before she continued reading on the magazine she found. "How's my cousin?"

"He's fine. Gradually recovering."

"Since he is recovering, why are you going back to States? Did you tell anyone where you are heading to?"

"Nope. No one knew where I'm going to. Don't let them know as well. I don't want them to worry."

"Are you that confident to win over our master? In case you have forgotten, I'm reminding you that you are pregnant."

"I have not forgotten that."

They didn't talk much and Jillyanna chose to sleep to recover her strength since she will have to fight with her teacher.

After few hours of flight, the plane finally landed and Jillyanna, together with Winter, boarded on to the taxi to reach their destination.

"I can only bring you up to here. You have to go up the mountain by foot." the driver spoke to they alighted his car.

"No worries. Thanks for sending us here." Jillyanna paid their fare with a genuine smile. When the taxi left, the two of them were standing at the foot of the mountain.

Jillyanna pulled her suitcase which wasn't really heavy and started walking. She was excited with the thought of seeing the place she loved. It was the place that she was able to be her own self, no pretending and no secrets.

As they walked, Jillyanna sensed the welcoming of her master. A knife flew past her face and got stuck on the tree at the road side but Jillyanna didn't even flinched or blink. She just walked leisurely with her suitcase.

Winter didn't bother as well. When they felt a strong gust of wind on their left, they would move to their right. If it was on their right side, they would move to their left. They seemed like someone who was just walking her dog at the park.

After few minutes of walking and greetings, they finally reached the place where a Japanese-European style buildings and training ground appeared. It was the same magnificent place that she last remembered.

In the middle of the training ground, their master was standing with a smile. It's always a wonder for Jillyanna how nimble, smart and strong her teacher was when she was actually blind. Despite her condition, she was the reason why Jillyanna became such a kind and strong person.

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