Chasing After My Wife


While watching her sleeping face, he also fell asleep facing her. Even when he was sleeping, his frown was visible and it was obvious that he had something in mind that kept him from sleeping peacefully.

Jillyanna woke up early but she didn't want to work so she contacted Savannah to handle the company affairs for her.

She walked towards Travis and placed a light kiss on his face before walking to the bathroom to wash her face.

"I need to deal with them quickly." she murmured to herself while brushing her teeth.

"Jill?" Travis called her name when he couldn't find her inside the room. She heard him from the bathroom so she went out with her brush in her mouth.

She raised her index finger to signal him for another minute then she went back inside the bathroom to rinse her mouth and wash her face.

After a minute, she came out while dabbing a towel on her face. "Good morning! Do you need anything?" She placed the towel on her shoulder as she sat on the side of his bed.

Travis looked at her for a while before he shifted his gaze on her arms. "Don't you have anything important to tell me?"

"I love you." Jillyanna smiled sweetly as she uttered the words. "That's the most important."

"Don't play words with me. I know you love me but that is not what I mean. Show me your arms."

Jillyanna stilled for a moment with his words. With no other choice, she rolled her long sleeves and showed him her bruised arms.

Travis pressed one of the bruises while watching her face for any reactions. Jillyanna remained poker face while waiting for his judgement.

"Does it hurt?"


"Where'd you get these?" His face was covered with worry and he couldn't help but feel guilty once again for her. She was fighting for them yet he was lying on the bed, taking his time to wake up. "I'm sorry for leaving you alone."

Jillyanna took hold of his hand, caressing it as she spoke to him. "Don't be sorry for me. I am well and healthy because of you. These bruises are due to my personal reasons. Do you remember about our mothers?" Travis shook his head when he couldn't remember anything about his mom. Jillyanna continued despite his memory loss. "Our parents died because of a research. My father died when I was 7, if I counted it correctly and my mother died when I was 12. A year after that, your mother died. Four days ago, I found the whole truth of this mess so I went abroad to get something from my teacher. Expectedly, I had to defeat her in a fight. She went easy on me because I am pregnant. Nonetheless, I still got bruises. She helped me heal for few days that was the reason why I couldn't get back. I don't want anyone to worry about me."

"Are you going to avenge your parents' death? It won't change a thing even if you do that."

"It doesn't matter if it won't change anything. I'd be contented to know that they would suffer."

"And how will you do it?"

Jillyanna thought for awhile since she couldn't leave Travis now, she needed someone to do it for her.

"I'll figure out a way. In any case, I won't kill them. Just give them a bit of pain every three hours of the day."

Travis didn't know why but he felt that she has changed in such a short time. 'Or perhaps, she just didn't show her real self in front of me before.' Travis thought to himself while watching his wife talk.

"Are you allowed to eat already? Or did they just feed you liquid things for your stomach?" Jillyanna changed their subject of conversation to lighten up the mood.

"I'm allowed to eat soups and porridge for the first week to make sure that I don't upset my stomach."

"Great! Let me call Auntie Fei so that she can cook for us."

And with that, Jillyanna was able to evade all the pending questions that Travis wanted to ask. For now, she wanted him to focus on his recovery, not with her personal affairs.

Seeing how uncomfortable she was with their topic, Travis let her go for the time being.

Jillyanna called Auntie Fei for their food and then she also sent a text to Lucian and Jackie to ask for help. She did it in front of him while still holding his hand with her other free hand.

"I didn't know you'd be this clingy. You always wanted to leave me before and I still remember how much I tried to stop you." Travis spoke while tucking several strands of hair behind her ear. "I'm glad I did."

"I'm glad you did." Jillyanna kissed his hands and smiled at him. "And get used to my clingy attitude because you won't be able to get rid of me."

Travis smiled and leaned over to kiss her forehead. "I don't mind you being clingy cause I love that side of you. And I love you."

"Sweet talks again. Focus on your recovery. Stop flirting with me."

"Aren't you the one who started it?"

"Me? I didn't even start yet. How can you accuse me of such thing. I'm the most behave wife in the world." She stated with a mischievous grin on her lips. She let go of his hands and leaned closer to him.

Her index finger trailed from his lips down to his neck and chest. "Say hubby, if I flirt with you in this condition, will I be considered a bad wife?"

Looking at his flirty behavior in front of him, Travis closed his eyes to hide the swirls of emotions in his eyes. When he opened his eyelids once again, his eyes were dazzling with joy from her teasing.

"I don't mind you flirting with me either. I can take a life time of flirting." Travis met her halfway and pulled her to him before taking over her lips.

He nibbled her lower lips, tasting her sweetness from her mouth. She leaned closer to him to make sure that he won't strain his body.

Their tongue danced in tango and even if she was running out of breath, she didn't want to stop. She missed him so much.

"Ahemm! Ahemm! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."

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