Chasing After My Wife


Cielo was so worried she called their family doctor right away but before the doctor arrived, Jillyanna woke up.

She looked around her and found herself in Cielo's office.

"Thanks God you're awake! You gave me a fright there!" Cielo raved at her when she got inside with some hot chocolate for her.

"I might be just hungry. I didn't have breakfast this morning and I was working all day yesterday. I'm sorry for worrying you." Jillyanna responded before receiving the cup of hot chocolate from her.

Cielo just rolled her yes and called in their chef. She knew how much of a glutton her sister is but she actually skipped a meal? She just couldb't fathom her mind.

The chef knocked on the door before coming in. He's got different kinds of foods in a trolley, all of them were just freshly cooked for Jillyanna.

"Here's your food boss. Don't skip a meal. It's not good." Their chef stated before arranging the meals in front of her table.

She's got a platter of rice which wasn't actually enough for her, a roasted chicken, spicy garlic shrimp, crab soup and freshly squeezed orange juice.

"I love you Marky! You really know how much I can eat." Jillyanna was so delighted to see so much food for her.

Mark, the chef, just smiled at her after a low bow and excused himself. Cielo just laughed as she watched her eat the food on the table. It's fine if Jillyanna eats inside her office, they can clean it after.

Jillyanna ate silently while Cielo continued her work. After a few mouthful of her food, their family doctor arrived with so much worry. Then, his face changed to different expressions and colors. It was a funny sight and Jillyanna paused herself from eating.

"Yo! How are you doc?" Jillyanna greeted before shoving another spoonful of rice.

"You little rascal! Shouldn't I be the one asking you that! I was called here because you fainted! Do you know how worried I was? And here you are eating with so much food? Why are you such a glutton?!" Dr. Rivera expressed his dissatisfaction and worry for her. He had been taking care of her everytime she visited the hospital, which happened when he also visited his father.

"Sorry El. I fainted, yes. But I recovered almost immediately. I was just hungry since I didn't eat breakfast this morning and I was so exhausted from my work yesterday." Jillyanna propped her chin on her palm while talking but she didn't stop eating using her other hand.

"I don't know what to do with you. Stop making me worry. Didn't I tell you to eat three meals a day?" Dr. Eliezer Rivera reprimanded her again. He sat on the couch opposite to Jillyanna and placed her things on the other couch beside him.

"Stop with your LQ. I am still here." Cielo spoke up from her table. She was all smile when she looked at them. Seeing El's flustered face everytime he sees Jillyanna made Cielo bloomed in mischief.

Everybody knew how much he likes Jillyanna ever since he met her. It's been so many years but up until now, he couldn't say his feelings.

"I'm sorry Cielo. I forgot this is your office." Eliezer fixed his spectacles and apologized to her.

"Yeah I know. You'll forget everything once she's in front of you." Cielo rolled her eyes while waving her hand at him.

Eliezer's eyes widened and he immediately looked at Jillyanna who was busy eating. 'Sigh. Good thing she's busy eating.' Eliezer thought and he glared at Cielo for slipping her tongue. Which by the way, Cielo intentionally did that to help them make some progress.

Eliezer sat properly and faced her long time crush. "So, how are you feeling?"

"I am perfectly fine. You should stop worrying about me. I can really take care of myself. It's just today. Sorry for making you worry." Jillyanna responded before dropping her chopsticks and took another pair. "Come and eat with me." She gave the chopsticks to him.

Eliezer raised his eyebrow with her sweet gesture. "Are you sure? You wanted to share your food? If I know, this isn't enough for you."

"Stop mocking me already. Just eat with me. It's boring to eat alone and I'm sure Cielo has eaten. She can't leave the house without eating her breakfast."

Eliezer put on some plastic gloves, received the chopsticks and picked some shrimps before he peeled it for her.

"You didn't stay at the villa?" Eliezer asked as he placed some peeled shrimps on her plate.

"I didn't ask you to help me peel these, but thank you. I still appreciate it. You have to eat with me." She picked the wing part of the roasted chicken and gave it to him. "I stayed at the villa these past few days. I just felt like going back to the old house yesterday. I might stay there for few days to get some works done."

"I see. Since you're alone, make sure you have a stock of groceries to cook and eat. Don't ever skip a meal again." he reminded her once again.

"I know. By the way El, you are not young anymore and your dad had been sending you to blind dates. Haven't you found someone?" Jillyanna asked indifferently while picking some garlic from her food.

Cielo raised her head and watched how El would respond. She wanted to laugh out loud upon seeing his face.

"What...what are you talking about? I am not in a hurry to get married. I am still young. I haven't reached thirty yet." If Jillyanna wasn't so focused in peeling her shrimps, she would've seen how red his face was.

"I was just wondering. Make sure you introduce the woman to us if you ever find someone interested. We will help you evaluate her."

"Alright." Eliezer shrugged his shoulders before putting a piece of shrimp in his mouth. 'Why can't I say it? Damn it!' he cursed himself internally for being a coward.

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