Chasing After My Wife


Their celebration lasted until around six in the evening. They didn't want to take so much time from the couple knowing that they just got home to their love nest.

Savannah helped Auntie Fei and Auntie Sisi cleaned the house while Valkyrie arranged everything back to where they belong.

They all worked in sync to lessen Jillyanna's worry. While they worked, Jillyanna went out of the house and picked a pot of a red rose. She placed it under the mango tree where the carved letter A was placed.

"Dad, I'm home. I brought your son-in-law here. Well, you probably know him already. I am no longer alone Daddy. I finally found true friends and I have Travis and our baby, too. Please watch over us with Mom and Auntie Venus." she bowed her head with her clasped hands and silently talked to her father.

Travis just watched her from the porch of their house since Jillyanna refrained him from going out. "Come inside already. It's getting cold." he called to Jillyanna who was still staring at the starless sky.

Jillyanna turned on her heels and walked back inside their house. She pushed his wheelchair until the bottom of the stairs and they just walked side by side up to their room.

Brown followed them and brought the wheelchair inside their room before leaving once again to give them space. Jillyanna prepared a warm bath for both of them while Travis waited on their bed.

"Are your bruises fine now that you're willing to bath with me?" Travis asked her in worry.

"It's fine a long time ago. I just stopped myself from taking a bath with you because I don't want to end up in bed for couple of days."

Travis chuckled at her statement. When the warm bath was ready, he undress himself and get inside the tub first. Jillyanna followed him with her flushed face. "Don't look at me."

"Why can't I look at my wife?"

"Because your eyes will always betray how you feel."

"It's fine. I'm showing this exclusively to you."


Whatever they were talking about, only the two of them know. They held so much understanding for each other after all the things they went through.

Many people said that time isn't the only way to measure your love for each other but also the adversities that you both went through together.

Jillyanna leaned the back of her head on his chest and closed her eyes, feeling the warmth of his body coursing to her. "I miss this. Bathing with you in peace is relaxing."

Travis was caressing her baby bump with his chin on top of her head. "I miss all the things I do with you."

"I can feel that." Jillyanna murmured as she stilled in her place. She didn't want to move because a certain lively creature was poking her back.

"It's fine. I won't do anything to you." Travis stifled his laughter while feeling the fast beat of her heart.

True to his words, they just spent their time cuddling in the bath tub. They didn't stay long since Travis didn't want her to catch a cold. Even under his current condition, he still think about her.

Around nine in the evening, the two of them were lying on their bed while remembering their recent activities. They also talked about their plans for the coming days to help Travis remember things.

While the night was getting late, some people were going home to sleep and some were just about to start their work. Jackie belonged to the latter group.

She slid into the dark alleys and suburbs to get into the regional jail. She didn't take the usual routes used by vehicles because there were cameras along the street that she needed to avoid.

It took her two hours to get into the place that she left not long ago. Just like the night when she left, the surrounding place was still dark. The lights were only stationed starting from the borderline. It would be very difficult for her to get inside if she didn't study the place before but, she did. It's just a piece of cake.

Jackie walked around the place and reached the backyard where not many guards were stationed. There wasn't anything in the backyard but the vegetables that the prisoners personally grew.

Jackie climbed up the wall and landed on the ground right beside the newly-grown lettuce plant. Jackie walked calmly and went inside the staff building. No one was around and the building was silent, only her footsteps could be heard.

She took a uniform that was newly washed and wore it. She could only be happy and thankful that the Summers were placed on the same floor. That means, she didn't have to roam around that much.

"It's time to put and end to your foolishness." Jackie murmured as she walked towards the kitchen. Inside the basket were sandwiches that would usually be given to the prisoners in the morning. She took all of them and went to the third floor where the Summers were placed. The police officer who was assigned to watch over them fell asleep and didn't notice Jackie who walked past him.

Jackie injected small amount of the liquid through the wrapper that Jillyanna gave her. Jillyanna didn't tell her the effect but she reassured her that it was something that can't kill anyone unless the person would kill himself.

She placed the rigged sandwiches on the table table which was within her reach. It was purposely placed near the bar for the kitchen staff to give their snacks easily.

Everyone thought that it was fine. They didn't notice anything unusual at all. Jackie didn't take much of her time. She handed everyone their sandwiches and leave. She even purposely left her hair clip as a souvenir for Vincent.

"Let's see what you can do."

With an evil smirk, she left the place with her head held high in victorious glee.

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