Chasing After My Wife


Three days later, after retrieving all the dead bodies, Major General Calhoun announced Gabriel's death. Before his men came back, he asked them to sweep through the place and 'find' Gabriel's body.

Sadly, there wasn't any positive news. They searched for one whole day with Mattias and Annie who volunteered to come with them but it was fruitless.

"Thank you so much for your help. We will raise this to the government and asked them to send some men to help you maintain peace and order." one of the military officer spoke to Mattias before he looked at Annie. "Thank you for sending us the message."

Annie nodded her head with a sad expression. The officer thought that she was sad because they couldn't find Gabriel who saved her. He didn't know that she was sad because Gabriel chose to give up his life as a soldier.

The Avery and Madrigal family mourned over Gabriel's death. Calhoun was feeling guilty and he couldn't face them properly. He wanted to tell them the truth but he remembered Gabriel's words, 'I don't want to be a burden.'

Almost everyone believed Gabriel's death but not Travis. He won't believe that Gabriel will die that easily. Aside from that, the letter that Calhoun showed him gave away to many speculations in his mind.

First, the letter was neat and wasn't crumpled at all. When you're on the run, you would clutch on to that letter to secure it. There should be creases on it. Second, the letter was very detailed. If you are running for your life, you won't write so many things on the paper. It should be short and concise. Third, it was very unlikely for Gabriel to leave Calhoun's number on the letter. The mission was confidential and their contact information was very crucial in some cases because an enemy might get a hold of it. He should've put a number which wasn't from the military.

Travis didn't believe such excuse. Perhaps, if Calhoun didn't show him the letter, he would believe, too.

"Their rooms are already finished, when will the twins and Shein move here?" Travis asked Jillyanna who was preparing his change of clothes.

"I can ask them to move here now. I wanted to wait until you are stable but if you are fine with them being here, I'll ask them to move as soon as possible."

"It would be better. I need Shein's help too as well as Valkyrie and Brown."

"Do you have something in mind?"

"Gabriel is not dead."

Jillyanna sighed and approached him. "Let's think of a way to locate him."

"I know of a way already."

Jillyanna nodded her head and called Shein and Jackie right away. Riley left for her film already which was still a secret from everyone. Only Jackie and Shein remained.

Since they didn't have many belongings, Jackie and Shein didn't have any problems in moving out.

Due to Gabriel's incident, no one went to work. Thomas stayed in his hacienda, spending his time with the fruit trees that Gabriel planted before. Winter took missions after missions, slaying her enemies without any regards with their life.

Valkyrie checked on to the military files and found Gabriel's data with the note about his death. Even though he received and honorary plaque, it was useless for the dead.

Brown was lying on his back while he was staring at the ceiling. "Do you really believe that he died?"

"What makes you think that he isn't?" Valkyrie asked him while continued to type something on his laptop.

"I just thought that he wasn't someone who would just give up. Winter was his life and I doubt that he'd just give up."

"Without any proof we can assume that he is alive but we shouldn't hold on to it tightly. It would be painful if his death is really true."

When Jackie and Shein arrived, Savannah and Hawk helped them bring their things inside. "You are finally living here?" Savannah asked.

"Hn. Eldest sister called us since our rooms are already finished and Big brother has questions, too." Shein responded in polite manner.

"That's good to know." Hawk stated while he carried the heavy bags.

When they finally settled in, Travis called everyone to the study room for an important meeting.

"I know that we are going through some bad news and it's rather painful to think about it. I am not here to give you false hope but I personally think that Gabriel is still alive." Travis told them and explained why he believed so.

"I knew it. I can't believe that he's dead too." Brown spoke beside Valkyrie.

"This is where I need your help." Travis clasped his hand together and leaned on his table. "I need you guys to look into all the CCTV cameras in Pantar. I want you to look back to a week ago until the present. Check the hospitals and check the banks."

"Huh? Why do you have to check the banks? Savannah asked in confusion.

"Because he would most likely withdraw funds from his bank account. Check into his bank account and track every movement of his money." Travis answered in relax manner. "We need to check on Major General Calhoun, too. He would probably contact him from time to time."

Jillyanna mentally clapped her hands for her man. Who else would think that way aside from him? Gabriel must've not anticipated the possibility that Calhoun would show the letter to Travis. 'Bingo! You can't hide yourself Gab.' Jillyanna thought happily to herself.

Shein immediately checked all the banks in Pantar and monitored if Gabriel's account will be activated there.

Valkyrie checked on the hospitals and Hawk checked on the cameras. The study room became a monitoring room in less than an hour after everyone worked together.

"Why do you think he wanted to be announced dead?" Jillyanna asked Travis since he knew his best friend more than her.

"Because of my cousin, Winter." he responded helplessly. If he would think back, he was part of the reason why everything happened now.

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