Chasing After My Wife


Jillyanna opened her eyes slowly and the first thing she saw was the panic-stricken face of Travis. He looked so anxious while he was holding her hand.

"Are you alright? What were you dreaming?" Travis asked her while he wiped away her tears and sweat.

Jillyanna sobbed from relief when she finally realized it was just a dream. It was so realistic that she can still feel the horror of such inhuman actions.

"No matter what happens to me, you can't let anyone take our baby. Don't you dare let my baby die."

Travis didn't know what exactly she dreamed of but he was sure that it has something to do with their unborn child because she mentioned about their baby in her sleep.

"I protected you and the baby before, and I will do it no matter how many times I have to. I won't let anyone harm you and our child. Rest assured."

Instead of getting a relaxing sleep, Jillyanna was greeted with a nightmare and she didn't want to sleep anymore. After changing her clothes, she just snuggled in Travis' warmth to calm herself.

"Are you fine now?" Travis asked her again in which she nodded this time. "Let's go out and eat lunch or do you want to eat here instead?"

"Are my eyes swollen?" she asked since she didn't want anyone to worry about her.

"Even if your eyes are swollen, you are still the most beautiful girl in my eyes. What other people think don't matter."

Jillyanna smile because of his words. He really knew how to sweet-talk with her. "Let me stay like this for another ten minutes."

"Alright. I shall spoil my wife and comfort her." Travis hugged her and caressed her back to calm her. They were lying on their bed in the comfort of silence, with only their breathing and beating heart can be heard.

"I dreamed that I was lying on a hospital bed. Well, it was more like an operating table. I saw several people holding me down as they prepared to abort my baby. I was scared. Even though I threatened them, they didn't listen to me." Jillyanna opened up and told him what she dreamed of. "If it would really happen, I will really kill everyone in their family. I will not let anyone live."

Travis released a deep sigh and kissed the top of her head again. "I won't let that happen."


"Hn. I will save the baby no matter what."

"I will hold you accountable with your words. I will really get mad at you if something happens to the baby. I will leave you and never come back."

"Are you threatening me sweetheart?"

"Why? Are you threatened?" Jillyanna retorted with a defiant smile.

"Very threatened. Only my wife can threaten my with such thing."

Jillyanna was finally in a good mood after their conversation. She trusted Travis to keep his words and she didn't have the slightest doubt in him.

After ten minutes, Jillyanna and Travis came out of their room to eat lunch. Winter was still unconscious and everyone else had their fill already. Only the two of them hadn't eaten yet.

Auntie Sisi came to the kitchen to assist them. "No need Auntie. We'll be fine on our own."

"Okay. Just call me if you need anything." Auntie Sisi came silently and left silently.

"What do you want to eat?" Travis asked Jillyanna as he opened the refrigerator and cupboards to find some ingredients.

"I'm craving for vegetable salad right now."

"Anything else?"

"Hmm..I want.." she was thinking what to eat when he walked towards her.

"Me? Do you want me?" Travis offered himself with a playful wink.

"Yes, I want you." Jillyanna responded cheekily. "But I don't want you right now, perhaps after dinner? I'd probably need a dessert by then."

Travis laughed and kissed her cheeks. "My wife knows how to play with words now. I remember that I owe you a prize and I've been working so hard to get my energy and stamina back. I think I can serve you tonight. What do you think?"

"Haha." Jillyanna laughed awkwardly while she scratch the tip of her nose. "I think I'm fine without dessert tonight. I don't want to get a diabetes from too much sweet."

"I think you are right. It would be bad to have sweets at night when you are just about to sleep. How about I serve you now? In that case, you still have the whole afternoon to work out."

"Work out? More or less I won't have time to do that. I'd be staying in bed for days if I let you serve me." Jillyanna was starting to blush with their conversation. This was something she couldn't really understand. No matter what topic or subject they talked about, they would still end up in this kind of conversation.

Travis moved closer and hugged her from behind. "So you don't need dessert? Just that vegetable salad?"


"Really?" he kissed her nape which made Jillyanna clutched the hem of her shirt. "You don't want me as dessert?"

"Too much sweet is dangerous." she stated while controlling her urges to respond to his kisses.

"How about a light sweetness?"

"How light?"

"Like this.." Travis didn't say anything more and just kissed her. He tilted her head and claimed her mouth that he always wanted to kiss. When he said always, it means always. Every second of every minute of everyday. He just wanted to lie on their bed and kiss her.

His kisses trailed down from her mouth to the side of her jaw and to the base of her neck. She controlled herself not to let out her voice but her moans still escaped.

Travis smiled with the reaction he got from her. He nipped on to her delicate skin and left his mark. "So, how's the light sweetness?" he asked her with mischief clear and visible in his eyes.

"Not too bad." she answered. Her flushed face and hazy eyes were delights in Travis' eyes. He loved seeing her like this and of course, only him can see such beautiful expression.

"Can you stay in the living room while I prepare our food?" Travis asked her with a deep sigh. Before she could respond, he added, "I might skip lunch and just eat you up."

Jillyanna didn't need to be told twice. She fled as soon as she can to the living room with her phone.

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