Chasing After My Wife

Chapter 310 - LATE NIGHT TALK

Jackie arrived and heard Brown's words. "If you do that, you will be the one to suffer after dinner."

"Diamon-hearted-Jackie is home! You are indeed wise." Valkyrie commented while he took a seat. "What were you doing in Police Academy?"

"Nothing. Just wanted to see some..some new sceneries." Jackie's poor excuse this time made them raised their eyebrows. It was obvious that she wanted to say 'someone'.

Because of this, Jillyanna whispered something to Travis and borrowed his phone. She got used to using his phone already that she would sometimes leave her cellphone in their room.

-Bro, did Vincent come to the Police Academy today?- She sent this text to Lucian, who most-likely knew about this matter. It was also because of him that Jackie found someone that she likes and envy at the same time.

-Yes. He had a lecture this afternoon. I believe he just left the academy few minutes ago. Do you need anything from him?- This was Lucian's reply.

-No. I was just curious. Come home soon and find my sister. She'd be lonely if you keep working and forget her.-

-How can that happen? I always go home early now. Your sister is right next to me.-

-That's good. Then enjoy your time with her.-

Jillyanna returned the phone to Travis and started eating. Brown and Valkyrie watched her eat and found it stressful. To make sure that she's eating healthy food, she usually dig herself with veggies. They knew why she was doing it but they felt frustrated in her behalf.

"Are you fine with that food?" Valkyrie asked Jillyanna since she was the only goat-eating-grass in the group.

"Yup. But if I get bored with this, I'll look for another food recipe." Jillyanna answered him before putting a slice of tomato in her mouth.

Seeing the distress on their faces, Travis knew that he needed to take action immediately. "Let's have a late night talk tonight." he whispered close to her ears and kissed her temple after.

"Just a talk?" Jillyanna was having doubts with this late night talk.

"Hn. I have to tell you something very important."

"Okay." Jillyanna agreed before eating a piece of cucumber. She didn't really mind eating veggies everyday but they were all making a big fuss out of it.

After dinner, Savannah and Hawk sent Jenny back to the apartment since she still have a class the next day. Winter had been silent the whole time but she would forcefully smile if she caught someone was looking at her.

"Come to the study room with me." Brown told Winter as they walked upstairs. Winter just nodded her head obediently. It was really out of her character! How come she's very obedient? Brown wanted to ask this question to someone but everyone was walking far ahead of them.

Jackie didn't want to join their conversation so she stayed in the kitchen and helped Auntie Fei to clean the dishes and utensils.

Jillyanna wanted to sit on her swivel chair but Travis beat her to it. "I want to sit here." she sulked in front of him since he took away her seat.

"Then sit here." Travis pulled her down and let her sat on his lap. He hugged her from behind and caressed her little baby bump. "Just stay like this."

Left with no other choice, Jillyanna could only roll her eyes and leaned her head on his chest. Since he offered it, why not take advantage of it.

Winter sat on the couch beside Shein but her eyes wandered to the huge screen and several computers on the table. "What happened to your study room?"

"Explain this to your cousin. This is your whole idea after all." Jillyanna tugged his sleeves as she spoke.

Travis nodded her head and placed his chin on his wife's head. "We don't believe that Gabriel died. We..." He explained everything to Winter but he also reminded her not to cling with so much hope. It was just their speculation and they didn't know where Gabriel was.

Winter's tears fell but she immediately wiped them away. "Thank you RV."

"No need to thank me. I'm part of the cause that this happen."

While they talk, Jillyanna doze off to sleep in his arms, avoiding the late night talk with Travis. Or that's what she thought.

Seeing her sleeping face, Travis carried her out of the study room and brought her to their bedroom. When he put her down, she stirred for a moment and her hand was feeling the other side of the bed. When she couldn't find his warmth, she immediately opened her eyes to find him.

"Travis?" she called out his name and Travis came out from the bathroom. "I..I dozed off. Are we still going to have a late night talk?"

"If you are sleepy, we can talk tomorrow morning. It's fine."

"I am not sleepy anymore."

Travis slid under the blanket and pulled her close. "How's your heart condition?"

Jillyanna blinked her eyes multiple times while looking at him. "Why are you asking this?"

"Didn't we promise that we won't keep a secret?"

Jillyanna winced from guilt and avoided looking at his eyes. She turned her back on him but she held his hand to keep her emotions from going haywire.

"I didn't mean to keep this from you because I know you'd be worried. I was looking for some ways to deal with this matter." Jillyanna admitted her faults to him. "Are you angry?"

Travis released a deep sigh and hugged her tightly. He kissed her shoulders twice in attempt to comfort her. "I am not angry. I am worried. What if something serious will happen to you? What am I gonna do?"

Jillyanna turned to face him once again. Her turbulent eyes silenced Travis because he knew she was holding his words against him. He made a promise.

"If that really happens and our baby has the chance of survival, you know exactly what to do."

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