Chasing After My Wife

Chapter 32 - HOSPITAL

Jillyanna got out of the car after Travis made sure that no one had followed them. He raised his head and looked at the apartment complex in front of him.

"You live here?" Travis asked since he knew that Jillyanna provided a different address to the hotel they went last time.

Hearing his question, she turned her head and faced him. "Yes." It was a half truth and half lie. The whole building was owned by Cielo and Lucian. It had been two years since it was completely built as a gift from their parents.

It wasn't very high, just a five-storey building with four rooms on each floor. The rooms at the topmost floor were reserved for personal use and one of the rooms was for Jillyanna.

She'd stay there when she wanted to which was a seldom thing to happen.

Travis didn't probe her even though he's got so many things to ask. Like, why did she gave a different address at the hotel? Or why didn't she want him to know her work before? And many more.

"You can go inside. I will watch you from here to see you get there safely." Travis spoke to her. He put his hands on his pocket and leaned on his car while watching her.

"Hn. I'll go ahead. Thank you so much." she waved her hand at him, turned around and left. He watched her walk away from him, step by step, crashing his heart in the process and he didn't know why. He unexpectedly got a bad feeling.

When Jillyanna reached her floor, she moved closer to the glass railings and watched him from a far. He waved his hand while smiling at her. Jillyanna waved back before getting inside her room.

Travis didn't leave until Jillyanna was inside her apartment.

The night quickly pass by without any disturbance.

The next day, Jillyanna woke up feeling a bit nauseous. She got out of bed with quick movements and ran to her bathroom. She was retching in front of her vanity mirror, vomiting what was left in her stomach on the sink.

After a few minutes, she was exhausted and feeling a bit dizzy. She let the water flow from the tap, draining away what she puked. She sat on the floor to regain her strength.

"What's wrong with me?" Jillyanna murmured before standing up again to look at her pale self, in the mirror.

Worried about her physical health, she decided to go for a check up. She cancelled all her plans for that day and visited the hospital.

She actually wanted to contact Eliezer but she didn't want to be scolded once again so she dropped the idea.

Alone, dizzy and weak, she pulled herself together and waited for her turn to be checked. She waited for almost half an hour before the nurse called her.

"It's your turn Ms. Madrid." the little nurse spoke to her and guided her inside the doctor's consultation room.

"Hi. I'm Dr. Aliya. Have a seat." It was a middle-aged woman, in her white coat with a stethoscope hanging around her neck. She smiled at her making Jillyanna smile as well.

"Hello doc. Thank you for giving me time. I am really desperate to get myself checked." Jillyanna stated directly to the point.

The doctor looked at her carefully. She was still a little pale despite putting some lip gloss. "What have you been feeling lately?"

Jillyanna paused for a moment, thinking of the recent events when she fainted before recalling them to the doctor in front of her.

"I've been feeling a little bit dizzy these past few days. I vomited and I even fainted one time. I'm not feeling any pain anywhere but I feel nauseous." she stated the things that she still remembered.

"Any particular changes in your mood or eating habits?" Dr. Aliya asked her. Jillyanna didn't know the connections but she still answered her.

"I always eat a lot since I was young. Lately, I've been craving different kinds of fruits and food. I didn't notice it but my friend did. I once liked minced garlic in my food or sauce but I've been picking them up from my food lately. I hate the smell of it and it made me want to vomit."

Dr. Aliya smiled meaningfully at her but Jillyanna didn't know why. She was confused and terrified that she might really be ill.

Her mind had wandered to different scenarios about her sickness and even dying in a few days. She didn't want it to happen at all. She still wanted to have a baby!

'Baby?' Jillyanna repeated mentally to herself. Her eyes lit up but she controlled herself to remain calm. She didn't want to get her hopes up with a false alarm.

"Come closer." Dr. Aliya called to her and she did what she was told to do. She saw her checked her pulse and her smile widen. "I don't think there's something wrong with your body. How about you go for an ob-gyn?"

"Ob-gyn? Don't joke with me, doc." Even if Jillyanna was showing a surprise and disbelieving look, she was also anticipating internally.

"I don't want this to be a false alarm but I actually think you're pregnant. Do you want me to introduce you to an ob-gyn?"

"That's great. I never thought about it but if I actually think about it, I have missed my period for this month." Jillyanna mumbled with so much happiness. Finally! Finally, she can stop her pretending game.

Dr. Aliya escorted Jillyanna to a different floor to look for her ob-gyn. It didn't take long before they found the person they were looking for.

"Good morning Dr. Suarez." Dr. Aliya greeted the young female doctor who was helping a pregnant woman to take a seat on the bench at the lobby.

"Dr. Aliya, what can I do for you?" Dr. Suarez greeted her back.

She was a pretty doctor with a small face. Her fringe covered one of her dark and nicely shaped eyebrows. She was wearing a white turtle neck shirt and a black A-cut pencil skirt underneath her white coat. She was a little bit shorter compared to Jillyanna.

"I have a patient that I want you to check. Is it okay?"

"Sure. I don't have any appointment now. Come inside." she gestured to Jillyanna the seat inside her consultation room.

Dr. Aliya left her after making sure that she's fine.

After taking a seat on her swivel chair, Dr. Suarez asked her what she was feeling lately. Jillyanna recalled the things that she just talked to Dr. Aliya.

Dr. Suarez checked her pulse and a slow but beautiful smile appeared on her face. "We'll have to get you through several test to make sure everything's correct. Please fill out this form." She gave Jillyanna a pen and paper, letting her write everything they needed on the blank provided.

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