Chasing After My Wife


From the moment they left Pantar until they arrived in hacienda de Amore, Winter didn't speak or look at Gabriel. She was lost in her thoughts and she even tripped several times. Even so, she didn't spare a glance to anyone. She would just rise up again and dust herself like nothing happened.

Valkyrie helped Gabriel with his wheelchair and everytime they'd see Winter tripped, Gabriel would automatically reach his hand but he was also helpless because of his missing leg.

Looking at them, Valkyrie couldn't help but shake his head. 'One is deaf and the other is disabled, should I say they're perfect match?'

When Valkyrie called Shein that they're coming home with Gabriel, he didn't say anything about their condition. He want them to find it out for themselves.

Travis and Jillyanna were waiting at the mansion together with Thomas and everyone else. It was about noon when they arrived so they prepared a feast to welcome them.

Everyone was ecstatic to see them again, specially Gabriel who faked his death. However, their smiles froze upon seeing a messy Winter.

Her eyes were dull and she didn't seem happy to be home. Her eyes were swollen, her neck had a long wound, her arms got bruises and small wounds. She looked horrible! She didn't even greet them.

Gabriel was following behind her and the atmosphere turned solemn. He was missing his other leg and he didn't look happy to come home either.

Only Valkyrie, the moment he saw Brown, his eyes lit up and he immediately come forward to hug him. "I'm home."

Brown smiled at him and gave him a gentle pat on his head like a child who did something good. "I'm glad you're safe but...what happened to them?"

With this question, all eyes turned towards Valkyrie. He was just about to answer him when Winter tripped again and bumped on to a table with a porcelain vase. The crash made everyone flinch and cover their ears.

Savannah immediately walked to Winter who just stood like it was nothing. She walked towards the kitchen and when she came back, she was already bringing a dustpan and a broom. The servants were horrified!

"Miss Winter, let me do it." the servant tried stopping Winter but since she couldn't hear the words, she continued cleaning her mess. After cleaning, she gave it to the servant before going up to her room. She was like a robot!

"Valkyrie, you better explain this now." Jillyanna looked at him with inquiring eyes. Her legs were tapping on the floor indicating that she was losing her patience.

"Gabriel, you rest first. Just talk to Winter after she get herself some rest." Valkyrie informed him which Gabriel nodded.

Hawk didn't ask anything about his condition but he helped him up to his room, the room he used ever since he was young.

When the two involved parties left, Valkyrie took a deep breath and released it. "The doctor had to cut Gabriel's leg due to infection. He was tortured and mutilated when he was captured. The other two men who was captured with him were also killed. Among the 35 soldiers, he was the only one who managed to escape after Annie helped him. You can ask Gabriel for the whole details if you want. That's all I know about him."

"What about Winter? Why did she look like her life was sucked out of her?" Travis asked out of concern for his cousin.

"Winter can no longer hear us."

This short answer was like a lightning striking them on the spot. Jillyanna gasped and covered her mouth from shock. Travis just blinked his eyes as if he heard it wrong. Thomas just sighed and massaged his temples.

"Are you for real or are you making fun of us?" Savannah squinted her eyes to look intimidating but Valkyrie only shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm telling you the truth. I don't know how or when it happened since we were still talking last night before she left to get some fresh air. When she came back, she was soaking wet and she looked messy. I couldn't even say anything before she went back to her room. This morning, she was crying because she couldn't hear anything." Valkyrie confessed what he knew to them.

"What else happened before she lost her sense of hearing?" Brown asked him. His doctor instinct was telling him that something caused this. It could be a psychological defense that Winter developed without her knowledge.

Valkyrie summarized the events to them like he was telling them a story. He told them how they found Gabriel, how Gabriel pushed her away, how Winter lost her tracker and ended up on the cliff and other things.

"Base on my medical knowledge, what happened to Winter is like a psychological defense. She refused to listen about Gabriel's death. She refused to listen to what everyone said about him. Whatever Gabriel said to her, that triggered everything." Brown mentioned which made everyone even sadder. "She'll only regain her sense of hearing when she's willing to listen to him."

"If that's the only cure, we'll have to wait for years." Valkyrie retorted. "Because she completely gave up on him."

Listening to this news, Jillyanna felt a dull ache on her temples. "Don't worry about Winter, she'll be fine."

"Hn. I'm sure she will." Savannah agreed but her face still had a solemn look.

Instead of celebrating that Gabriel came back, the atmosphere felt like they were mourning instead.

Nonetheless, everyone still acted normally. Savannah brought some food for Winter and Valkyrie did the same thing for Gabriel.

"Let's stay here for the mean time. I want to help Winter." Jillyanna whispered to Travis while they ate.

"Sure. I don't mind that." Travis agreed immediately. Whatever his wife says, it goes. He will never disagree with her. "Will you still be coming with me to work tomorrow or will you stay here with her?"

"Can I stay here? I'm sure you can still do your best. I know anyway that you will keep me in your mind and heart." Jillyanna responded cheekily.

"My wife knows me best."

"Of course." Jillyanna kissed his cheeks and continued to eat.

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