Chasing After My Wife

Chapter 352 - SECOND DEBUT?

When Jillyanna opened her eyes, it was so dark all around her that she couldn't think properly as to where she was right now. She clearly know that her eyes were open but she couldn't see anything.

That's when she realized she was actually blind folded. 'What the heck?! Why am I being blind folded?!'

She immediately take off the blind fold since her hands were not tied and that's when she found out that she was back at home, lying on the couch in the living room.

"Travis?" she called his name but there was no answer. She sat up from the couch and walked towards the side of the door to find the light switch.

The light was so bright that she had to cover her eyes for the time being so that she can slowly adjust to the brightness.

It was awfully quiet that she started to feel afraid. "Travis? Where are you?" Jillyanna called out again but only the echoes of her voice responded to her. She went upstairs and looked at their room but there was no sign of him. She went to the study room and there was no single soul.

"If I knew who the hell did this to me I will really skin him alive and season his meat before feeding him to the dog." Jillyanna spoke angrily and at the same time with fear. She couldn't find him and she started to feel unease.

"Auntie Fei? Auntie Sisi?" Jillyanna called the helper instead since she knew that they should be home. No one answered her so Jillyanna went to the kitchen, still no one. Her last resort was to check the rooms at the back which was the maid's quarter and the guard's quarter.

Jillyanna's steps were getting quicker as she walked towards the backyard. When she opened the door...

"What the...what's going on here?" she was so shocked to find that her friends and family were at the backyard, chilling themselves and watching a movie.."Wait! Is that me?!" on the projector was really her.

Still in a daze and disbelief, Jillyanna flicked her forehead really hard which was really painful.

"Does it hurt?"

She jumped out of fright when she heard Travis spoke behind her. "What's going on? And where did you go? I didn't find you in our room and in the study room."

"I was staying in Valkyrie's room to check on you through the monitor."

"What's the meaning of all these?" She really didn't have any idea and she couldn't think of any occasion as well.

"Let's go there so that you'll know." Travis took her hand and walked to the garden with her. The ambiance was really nice and it felt romantic. She looked at the people around and she could only see them smiling at her.

Then, she caught sight of Riley and Wynwyn. "Eh?? Shouldn't you guys be home next week?!" Jillyanna asked them in surprise.

"Change of plans." Wynwyn winked at her which really confused Jillyanna.

"Is someone celebrating their birthday? Why is it in my backyard? I am really confused." Jillyanna voiced out her inner thoughts and held on to his hand tightly. "Is someone playing a prank on me?"

"This is not a prank sweetheart. Let's just wait and see." Travis rubbed her arms gently to keep her calm. There was a thick blanket on the next chair which was specifically placed there by Cielo for Jillyanna.

Travis took it and wrapped it around her to keep her warm. The video on the projector continued to show and sometimes they would laugh because of Jillyanna's silly yet adorable actions. There were still videos of her when she was a baby with her mother and father. Thomas kept all of them safely. She never thought that she'd see them once again before dying.

The videos would change between Jillyanna and Travis with the young versions of them and to the current them. It was simple viewing of their childhood and adulthood but it really sent so much warmth and joy to her.

Suddenly, she felt Travis getting tense beside her. "Are you okay? You look..uh.nervous?"

"Yeah. I'm a little nervous."

"Hehe. Are you nervous that people would see how shameless you are?" Jillyanna whispered close to him making Travis smile and relax beside her.

"How would they know I'm shameless when I only show it to you?" Travis retorted to her. Jillyanna just smiled and didn't say anything anymore.

After the whole video and slide of pictures, Savannah went in front of everyone and spoke. "For four years, me and my friends were looking for Jillyanna because of Travis. We didn't even know that fate already helped them keep in contact, without knowing it. Seeing them living happily together now, we could only wish and hope that it will last forever. I'm so glad you came into our life Jill." Savannah gave her a stalk of flower and went back to her seat.

" I having a second debut?" Jillyanna couldn't help but ask.

Everyone laughed at her statement but nobody denied or confirmed it so she didn't really know. Next person who stood up was Cielo who was beaming with smile while wiping the tears off her face.

"Sis, I'm really happy that you were sent to my life as a gift on my 13th birthday. Even though you've been through a lot, you still remained strong. Though, I hated it when you smile even though you were not fine. Recently, we fought because of some stupid misunderstandings but still, you didn't blame me. You never once put any blame on me. And you know, I am so glad that Diego and Cheska ruined your plan. Isn't it great now? Not only did you get a baby that you always dreamed of but you also got a husband who cares for you and love you so much. I am so happy for you. Please continue to stay healthy. I still want you to be my child's godmother. I love you sis."

With the all the words that Cielo said, only the second from the last statement remained in Jillyanna's head. Her eyes and mouth were wide open from shock. "Oh my gosh! Congratulations! But your baby will still call my child big brother in the future. I'm way ahead of you."

"This silly girl. I am not competing with you." Cielo gave her another stalk of flower too.

"I know you are not. I'm jus really happy." She received the flower and giggled beside Travis. "This is really nice. I didn't have this when I turned eighteen but I still get to experience it."

Travis chuckled at his wife. 'She is really thinking that it is a second debut celebration.' Travis thought without any intention of correcting her.

Then Jackie and Riley stood up together in front of everyone. They were both beautiful with identical faces and height, but if not because of the different clothes they wore, nobody would be able to tell which one is which aside from Jillyanna, Travis, Shein and Vincent.

"Sis, you know we always tell you this but I just couldn't thank you enough for all the things you've done. You were the first person who helped us without even asking as to repay you. And because we became so dependent on you, we no longer wanted to leave. So sis, please continue to put up with me." Riley expressed her honest thoughts which was really different from how everyone viewed her as an actress. "But of course, I will work hard to bring money to the company."

Jillyanna burst out laughing at her. "You never change. Don't worry, if you turn troublesome, I'll just beat you up." Jillyanna responded to Riley.

"As for me, I will study hard and bring honor to our family. So sis, you have to stay healthy and live a long life to watch me achieve my goals." Jackie said and smiled.

"I know you can do it." Jillyanna winked at her and smiled. "Someone will help you achieve it."

Jackie felt her face grew hot with Jillyanna's response and she couldn't help her eyes to wander and land on a certain someone who was watching her.

Riley who noticed this exchange of gazes did not let her twin sister go unscathed from teasing. "Is spring season very near?"

"Shut up!" Jackie gave her flower to Jillyanna and Riley also followed her. After that, they returned to their seat but Jackie didn't look towards Vincent anymore even though they were sitting beside each other.

"Are you okay?" Vincent asked out of concern. He knew her wounds weren't fully healed so he thought she was silently enduring the pain.

"Don't worry about me. I am fine." Jackie answered softly without lifting her head at all. She's afraid that she was blushing and he might see it. 'That would be embarrassing!' Jackie yelled silently to her heart without anyone knowing but herself.

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