Chasing After My Wife


Riley took a step to the side and evaded the knife that was aimed at her. In the end, another man was hit on the side of his stomach and fell on the ground.

"Whoa! That certainly hurts your comrade." Riley spoke with a sheepish smile, angering the men even more.

"Go die!" Someone came to her and was aiming to punch her head but Riley only smiled at him. She caught his hand and made an overhead throw making the man groaned in pain.

With that start, men after men attacked Riley from all direction. They were praying for her safety but they didn't want to get involve in her affairs because they still value their life. They don't even know how to fight!

Riley punched someone's face and caused his nose to bleed. She punched them with all her might, letting out some steam since she hadn't fought for quite sometime now.

With or without a knife, she fought all of them by herself. Her hands were coated in blood and her sweat shirt and long coat had stains of blood, too.

Someone took hold of her bag and her eyes turned cold when she found that it was tainted with blood.

"Get your hands off from my bag." she ordered coldly but the man only grinned at her. He touched it even more and the blood stains made Riley's blood boils under her veins. "I told you to let go of your hands." She punched the man's arm twice, making him to let go of his hand from the bag. She didn't stop there. She punched his face, kicked his knee cap, punched his ribs and broke several bones of his. "I told you to let go but you didn't. How dare you touch my bag with your filthy bag?"

Everyone who watched the fight was dumbstruck. They were all thinking that she was done for earlier but now, they couldn't help but looked at her in awe before looking to the ground with smiles.

"Oh god! She's amazing!"

"I can't believe she fought all of them alone!"

"I thought I was watching a live action movie."

"She wasn't even afraid to take the challenge in public."

"Will she be punished? I mean, these people has connections and I am afraid that she'd be in deep trouble."

"We all witnessed the fight so we can tell the police that she did it to defend herself. She is a woman after all and she wad being bullied by these men."

"You are right."

The crowd's opinion favored Riley and they were even willing to be her witness if she's caught in jail.

None of that happened though. When the police came, she was only taken to be questioned and several officers stayed to ask the crowd.

When Riley got inside the station, she saw Lucian working over time again. She was wearing her cap and shades once again, so even though they were under the light, they couldn't see Riley's face.

"Some of the men were sent to the hospital due to several broken bones." Officer David was the one who came to talk to her.

"So? Do you want me to pay their bills? I'd rather let them die than waste my money on them." Riley spoke coldly without even looking at the police officer.

David chuckled upon seeing her bravery and forthright attitude. He sat on his table and put down the documents he was holding on the table. "Will you tell me what happened?"

Riley told him what happened and she even included the three men who spoke to her at the counter inside the bar. She didn't miss anything at all.

"Would you like to file a case against them?" David asked as he handed the form to her.

"Can you deal with these people by yourself? I don't want to file anything because I don't want my name on your system."

"Oh? You are interesting. Most women would file a complaint against these men but you won't." David stated while taking the form back.

"It would be troublesome for me." Riley answered. "Can I go home now?"

"Kindly wait a minute, I'd have to proceed carefully with this matter since you've sent several men to the hospital."

"I was defending myself. Anyway, go ahead and do your work. Finish it as soon as possible so I can go home."

She waited in front of David's desk while the men were sent to jail for confinement while waiting for the whole process to be done.

Inside Jillyanna's house, Shein was walking back and forth in the living room while waiting for Riley to come home. He called her earlier but the phone just kept on ringing without anyone answering him. When he traced her, the signal showed that she was at a bar which wasn't a worry to him. He knew that Riley can put up a fight if needed so he didn't worry about her.

"It's almost ten in the evening and she isn't home yet. Did something happen to her this time?" Shein murmured so he tried calling her again.

Riley was looking at her bag with a mournful face as if she lost something precious to her. It was at this moment that Shein's call came so she answered it immediately.

"Where are you now?" Shein's anxious and worried voice made her cry on her seat. She abruptly wiped her face with the back of her hand before anyone could notice.

"I'm dealing with some matters right now. Why?"

"I..I was just worried since you aren't here when I got home. Are you still at the bar? I tracked your location earlier and it showed that you are at the bar."

"No, I am not. I am on my way home. I just stopped somewhere. You can go ahead and sleep. It would be bad if you are late for work tomorrow."

"Okay. I'll go to sleep now." Shein ended the call with a frown. He immediately tracked her again and found her location at the police station. "What is she doing in this place?"

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