Chasing After My Wife


Riley and Shein went home first to get their clothes changed at the same time, booked a restaurant for their dinner.

She booked a private booth for both of them to make sure that no paparazzi would see them and make them a headline the next day.

Both of them don't like fancy dinners, but once in a while, they would go on a date like normal lovers do.

"Let's leave around six in the evening. I reserved two movie tickets which we can watch before our dinner." Riley spoke to her boyfriend while Shein was putting on her necklace, standing behind her. It was something that Jillyanna gave when Travis was in coma.

"As you wish. I'll follow you whatever your plan is." he responded with a gentlemanly bow after putting the necklace for her, making Riley chuckle with genuine happiness.

She chose a white dress which was two inches above her knees with a red roses embroidered at the hem. The three-fourth sleeves showed her fair-white skin and the gold bracelet that Jackie gave her.

Most of her things were gifts and she treasured all of them. She didn't usually shop for herself because she still have so many things at home. Most of the time, she would shop for different items to give as gifts.

Shein wore a white shirt and a black pants. The only accessory that he was wearing was the watch that Riley gave her before leaving to do the film overseas.

They were both plain and simple. No need for extravagant outfit.


At the orphanage, Atty. Lewis was busy sorting the list of things that children wrote.

He received a message from Jillyanna to ask the children what they wanted to get for Christmas. Most of them wanted toys, some wanted clothes, other were asking for expensive food, some were asking for mobile phones and many other things.

"These kids aren't shy at all." Atty. Lewis murmured while looking at the list. After sorting out the list to different categories, he sent them to Jillyanna since she wanted to see it before shopping.

There were one hundred twenty-one children in the orphanage and most of them were kids below fifteen years old.

Those who reached the legal age or older, and were able to go to school through scholarships, they didn't stay in the orphanage anymore. Some of them would come and visit the place and would sometimes bring something for the children.

There were those who have their own families and have forgotten the place or perhaps they just didn't want to remember the time that they were once an orphan.

To Atty. Lewis, only Anton didn't leave the orphanage. In all his plans, he included the orphanage. And now, his one and only daughter was doing the same thing.


It was six in the evening when Jillyanna and Travis woke up from their sleep and get out from bed.

Auntie Fei was in charge of their food that night but when she found them sleeping, she just placed the food container and went outside to wait for them. She didn't want to disturb her employers.

Jillyanna also received the message from Atty. Lewis and smiled. It was very detailed with the name, the thing that the child wanted including the size of the clothes.

"I'm so excited to go shopping." Jillyanna exclaimed while looking at the list. "By the way, we need to order several computer sets for the orphanage. There are kids who wanted to get phones or computers but I think it would be unfair for the other kids so, I think getting a computer sets for the orphanage would be good. We can hire a teacher who can teach them basic computer skills, too."

"That sounds good. I also have a proposal to you." Travis reached for his briefcase which he placed under the sofa bed and handed her a paper that he worked on a week ago. "I got the permit and I will be announcing this on Monday. I think it would be a great help to the company and to the orphanage."

Jillyanna read the details which was actually an employment requirements for those who wanted to work part-time. Not only for the orphanage but other kids who wanted to work part-time can do it.

"This way, they can work for the things that they want. They need to learn the way to live in this society. There's no free food in this world. Beside, I am giving them a great deal." Travis added while looking at his wife with proud expression.

It was a great deal indeed. Children from ages fifteen to seventeen can work part-time in Xavier's Shoe Company and Factory. They will only have to work for four hours a day and they even have thirty minutes break in between two hours. The salary was five percent higher compared to the normal wages in the city. There were so many works that they can choose as well, whichever was comfortable with them.

For eighteen years old and above, there was a different clause for part-time as well. He really thought about it. And all the permits were all complete!

"Bravo! I salute to you my dear husband. When did you get this done?" Jillyanna was clapping her hands, clearly proud and happy with his idea.

"Last week." Travis smiled while getting the papers back.

"You are working so hard. I sometimes wonder if it is good that we've got several business or it is bad." she scoot closer to him and reached her hand to touch his forehead. "I think your fever has gone down but you still need to drink your medicine."

Travis took hold of her hand and gently caressed it. "It could be a burden sometimes when things don't go as planned. At the same time, with proper planning and management, with the help of everyone, our businesses are striving steadily. We were able to help many people as well. Do you think it's bad?"

"You are right. I shouldn't think that way specially that we helped many people to get a job, send children to school and help the orphanage."

"My wife is really kind." Travis leaned to kiss her but Jillyanna covered his mouth immediately with her free hand.

"You still have a cold."

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