Chasing After My Wife

Chapter 39 - DISGUISES

All airports were immediately informed about the situation and they dispatched personnels to check for anyone who has the same name and face as Jillyanna.

Valkyrie had been running around to get in touched with different people and security people. He even asked one of their friends from the military to check information of Jillyanna Madrid.

The night arrived and there was no news of Jillyanna leaving the country within that month. They felt a new rising hope and made sure that all places she frequently visited were guarded.

Travis went home that night feeling down and depressed. He didn't know why this was happening. She reminded him that she'd be willing to let go once he decided to give up on her. He didn't even think about it but she gave up on him first.

"Did she actually hook up with me for a baby?" Travis was flabbergasted with the sudden thought but he pushed it to the back of his mind. "That's impossible. She isn't that type of woman."

On the other hand, Jillyanna asked Jenny to get her make up from her room so she could disguise herself.

She put on a thick eyebrow and some freckles on her face. She curled up her hair and tied up some loose end using a pencil.

"How do I look?" Jillyanna asked Jenny after finishing her new look.

"You look different. I don't think they'll recognize it's you." Jenny answered.

When Travis left earlier, he asked someone to stay in the area and check if anyone would come back with the same body built as Jillyanna.

Jenny didn't mind and acted like a housekeeper. She stayed for a while and left to report the event to Jillyanna who was left in her house.

Jillyanna walked back to her house with Jenny in the middle of the night. Under the canopies, beside the bushes and flowers, the two of them were walking using the light of the moon as their source of light.

When they reached the house, they saw the man patrolling the area who spotted them as well. Jenny began with her acting skills alongside Jillyanna.

"Big sis, Ms. Jillyanna told me about you. In the future, you have to let me know what you need so I can communicate with her cousin. Understood?" Jenny stated like she was the older one between them.

The man, who Travis asked to guard the place, approached them in silence. "Good evening ladies." He greeted them.

"Are you sure I'll be staying here alone? How about you stay with me? This house looks creepy." Jillyanna responded to Jenny as if she was scared while looking at the house.

Jenny turned to the man with a smile while rubbing Jillyanna's back to calm her. "Hi." Jenny greeted back.

"Who is this?" The man asked indicating Jillyanna in disguise.

"This is Yna. She's going to take care of the house and the plants with me." Jenny answered.

"Little sis, just stay with me tonight. The house is very dark. Let's call ma'am Cielo and let her know." Jillyanna gripped her hand as she plead for company.

Jenny conceded to her request and called Cielo while opening the gate.

"Don't worry. I will be staying here for the next 2 days and 3 nights. I'll be watching over this house." The man stated to comfort them. Jenny nodded her head slightly and slowly walked to the house with the 'scared Yna'.

When they got inside her house, Jillyanna turned on the light and guided Jenny to the kitchen.

"He'll be staying here for quite a while. How will you escape?" Jenny asked full of worries for Jillyanna's well-being.

"It's fine. I can go out through the back door with my stuff." Jillyanna responded to her. She and Jenny cooked for their late dinner using the remaining groceries inside her fridge.

The next morning, Travis still haven't heard any positive result. Nothing from Diego's side or from his friends. Savannah had been positive that they'd know where she was within a day since she knew her name and face but reality let her down.

If only Travis wasn't stubborn. If only he told his father about his affairs. If only he asked for his help. Things would've been easier and faster. But there were no ifs in life. You don't have any means to visit your past and make a change. You can only live with your present and think of its effect with your future.


Jillyanna and Jenny acted their scripted activity on that day.

Jillyanna had her make up on as the 'housekeeper' as well as Jenny who was helping her water the plants. They even gave a coffee and bread to the man who was guarding the area.

Jillyanna observed him while cutting some dried leaves from the plants. She wasn't doing any strenuous activity to keep her baby safe but she needed to keep her act as well.

Jenny gained enough courage and asked the man some questions. "Aren't you leaving since Ms. Jillyanna isn't here? Aren't you tired?"

The man looked at the young girl before answering her. "I need to keep an eye in this house in case she gets back. She's a very important person to our boss and we can't let her go."

"Who's your boss? Is it the handsome man yesterday?"


Jenny didn't probe him anymore. She went back inside the house and reported those small details to Jillyanna.

The day came to an end and the night came. Jillyanna had her things prepared and was ready to leave.

"Let's hope it would work." Jillyanna grasped the girl's hand and took her suitcases down the stairs.

To avoid any suspicions, she turned off the light and walked towards the backdoor from the kitchen. It was hidden from any people's sight from the front yard.

Jenny helped Jillyanna with her suitcases as they crossed the yard to the old couple's house. They knew what happened the day before and were willing to lend her some help.

"Take care of yourself. We'll let you know once it's safe to go back." Mr. Shan spoke while leading them out of the area. He sent them to the waiting shed and waited for a taxi or bus.

"Thank you so much. I'll let Cielo check on you guys. If there's anything you need, please let Jenny know." Jillyanna responded with a smile.

She disguised herself as a middle aged woman this time. If anyone saw her, they wouldn't know it was her at all.

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