Chasing After My Wife


After an hour of driving, Lucian parked the car in front of a huge villa owned by Five Michael, a renowned fashion designer that mainly caters to celebrity stars, politicians and other known socialites in society.

The cheapest gown that he ever designed was said to be the evening dress that Stephanie Cordova wore during her engagement party. Rumors said that it was a $20, 000 USD gown given by her future parents-in-law.

The villa the Five Michael owned was a Japanese style villa, mostly made of woods and marble. The scent of the woods and the natural plants surrounding the place was refreshing after staying in the city for a very long time.

Jillyanna inhaled the nature's surprise and smiled. There was a huge fountain in front of the house and on the huge pool underneath the fountain were beautiful koi fishes. They varied in sizes and color which looked really wonderful.

"I want to have a koi fish pond, too." Jillyanna mumbled out of surprise but she didn't really mean it. It would be nice to have such grand fish pond but she knew that she would have to sacrifice her mother's garden to make it happen, which she didn't plan to do so.

Travis was just listening to her and noted what she wanted and what she didn't want. He was always like that. He would always pat attention to her preference wherever they went to.

As Jillyanna admired the lush bamboo grove and the bunch of flowers, a tall and fairly feminine man came out of the house.

"Oh my lovely bride! The gown I made was perfectly made for you." he greeted with high enthusiasm and gave Jillyanna a kissed on her cheeks. He did the same for Cielo and when he was about to kiss Travis, Jillyanna cleared her throat.

"He is my man." Jillyanna declared with a faint smile.

Five Michael stopped himself and lightly pinched Travis' cheek instead. "I know dear. I just can't help it." He winked at her making Jillyanna smile. "Come in. Your entourage had been waiting for you. They already check their gowns."

He gestured to get inside the main house which mainly consist of everything black and white. Despite his feminine touch, his house was very manly.

"Your house is really amazing. Did you design this too?" Cielo asked as they followed him inside. Just like Jillyanna, she couldn't help herself but be amazed with the design and the whole layout.

"Oh no no no. This house was built by my boyfriend for me and he gave it to me during our fifth anniversary."

His answer really surprised them. Jillyanna didn't really mind people with homosexual preference. At the same time, what she knew was that, they were the ones who gave so much for their boyfriends. It was her first time to hear that a man would really give something so expensive for his partner.

'I hope this is true love for you.' Jillyanna thought while walking silently.

He brought them to another large house at the back garden wherein they have to cross a small bridge to get there.

Under the bridge where lotus pods and koi fishes. Jillyanna was really envious while looking at them. Even if she got so much money, she didn't want to build a really large house where no one would stay.

Along the way, as they continue to live their life, she knew that her adopted siblings will find their own path in life and get married, move out of her house and build their own. The same goes for Savannah and her friends. They will eventually move out and build their own family.

In the future, perhaps, they can use her house as a vacation getaway? She didn't know. And the idea of parting ways with them was making her feel a little sad.

"Here we are." Five Michael opened the door where everyone was busy fitting their dresses and suits. Many people were there to assist them and to take measurements for any adjustments that needed to be done.

Jillyanna could already see the beauty of her grand wedding that Travis prepared for her. The bride's maids were composed of Cheska, Riley, Jackie, Winter and Jenny. They were wearing their airy blue tube dress with light silver touch making, giving the dress a winter vibe. Since it was almost December, Travis wanted her to a have a Winter Wonderland Wedding. He didn't care how much it would cost as long as he could make a perfect wedding for her.

The groom's men were wearing a white suit with an airy blue and silver necktie to match with the girls. Shein was happily showing his suit to Riley who took pictures of him. Gabriel was there. Brown and Valkyrie were there too.

"How about we plan for our wedding?" Valkyrie asked Brown who was blushing beside him.

"Stop talking about wedding." Brown mumbled while looking down on his feet.

"Why? Don't you want to marry me?"

"Of course I do."

"Then, it's settled! We'll have our wedding next year."

"Oh god! Just shut up already!" Brown glared at him as he adjust his tie.

When no one was looking at them, Valkyrie pulled Brown's neck tie and gave him a light kiss. "That's how you should shut me."

Brown slapped Valkyrie's hand away with a flushed face. He walked away from him and went to Shein.

"How do I look?" Brown asked him in a serious manner.

"I think you can hold your own wedding with Val. You look great." Shein's answer choked him. He wasn't angry but was rather shock that he would say it directly at him.

'I asked the wrong person.' Brown thought helplessly. With dejected expression, he left him and Riley, looking for Jackie whom he knew was a sensible person.

"Jackie, do I look fine?" Brown asked her while the seamstress was measuring the adjustment on her waist.

"Hn. You look good. Just make sure that your necktie isn't crooked." Jackie answered him as she reached for his necktie and fixed it. "I know it wasn't your fault that it turned out crook."

"You watched us?!" Brown asked, his horrified expression made Jackie burst out in fit of laughter.

"I wasn't watching you guys. I just happen to turn my head in your direction and saw what he did. Don't worry." She made a zipping action with her lips, relieving Brown from his worries.

'I will really kick his balls once we get home!' Brown noted mentally and threw a deathly glare towards his smiling partner.

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