Chasing After My Wife

Chapter 402 - BETRAYAL II

"She had been going in and out of the hospital even before. She's been staying in the hospital for almost a month now. Travis won't let her go anywhere alone. She would always be heavily guarded. Specially that their four friends are back, you will have a hard time dealing with them. The hospital is guarded and Travis don't leave her alone."

"What an annoying couple." Lyla mumbled unhappily.

"Annoying couple or are you just jealous of them?" Hans provoked her but she only smiled.

"I hate them." She stated before giving him her best moves and let him released everything inside her. She wasn't worried about getting pregnant at all. She had asked a doctor to remove one of her ovaries before and she would always take several pills before and after having intercourse with someone.

She remained sitting on top of him until she felt him calmed down inside her. "How long does she have to stay alive?"

"No one can tell. If she won't get a transplant right after giving birth, she will die."

"Do they have a heart donor?"

"Nope. They don't." Hans answered. He sat up on the bed and pulled her from on top of him down to the space beside him. "I have to go back now. They should be back at this hour. I can sense that Top was already suspecting me."

"Okay. Let me know if you have any news." Lyla went to the bathroom to clean herself. When she got out, Hans was no longer inside the room. Only a letter with a single stalk of white rose was lying on the bedside table.

"Don't be blinded with your hatred. After all, you were the one who started this whole issue. Nevertheless, I will continue to provide you information." These were the words written on the paper. Lyla crumpled it and threw it inside the bin together with the white rose.

"I don't need such stupid reminder." She murmured while getting herself dressed. She checked on her bank account and smiled. "This can still last my parents a life time." She sat on the bed so much regrets.

She hated Jillyanna for being brave. She didn't know how to back down and she wasn't using Travis to gain leverage in society. She had been working hard when she was still a university student and made a name for herself in the music circle.

"We both did our best but why am I not successful?" Lyla asked in tears. "I did my best during my exams but that professor tricked me and gave me a fail mark just to get my body! I didn't even want to become like this. Why? Why do people see me as a f*cking bitch, a slut or whatever the call it while she gets to live her life happily? I also liked him for a long time but he never once gave me a side glance!" Whenever she's alone like this, she could let her emotions flow without anyone knowing. "The only drawback she got is her failing heart but it can also be replaced. Why am I suffering so much while she lived, basking in love and joy?" her tears continued to fall on the back of her hands.

She had been studying hard so that she can get a stable job in the future. She wanted her parents to travel the world with her. She wanted to show them the Merlion in Singapore that her parents wanted to visit. And one single scum teacher ruined all her hard work. Without any decency, he even took a video of her and showed it to his colleagues, forcing her to leave the school. And to make matters worse, she met him when she worked as a waitress and showed the video to other perverted scums of the Earth. Stripped off with her dignity and pride, she succumbs to this filthy and disgusting life.

She never wanted it to happen but she got paid with good amount of money. She thought that there wasn't any other way. She sold her body and soul to earn for her parents. Asking her brother to bring them somewhere far where they wouldn't know anything about her.

"I hate them. I hate the people in this world. I hate everyone." Lyla mumbled in sorrow. She was mourning of her past self who worked so hard for nothing. She was mourning of those useless efforts and sleepless nights.

Suddenly, Hans words resonated at the back of her mind making her feel guilty and sad. He was right. She started all these. Jillyanna only retaliated because of what she did. She was the horrible person who caused her own demise.

She spent her time reflecting on her past behavior and a smile escaped her lips. With her bold idea, she wiped her face, put on her glasses, grabbed her bag and went to Senyu Medical Hospital where Jillyanna was currently staying.

Jillyanna and Travis spent their time cuddling together while watching a comedy movie. They didn't have much to do and they didn't want to go out either so, they just stayed at the hospital. In the middle of the movie, Travis received a message from Jackie asking him to stay away from Jillyanna for a while since she was going to call him.

He didn't know what they were thinking but he certainly can't leave Jillyanna to answer a call. She would be suspicious because he had never done that. No matter who's calling him, he would always speak to without hiding anything from her.

Travis sent her a reply and asked her to just send a message because Jillyanna was 'sleeping' in his arms. That was clearly a lie. Jackie understood that he didn't want to disturb his wife so she sent him a message.

"Please keep our sister busy these next few days. We are preparing a surprise for her on Friday night."


"Who's texting you?" Jillyanna inquired without shifting his eyes from the laptop in front of her.

"Jackie asked me if you are doing fine since you finished your lunch with few amounts of food." Travis invented an excuse since he can't tell her about the surprise. "I told her that you are doing fine now."

Jillyanna didn't inquire anything anymore but she told him something which made Travis chuckle. "I am pretty sure those trio were up to something."

"Why do you think so?"

"They lied to me before lunch. They told me that there weren't any groceries at home because they forgot to give Auntie Fei the money for groceries. But Jenny was in-charge for the groceries while we're not around. Obviously, they're stopping to go back home."

"Shall we go and give them a surprise?" Travis suggested because he knew that she won't go and even if she would want to go, she would stop her.

Expectedly, Jillyanna shook her head. "There's no need to. Even if they were up to something naughty, I know that they won't destroy the house. I can always count on those three."

Travis hugged her and placed his chin on top of her head. "You found three reliable kids. They are not just intelligent but they are also loyal to you."

"I am grateful that I helped them back then and looking at how things turned out this way, I know that I made the right choice."

"My wife is really blessed because of her kindness." Travis mumbled and kissed her head. "I hope this blessing will also grant you a longer life."

She snuggled closer to him and placed her head on his chest. She was happily watching the movie with him beside her.

On the other hand, Lyla was inside Dr. Alison's office proposing a deal which was related to Jillyanna.

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