Chasing After My Wife


"RV! RV, wait up!" Jillyanna was panting as she tried her best to chase after Travis. She was just seven years old and Travis was twelve years old who came to visit them with his family.

When they arrived, he was still smiling at them but when their parents left them alone, Travis was giving her a cold shoulder. He even ran off from their house, causing her to chase after him.

"Stop following me!" Travis shouted back at her.

Jillyanna had her head hung low, breathing in and out to fill her lungs with oxygen. She was running out of air but she held her ground.

"Don't just run off on your own. Your parents will be worried." she stated with her hand on her chest. A dull pain was pricking from the bottom of her heart.

"It's none of your business! Stop following me!" Travis yelled again like an unruly young master.

"Why? Why do you have to shout at me?" she was still calm even after all his shouting but her face showed a confused expression.

Travis grew angrier with her questions. His face was dark and both his hands were closed into a ball of fist.

"Why? Because I hate you! I hate you and your mom! I hate you so much that it made me sick just looking at your face!" Those words were like lightning, striking Jillyanna where she stood.

Her complexion was getting paler and she had a hard time breathing. "Don't hate me please. You're the only friend I have."

"I am not your friend! Stop with your delusions! You like me, right? Ha! You're crazy if you think I will like you! I won't like a thief!"

"I am not a thief!" she lost her control and shouted back at him. He was shocked at first but he still hurl hurtful words at her.

"You're a thief! You stole my mom and my mom's time away from me! My mother rarely have days off but she would rather spend her time with you and your mom than me! You stole her away from me! I wish you and your mother would just disappear forever!"

Right after throwing his words, he turned his back on her and ran off, leaving a pale Jillyanna in the middle of nowhere.

Young Jillyanna was clutching her chest from pain. Her vision was becoming blurry and she can't find her voice to call him.

"Don' RV." Everything turned pitch black.

Jillyanna opened her eyes staring straight at the ceiling in front of her. She looked around and realized she was still in Cielo's and Lucian's apartment.

Her naked back was covered in cold sweat as well as her forehead was dotted with sweats and her heart was beating abnormally.

"He hated me so much. He didn't even show up during my mother's funeral. All these years, where could he possibly be? I even asked Cielo to build a cafe in their plaza but I still haven't seen him." Jillyanna murmured to herself. She couldn't fall asleep so she put on some clothes and went outside to get something to drink.

"Can't sleep?" Jenny asked while typing something on her laptop.

"I had a strange dream and can't go back to sleep. What about you?" Jillyanna asked after getting a glass of milk.

"I have to finish this supplementary lesson. Summer is almost over and classes will resume soon." Jenny answered her.

"I see. Don't stay up late. You need to get some sleep." she was about to return to her room when she remembered something. "Can you get inside my room tomorrow? I forgot something important."

"You want me to leave you here alone?"

"It's not so far. It's just next door."

"Fine. What do you want me to get?"

"It's a gift box. I placed it inside my bedside drawer. There's a bracelet inside the box. I want you to get it for me. If someone come, tell them that I asked you to live in my apartment."

Jillyanna's eyes were cold remembering the gift. It's not really important but she wanted to return it before leaving.

Jillyanna's foresight was indeed credible. When Jenny came inside the room to locate the box, the man stationed by Travis sent in a report immediately.

There were several gift boxes inside the bedside drawer with different jewelries in it. Jenny opened the boxes one by one to find the correct box.

After half an hour, she found the right thing and was ready to go out. As expected by Jillyanna, someone came over with the security guards. Jenny hid the box in her coat pocket before opening the door.

The same handsome man was standing in front of her with a doctor and someone wearing a camouflage. 'Are they really looking for big sis to get married? Not to arrest her?' Jenny couldn't help but asked herself mentally.

Her face was showing annoyance but she was somehow excited to see how the man would reel in Jillyanna to his side. "Why are you showing up here this time?"

"I'm sorry ma'am but they insist to get in here due to personal reasons and this man said he is Ms. Madrid's fiancee." the chief of the security guards mentioned while pointing his hand towards Travis.

"I don't know what happened between you two but big sister Jillyanna left already." Jenny responded and she even let them inside to confirm that Jillyanna wasn't around anymore.

"My man told me someone came inside this room. I thought it's her." Travis stated while looking at her. Jenny was certain that the man was observing her for any loopholes.

"I am her scholar. I've been staying here whenever I have class. I would return to the old house to clean it from time to time with Ms. Cielo. I am entrusted to take care of both places in exchange for the school fees." Jenny was nonchalant with her answers.

The chief of the security guards even confirmed it to the people who came. "Yes sir. This young lady was Ms. Jillyanna's scholar. She's living here whenever there's class. However, during summer, she would always go back to her old home."

A man wearing a baseball cap, white shirt and black pants interrupted them. He was the guy who was stationed to keep an eye with this building. "I saw you enter this building with a woman last night but you got inside the room over there."

Jenny kept her calm but she rolled her eyes as if he was an idiot. " I came with Ms. Cielo last night. Sir Lucian asked me to accompany her since he's working over time and it's in my schedule to clean the apartment so I came."

Everybody made an 'Oh' sound thinking that she made sense. Only the security guards kept a straight face.

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