Chasing After My Wife

Chapter 411 - SHOP! SHOP! SHOP!

Hawk and Brown monitored their enemies while making sure that Travis and Jillyanna were doing good as they check the pet stores - one after another.

The second pet store that they went to was inside a mall. Most of the animals found there were birds and fishes. There were hamsters and rabbits, too.

"Looking at these animals, I want to get two for each." she mentioned casually but her eyes were looking brightly at him, anticipating him to agree.

Travis reach out his hand and pat her head lightly. "We'll talk about it once you are discharge."

"Okie dokie." she smiled at him and looked around the shop again.

Before they left the hospital, they talked about the kinds of animals to pet which was decided to be a bird.

Now, she was changing her mind and she wanted to get other animals aside from birds. Of course, that would happen if she can survive the operation.

Travis really found different motivations for her. He wanted to give her a huge surprise once she's fully recovered and he wanted her to look forwards to that surprise.

They had lunch together after checking the two pet shops before proceeding to the next store. They would take a rest after some time to make sure that Jillyanna won't be tired.

"Do you mind expanding our house?" Travis asked her after they checked all the shops that was on his list.

"I don't mind. But we don't have much space at home. Are you thinking of making a third floor?"

"Nope. It's part of my surprise so look forward to it." Travis winked at her.

Jillyanna didn't have any idea what he was planning but she knew it would be great. Travis wouldn't make something that would disappoint her. He would always go through great lengths for her.

"Shall we go home, now?" she questioned though her expression was expecting him to refuse. She wanted to stroll in the city a few more hours.

Travis chuckled, looking at her puppy eyes. As the best husband, he wanted to make sure that his wife would enjoy.

"Do you want to go somewhere?" he asked while keeping her close and holding her hand with his.

"Let's buy gifts for everyone at home. I didn't buy gifts for them when we came at the mall the last time we got out."

"Okay." Travis agreed immediately.

Brown drove them to the largest mall in the city to shop. His eyes were carefully observing the car that had been following them for quite sometime now.

"Are we being followed?" Jillyanna mentioned since she had a bad feeling from the time they arrived at the first pet shop.

Travis nodded his head slowly. "They've been following us since we arrive at the first shop."

"I see."

"Don't worry, Jill. We are prepared if anything happens. I informed Savannah and the others too if we need back up." Hawk commented to lessen her worries. He knew it wasn't good for her to worry about so many things. As much as possible, he wanted her to be free of anything stressful.

Jillyanna sat in silence beside Travis. She leaned her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes to rest.

Inside the black van that was following them, the driver was seriously driving the car with steady speed to tail them.

His companion was talking to their boss, reporting all the details and current plight of Jillyanna's team.

They weren't told to kill their target but was informed to keep an eye on them no matter when and no matter where.

"Boss, there are just four of them. Don't you want us to make a move?" the man on the front seat beside the driver talked.

"What the eyes can see is not exactly right. The two people with them can easily wipe you out. Travis won't go out without any back up, specially if he is with his wife." the man on the other end of the line responded.

What he said wasn't exactly wrong or right. Travis did have a back up but it was only after Hawk contacted Savannah. He trusted his friends to keep his wife safe so he dared to go out with just the four of them.

The man instructed his men not to take action against them. It would be great if they can just closely monitor them.

They agreed to his arrangements and followed them without any complaints.

When they arrived at the mall where the second pet shop was, the one they checked earlier, the four of them went out of the car and walked inside.

They checked the department store to find something for Auntie Fei and Auntie Sisi. They included grandma and grandpa Shan, too.

As for the men in the security group who was in charge at home, in charge of Jenny's safety and the ones at the Madrid mansion, Jillyanna decided to just give them a red packet.

Travis decided to do the same for the people at the hacienda. It would be easier to just give a red packet for all of them since there were so many of them.

Jillyanna bought different gifts for everyone and decided to wrap them up in the hospital. She didn't want them to know that she prepared gifts for them during this time. It would be troublesome if they knew about their surprise.

She also made sure to buy something for Eliezer. Well, she always give him gifts in the past and this year was no different. She bought him a watch since she noticed that he wasn't wearing any watch when he visited her. There wasn't any watch when they met at the ground floor as well.

"That's for Eli?" Travis asked her.


"How about Lucian?"

"I'm buying him a new briefcase. The one he's using is really old."

"I see."

They went to different shops and bought different items. Once they finished shopping, the three men she was with, were holding so many shopping bags. She was the only one with free hand.

"Hehehe..sorry..I didn't realize it would be this many." she scratched her cheeks awkwardly when she realized it.

Helpless with her, they just smiled at her with indulgence.

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