Chasing After My Wife

Chapter 414 - MESSY NIGHT I

Relief washed over his fear and his heart finally calmed down. "Thank God, you are fine." He pulled her gently into a warm embrace and buried his face on her shoulder. "I was so worried."

"You don't have to worry that much. Riley and Savannah protected me so well." she told him while returning his hug. "I am glad you are safe, too."

Savannah and Riley looked towards each other and smiled faintly. Instead of the two of them protecting Jillyanna, it was more like of Jillyanna protected them.

Jillyanna realized it first that they were facing an enemy. She made the first attack and made sure that no one will get to her. Sad to say, she still got herself shot on her shoulder.

"I didn't know that there would be more of them. I'm sorry I left you in danger." he mumbled his apology. He felt so guilty that she was in grave danger and he wasn't around to protect her.

She gently pat his back to comfort him. She knew that she was feeling guilty but she didn't want him to feel such negative emotion. "It is not your fault. We didn't know that this would happen. No one anticipated this to happen. Don't be guilty about this."

She led him back to their make shift bed and sat on it. Riley and Savannah sat on the couch while waiting for the investigation to be done by Lucian's team. Shein was busy extracting the footage that Lucian needed. He even included the hospital's CCTV recording from the time that these men entered the hospital, assaulted doctors and nurses, and changed their clothes.

For those that were still alive, they will be facing the consequences of their actions. Different charges will be filed against them and most likely-they will be imprison for a long time.

For those who died, their families will be informed but Jillyanna, Savannah and Riley won't be charged for it. After all, what they did was for self-defense.

Travis and Jillyanna were still comforting each other when his phone rang. He pulled it out and found Brown's name on the screen.

"F*ck! We are under attack! Someone knew our agenda tonight."

Travis could hear the sound of gun shots from the other end of the line but Brown remained calm and rational.

"Get out of there alive. Don't bother about Hans. I want you back at home, safe and sound." Travis ordered. There will be time that he'd be able to take them down all at once. Right now, he needed to make sure of their safety instead of his personal gains.

"Alright." Brown ended the call and informed Hawk and Top of their conversation.

When they were attack from the outside, Hans took that chance to run for the door and went outside.

He escaped from them and the other men attacked Brown and Hawk.

"Let's go now. We can't let any civilians get involve." one of the enemies stated.

"If we won't kill them, they might kill us in the future." another man retorted which everyone agreed.

They surrounded the house and fired their guns. Brown, Top and Hawk crawled to the farthest corner and used the beds and table as cover.

"I ran out of bullets."

"Me too."

"We wasted it."

"Go and check the house." someone ordered.

Hans who had been silent from the start due to his wounds and bruises, spoke at this point. "If you don't want your men to die, don't let them check the house. They are not dead yet. They -"

He wasn't even done speaking when a single bullet hit his chest, killing him on the spot.

Everyone looked around and to see who was the traitor. They shook their heads to deny what happened when another person was hit on his forehead and fell on the ground, cold and lifeless.

"Run!" someone shouted and they all ran in panic.

This time, Brown, Top and Hawk had the leverage to make an attack. Their enemies ran out of bullets and they didn't know which side of the house was Brown, Top and Hawk stayed while the three of them had a clear view of the outside.

One after another, Brown and Hawk hit their enemies on their vital parts. Some died on the spot and some were bleeding profusely.

Amidst the panic, one of them successfully escaped, leaving his dead comrades and friends.

After making sure that it was safe to go out, Brown and Hawk left the messy place immediately with Top in the middle of their group. He was the only one without his gun as well after Hans took it from him . Ignoring the number of bodies lying in a puddle of blood, the three of them looked for a safer place.

Brown didn't notice the wound on his leg when they were still inside the small house. Now that they were finally out, the pain made him winced and cursed.

"You were hit?" Hawk asked as he crouch on the ground to check Brown's leg. His jeans were soaked with blood and it wasn't just one but two bullet wounds.

"I didn't notice it." he admitted with a faint smile. "We don't have a car since RV drove it. Shall we get a taxi or call someone?"

"Let me call Jackie." Hawk told him. They couldn't ask Valkyrie to drive for a long distance since he was also wounded thus; Jackie was their last choice.

Jackie who was at the hospital received the call and immediately informed Jillyanna and Travis. She got their permission and left the hospital to pick the three from the suburb.

It was a really messy day and many people from the media knew about what happened. They came to the hospital with their cameras and recorders.

Savannah went out of the room to inform them that they won't be taking interviews for the time being.

Knowing that Travis would make them pay for disturbing his wife, they left and waited for the time that they'd get the notice for interview.

Dr. Alison also came to find them as soon as she got the news after the surgery. She wanted to move them to a different room but Jillyanna refused the offer.

"I am fine here. Don't worry doc." Jillyanna told her. Instead of giving her enemy a hard time. She will welcome them with open arms. 'Let's see who will win.' She was confident with herself. Even if she won't move, she can still kill.

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