Chasing After My Wife

Chapter 429 - JADE

Even after all the things that happened recently, Jillyanna didn't forget the orphanage at all. She always schedule everything and she went according to her plans as long as nothing would hinder her.

Right now, she was on her way to the orphanage with Travis and Hawk. It was the day to give their early Christmas presents. She wanted to do everything she can while she was still doing fine.

Riley was busy with her movie promotion. Jackie was back to school as well as Jenny. Shein was working at the company again.

"Savannah, Valkyrie and Brown already arrived at the orphanage and were currently supervising the kids. The computers just got delivered and the technician was setting it up." Hawk informed them after getting the news from Savy.

"That's good to know." Jillyanna mumbled while she rubbed her baby bump. It had grown so big and now, she felt tired just from a little distance of walk. Most of the time, Travis will carry her or let her use the wheelchair.

"We've arrived." Travis stated while looking at the huge gate in front of them. He alighted from the car first and helped Jillyanna out. "Would you like to use the wheelchair?"


They stepped into the vicinity and found Savannah playing with the kids. Valkyrie was talking to the guards, probably regarding their security measures. Brown was inside the computer room that Atty. Lewis arranged.

"I am glad to see you doing well." Atty. Lewis smiled upon seeing Jillyanna and Travis. "Come inside."

The orphanage was lively and the decorations made it even livelier. There was a huge Christmas tree in the center of their hall and the lights were blinking cheerfully.

"I am glad that my father came from this orphanage. I can see that they really took care of the children."

"Everyone who works here were investigated thoroughly to make sure that they love children." Atty. Lewis stated.

It wasn't even five minutes yet and Jillyanna was already gasping for air. "Let's sit over there." Travis carried her to a wooden bench and placed her gently on it. "I'll get your wheelchair."


He left as soon as possible, leaving Jillyanna with the old man.

"Is your illness getting serious?" he asked her while looking at her from head to toe.

"A little bit. My baby is growing and my stomach is quite heavy. It's taxing to walk in a long distance."

"I informed Dr. Sweden already to leave his schedule open for the next two months. He will come right away if you ever needed him."

"Thank you Atty. Lewis." Jillyanna bowed her head lightly to express her gratitude.

"No need to thank me. I am only doing what I can to repay Anton. He saved me once and I can only help you through this little means."

Travis came back with the wheelchair and helped Jillyanna sit on it. He wrapped a warm blanket on her lap to make sure that she won't get cold.

"Let's go to our activity hall. The kids prepared something for you."

The old man led them to the back portion of the orphanage where the activity hall was located. There were several children varying from sizes and genders. They social workers were facilitating them to make sure that they were fine.

In one corner, some children were singing, some were dancing, some were making a jingle and some were acting.

"Are they going to have an activity?" Jillyanna wondered since they were also dressed with cute costumes.

"Hn. The kids wanted to showcase their talents in front of you."

"Wow! I can't wait to witness this!"

As they spoke, a little girl, around six years old approached Jillyanna with a two pieces of chocolates.

"Big sister, I will pay you with these chocolates, when you give birth, can I have your baby? I want to have a baby sister." the little girl spoke with so much anticipation. Her clear brown eyes spoke her innocence and honest intention.

"No, can't do." Jillyanna refused to see how the child will react.

"Is your baby so expensive? Are these chocolates not enough? In our house, baby can be given to anyone. Why can't I have your baby?"

Jillyanna chuckled when she heard this remark. "What's your name?"

"If I give you my name, will you give your baby to me?"

"Nope but, I might do something for you to have a little brother."

"Is your baby a boy?"

"Hn. I have a baby boy." Jillyanna found it funny to talk to a little kid like her but she was also interested in her. "Why do you want to have a baby sister?"

The little girl pulled a chair and placed it beside Jillyanna. "My mother was supposed to give me a baby sister. When she gave birth, they both died. I didn't get a sister and my mother left me as well. Jade is alone." she sniffed back her tears to make sure that they won't fall. "I only wish to have a baby sister. Here, the little babies were given to someone and I have no baby sister or baby brother left."

"What does she mean?" Jillyanna asked Atty. Lewis who was standing beside her.

"Most of the couples who came to adopt here chose to get the babies. As of now, we have no babies left. Jade is the youngest among the girls here and she always wanted to look after the child."

"I see." Jillyanna looked towards the child once again who was holding the chocolates. "I can't give you a baby sister but, is it fine for you to have a baby brother?"

The girl's eyes lit up and she smiled happily, nodding her again and again like a hen pecking a grain. "You will give me your baby?"

"I can't you my baby because you don't have enough money to take care of him. You are still young to take care of him. You need someone to guide you."

"You don't mean adopt her right?" Atty. Lewis widened his eyes in surprise.

"What's so wrong about me adopting her? Just so you know Atty. Lewis, I have adopted so many kids already."


"Hn. One is currently an artist. The other is studying in Police Academy. One and only male who is working in Venus Plaza as my husband's secretary. The other is a senior high school student." she informed him about her siblings but she kept her identities. "Adding one cute little girl isn't bad."

"How about Travis? Are you fine with this?" The old man turned to Travis who was silently observing the child.

"I don't find anything wrong with my wife's decision. And it would be nice if my son gets a big sister."

"Let's talk about it after the activity." Atty. Lewis spoke and clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. "Call everyone to gather here. We'll start in a few minutes.

Jade who was sitting in front of Jillyanna looked at them under her curious gazes. She didn't understand what they were talking at all. The only thing she knew was that, she would have a baby brother soon.

'Thank you for answering my prayer, Lord.' the little girl silently prayed and expressed her gratitude.

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