Chasing After My Wife


Jackie just handed the invitation to the ones at the Xavier's Shoe Company and Factory. Shein handed the invitation to everyone affiliated with the Venus Plaza and everyone with good relationship to Travis. Diego was in-charge to the ones in J Entertainment, everyone without any scheduled activity on the wedding day was given an invitation. Large company owners were invited, too.

The wedding isn't merely a celebration but it was another way to build rapport to other businessmen and to talk about their business deals and to see if anyone's interested to cooperate with them. Natsu got his invitation as well and he couldn't help himself but sigh to the pain in his heart.

Saying something and doing what you said are completely two different things. He said that he would give up and will just support her but, he couldn't do it. "Time will heal this wound." Natsu murmured and kept the invitation inside his safe. "Important things should be kept safe."

When Travis said it would be a grand wedding, he really meant it to be grand. Unexpectedly though, this would be a grand wedding where he spent less money. Sky and Alex volunteered to spend their money for the food, saying that Jillyanna gave them so much but they could only repay them during her wedding. Cheska and Diego volunteered for the flowers needed at the wedding church and at the reception, telling him that it was their way of making it up to him after helping them for years. The souvenirs, the decorations, the priest, the music band, and other things, they were taken by his friends. In his mind, he only remembered paying for the rings and the wedding suits and gowns.

Back to Travis and Jillyanna, they just arrived at their house with Jade. Riley was quick to jump out of the car and took the child's hand with hers. "Riley really liked taking care of others." Travis commented while he helped his wife to come out.

"When I first found them, she was taking care of Shein, too. Back then, Shein was really small and malnourished. I thought he was just an 8-year-old child. I didn't expect him to be just a year younger to the twins."

They walked inside the house and found Jade being cuddled by her mother. Sky was really happy to have a grandchild and her smile can't hide that fact.

"Ahem! Ahem!" Jillyanna faked a cough to get their attention back. "That is my child. Can I have her for a while?"

"Tsk! What a jealous hen." Sky mumbled but Jillyanna and Cielo laughed at her. It was clear as day as to who was the real jealous hen.

"Everyone, this is my daughter Jade. From today onwards, she will be our new family member. She will stay here with us." Jillyanna announced to them before turning towards the little girl. "Jade, this will be your new family." She pointed towards everyone, one after the other. "This is your grandmother Sky and grandfather Alex." She introduced her parents who were smiling like a fool. "This is your grandfather Thomas."

"I am your Auntie Riley." Riley cut in and introduced herself.

"I am your Auntie Savy. We met yesterday." Savannah introduced herself without waiting for Jillyanna to do so.

"Nice to see you again, little fella. It's me, Uncle Evan."

"Pretty uncle, should I call you Uncle Brown or Uncle Evan? Everyone else calls you Brown, right?" Jade asked to make sure that she would get it right but everyone burst out laughing instead. She didn't know what happened but they were laughing while pointing to Brown.

"Pretty uncle. Hahaha." Savannah threw herself in a fit of laughter. "The child can really see your true colors."

''Shut up!" Brown glared at his friend before smiling back to Jade. "Just call me whatever you want."

"Okay pretty uncle." Jade nodded her head with a smile.

Valkyrie was holding back his laughter and watched the others introduced themselves. Jillyanna sat on the vacant couch instead and watched everyone interact. Travis went to the kitchen and got her a glass of water while getting a glass of milk for Jade. When it was Valkyrie's turn, Jade looked at him and bit her lower lip.

"Uncle, I wanted to ask you this yesterday." Valkyrie leaned closer to her and was ready to listen. "Do you always spend time with pretty uncle?"

Everyone turned silent at her question. How can a young child be perceptive like her? And it was a topic not meant for children of her age.

Valkyrie nodded his head to admit it. "We grew up together. We worked in the same place and we stay in the same house. You can say that we spend so much time together."

"I understand. What's your name?"

"Just call me Uncle Matt."

Travis came back, gave Jillyanna the glass of water and Jade, the glass of milk. He pulled up the little girl and let her sit on the couch where everyone asked her a question. Jenny wasn't there since she still has two more weeks of class and she decided to stay in the dorm for a while. Jillyanna's teacher and Winter weren't around as well since they haven't finished the skills tests and training.

"Let me show you to your room." Riley spoke to the little child since she can't wait to see her reaction when she sees her room. They stayed up all night just to made a little renovation of her room and they ordered a lot of things that she can use as well. There were toys and books on her private shelf but her wardrobe was still empty. They didn't know her body size after all.

Everyone let her go and look at her room. Sky couldn't separate herself from the little girl and even came up to her room with them.

"I guess we have to move out soon." Valkyrie stated which earned him a piercing glare from Brown. ''Our relationship isn't suitable for a little child. Let's buy our own lot and build our own house."

"That's a great idea." Brown retorted but he wasn't happy at all. She didn't want to leave far away from Jillyanna and Travis. "Go, find a place yourself.'' He mumbled as he slouched on his seat.

"Let's discuss that later." Travis informed with a light raise of his eyebrow. Valkyrie and Brown received his signal and nodded their heads. "I'll bring Jillyanna to her room to rest for a while."

"Okay." They knew that Jillyanna needed ample time to rest so they didn't mind her leaving them on their own. As soon as Jillyanna was out of sight, the remaining people in the living room talked among themselves.

"I am not really against her decision to adopt a child but, wouldn't it be too much stress to her?" Brown questioned.

"It could be and it could not be. As of now, what we can do is to help her take care of the child and let the child understand that her mother needed to rest and proper care." Savannah commented. "I can sense that the child is very sensible despite her young age and small body. I'm sure she would understand."

"Then, let's take turns in taking care of the child." Thomas suggested.

"I'm afraid that won't happen." Alex butt in to their conversation. "Didn't you see how happy my wife upon seeing that little girl? Most probably, the child will be staying with us."

Jade would have never known that her innocent wish of getting a baby sister will turn her to have a fateful meeting with Jillyanna and bring her countless blessings and a warm love from her new big family.

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