Chasing After My Wife


Inside the reception hall, Shein was busy installing the small cameras. He was in charge of the footage to make sure that no one will come to destroy the event. He place some on the stage, in several flower vases, walls, and he even asked someone to get a folding metal stairs so that he can climb up to place some cameras on the chandeliers.

Riley was busy arranging the flowers with the other people. They decided to do the flower arrangement that day to keep the flowers fresh until the next day. The room was cold so the flowers would not dry up that easily. Jackie was busy arranging the chairs and table, as well as the tablewares and table napkins.

They had to arrange everything accordingly, including the place where instruments of the bands can be placed, the area where the host can stay, the area for gifts, and the entrance-exit of the place.

All waiters and staff were chosen by Savannah and Hawk. Even during the preparation, they were checked everytime they got inside and went out. They were very strict with security matters.

Once it was time to leave, no one was allowed to get inside the venue as well. If you forget anything, you will have to wait for the security to retrieve your things. They didn't want anyone to tamper anything inside the place.

Shein was the one with the most tiring responsibility. He would need to monitor the whole place from morning to night, until everyone gets out safely.

It wasn't until three in the afternoon that they finished everything. Shein stretched out his body and yawned.

"The problem lies with the food tomorrow." he commented while packing up his things.

"Don't worry about that. The teacher came home earlier and she will come tomorrow morning to monitor the food. The security will be tightened as well." Jackie informed them the information she knew.

"I am a bit nervous." Riley stated while her heart was pounding in her chest. She didn't know for what reason but she felt really nervous.

"You don't have to be nervous. Everything will be fine." Jackie gently rubbed her twin's head.

They watched the other people leave the place before the walked following them.

"You didn't forget anything?" Hawk asked since he was the one tasked to deal with the security in the reception.

"Hn. We are all good. Let's go home." The three of them went home together. Hawk went to the wedding church and picked up Savannah first before going back to the hacienda.

"Tonight, Winter and I will go to Jillyanna's house for preparation." Savannah mentioned to her boyfriend on their way back.

"Should I just drop you there and picked up the men? I think it will save time." Hawk suggested.

"I think that will be fine." Instead of going back to the hacienda, Hawk sent her to Jillyanna's house.

"Hawk! Come and help me bring these suits." Valkyrie called out while holding on to several hangers in his hand.

Hawk took some from him and placed it inside the car. The folded the seats to make sure that there will be enough space for the hanger stand.

Travis was still reluctant to go. He hated the tradition of not seeing the bride before the wedding day. It was making him anxious.

"We will be fine here. We are all fighters. Nothing will happen to me." Jillyanna tried reassuring him once again.

"If anything comes up, call me as soon as possible, okay?"

"Yes, sir!" Jillyanna even made a salute to him. Travis kissed him and left to find his daughter.

Jade was currently talking to Savannah and the other women. They were all excited for the wedding which will happen the next day.

"Daddy, are you leaving now?" Jade asked when she saw him walking towards her.

"Hn." Travis squatted down to level his eyes with hers. "Daddy will prepare for the wedding. You will stay with Mommy here. You know what to do already, right?"

"Yes, Daddy. I remember what you said." Jade nodded her head.

Just a precaution, Travis told her to hide if something bad happens.

"Alright. That's my good girl. I'll have to go now." He placed a tender kiss on the girl's head and left.

Everyone knew why Travis was reluctant to leave. This event can be taken advantage of and their enemies might take action against them.

"Take care, Daddy." Jade shouted and watched the cars leave one after the other. She waved her small hands at them even though they were already out of sight.

Not long after they left, Cielo, Sky and Jenny arrived. "Hi Jade. How are you?" Cielo asked the little girl who was still standing at the porch.

"I am fine and a little sad."

"Why are you sad?" Sky asked her granddaughter at once. She held on to her hand and led her back inside.

"Because Daddy had to leave."

"Oh..I see. It's part of the ceremony. You will see your daddy tomorrow."

"I still hate it." Jade was very honest with her feelings at all. The only person she wasn't honest to was her biological father. She needed to pretend okay even when she didn't like the person at all.

Sky talked to her to help the child calm down. In the end, they baked cookies to let her forget her sadness.

Since the wedding will start at ten in the morning the next day, the girls had an early dinner so that they can also take an early rest.

Despite of saying it was an early rest, only Jade was sleeping beside her mother. Jillyanna was wide awake and she was currently sending messages to her teacher.

"Just for this day, can you ask the others to come over? I can't feel at ease at all." Jillyanna texted.

"I already informed them yesterday to come over tonight. They will be staying in a hotel few kilometers from the church and the reception. I know you won't be settled down so don't worry. You can sleep peacefully. We'll wake you up once the make-up artists and hair artists are here."

"Thank you teacher."

Jillyanna cuddled her daughter close and slept. The other women were in the living room, chatting happily, they couldn't sleep because of excitement and a little nervousness.

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