Chasing After My Wife


As soon as the entourage reached the end of the aisle, the double door was immediately opened by the guard and the lovely bride came into view.

The dressmaker was really a genius. You wouldn't know that she was pregnant unless you watched her from the side view.

She stood at the door, everyone was looking at her but her eyes was glued to the man at the end to the aisle, waiting for her to arrive. He was dazzling and handsome. He looked like a modern prince from England with his white suit. The smile on his lips could take one's breath away.

She felt like she was floating towards him. She didn't know how she managed it but, she didn't trip on her dress even when she wasn't watching her steps. She even had to blink her eyes twice because she thought there were just two of them. She thought the guests all faded out in the background.

"You know what Dad, I never imagined that this day would come." Jillyanna spoke to her father. She cleared her throat to hold back her tears which were threatening to fall on her cheeks. "I was hellbent in escaping him before. I didn't know that staying with him would bring so much happiness in my life. If Cheska didn't tell Diego about me and if Diego didn't inform Travis about me, I would miss this lifetime of happiness."

"When you are meant to be, no matter how you want to escape, your destiny will bring you back to meet him." Alex responded to his daughter. He, himself, didn't expect this to happen as well. They were all ready to support her being a single mom. Who would have thought that Travis would come and change her life. "I am happy to have him as my son-in-law, a loving husband and a great father to his children."

As she walked down the aisle, someone in the crowd clutched his chest. He loved her for so many years, though he got busy at some point, she was still in his mind. Now, he was watching her walk down the aisle to the man that she loves and who loves her back.

"I can't believe I am attending her wedding." Natsu mumbled to himself while watching Jillyanna walk on the red carpet. She was really beautiful but, too bad he wasn't the man waiting at the altar.

Jillyanna looked around the crowd and she spotted Natsu Azumi looking at her. Her smile widened and she managed to mouth her words of 'Thank you!' to him.

Natsu could only look back at her and smile. This time, their line of relationship can only be friends. She promised to forgive him and to become his friend on her wedding day. As a noble man, be wouldn't covet someone who was already owned by someone. It wasn't his personality to force someone to be in a relationship with him.

Savannah was also watching Jillyanna from the monitor. When she paused shortly and looked to a certain someone, she couldn't help but looked towards the crowd as well. There she saw the very familiar face of her cousin.

"It can't be him, right?" Savannah asked herself. To be sure, she turned on her earpiece and asked Hawk who was at the hotel reception. "Can you check if we have a guest named Natsu Azumi."

"Wait for a while." Hawk checked the lists of names from the woman at the door. She was the one in charge to get the invitation and check their names. "Yes, we do."

"Oh crap! How did he became acquainted with Jillyanna and Travis? He isn't here to take me back, right?"

"I am not sure about that." Hawk responded. "Don't worry, we'll figure out a way. I won't let him take you away."

"Thanks. I'll count on you." she muted her earpiece and check the monitor again. Even though she said those words, worry still lingers in her heart. She didn't want to go back to Japan.

Not long after, Jillyanna reached the end of the aisle and she was handed to Travis. Travis took her hand and led her to the altar where they will take their seats.

The priest preceded over the wedding and started the ceremony. They priest read over some gospel for them and thoughtful remarks, including his blessing and well-wishes for them. Then, he turned towards Travis to ask the question that everyone was waiting for. "Do you, Travis Madrigal, take Jillyanna Madrid, to be your legally wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto you pledge her your faith?"

Travis looked at his wife with a huge smile, brimming with happiness and joy. "I do."

"Do you, Jillyanna Madrid, take Travis Madrigal, to be your legally wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto you pledge him your faith?"

Jillyanna clutched the bouquet of flowers in her hand and turned to Travis with a sweet smile. "I do."

The priest raised his hand and blessed them. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

"Kiss her hard!" Diego yelled in a joking manner.

"You idiot! Do you want the bride to collapse?" Valkyrie retorted.

"Wetwew!" Brown whistled making everyone laugh.

Jillyanna turned towards her husband, the one she registered her marriage to, the person she would always look forward to see every waking moment and before closing her eyes to sleep.

She thought the time stopped when all she could see and think was him. He lifted the veil covering her face and placed it over her back.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

And just like how they always do it, Travis cupped her face, leaned closer and kissed his lips. It wasn't a French kiss but it he kissed her longer than a peck. He can't kiss her hard or she might collapse in front of everyone.

When he pulled away from her, everyone gave them a round of applause, well-wishes and congratulations. Jade was jumping up and down on the wooden from so much joy.

"Be careful, Jade." Winter reminded the little girl in case she'd slip and fall.

"Auntie Winter, Mommy and Daddy are now married. We are one big happy family now."

"Hn. You've got one big happy family." Winter rubbed the child's head lightly.

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