Chasing After My Wife

Chapter 462 - 8th MONTH

After that trip to the amusement park, they went directly to the airport and sent off their teacher. She was bound to go home that day after her short vacation.

"Once you need something, don't hesitate to come and seek me." their teacher stated to both Winter and Jillyanna. Then, she turned to Travis. "I will entrust her to your care."

"I will do my very best." Travis responded solemnly.

Jade was looking at them talk and was waiting for the teacher to say something to her. Like a reminder or suggestion. What came out of the teacher's mouth was a little unexpected though.

"Little Princess, be strong and live happily. Don't stir up trouble for your Mommy and Daddy."

"Yes, teacher. I will be a good girl." Jade knew how to keep a promise just like how she promised to pretend in front of her biological father.

Not long after, their teacher finally left, waving her hand one last time at them.

Winter drove the car and sent the couple back to the hospital before driving Jade back to the Madrid's villa and she herself went back to the hacienda.

Jillyanna would rest for two days and come out for half a day with Travis and Jade. They went to Ocean Park, to Snow World, to Jurrasic themed-park, to Disney land, and to other places where Jade could enjoy herself and to let Travis experience the role of a father.

Sometime, Riley and Shein would come along. Sometime, it was Jackie and Vincent who came with them. Some other times would be top and other guards. Sometimes Jenny and Sky would keep them company.

Savannah and her friends were busy taking another mission. Winter also reported back to the military camp. Major General Calhoun still wanted Gabriel to come back to the service but Winter talked to Gabriel about it. She didn't him to put his life in danger again. Calhoun was very understanding so he just let go of this matter and dismissed Gabriel permanently, using his health as a valid excuse.

Time passed quickly and the cold December came. Stores, houses, schools, different establishments and even the streets were oozing with the atmosphere of festivity. Lanterns, christmas trees, mistletoes, series of light bulbs, christmas music; the season of giving was really enchanting.

Jillyanna was still in her hospital room, watching the snow falling outside her room, covering the garden right below.

"Am I allowed to spend Christmas with everyone?" she asked Travis who just came inside for Dr. Alison's office. He was getting permission for Jillyanna to come home.

"She said that you can go home but you shouldn't excite yourself that much. She's allowing you to come with me to the party as well but you can only stay for two hours at most."

"That's fine with me. I just really wanted to spend Christmas with everyone."

It was still two weeks before Christmas but Jillyanna didn't want to spend it inside her hospital room. She wanted to go home at least for Christmas and New Year.

Travis started packing her things and their important belongings so that they can leave immediately.

There wasn't much that they needed to bring since they would be coming back after New Year. They just brought back their gadgets, documents and Jillyanna's medications.

"Are you all set?" Travis asked her after she wore her down jacket.

"Hn. I'm all good."

After confirming that nothing's wrong, Travis asked one of the hospital staff to close the door and keep the key. If anything happens to the room or if anything's missing, the staff will be responsible for it. Thus, the staff made sure to keep the key safe with him.

Top and other three body guards escorted the husband and wife back to their house where Jade had been waiting since morning.

"Mommy! I miss you." Jade ran towards her and hugged her thighs. "You didn't let me visit you these past few days because it is cold so, I was really really really bored."

"Really?" Jillyanna asked while rubbing the child's head. "Didn't you miss, Daddy?"

"Of course I miss Daddy. I just saw you first." she made an excuse which sound agreeable.

Shein helped Travis with the bags and brought it upstairs so that they can take a rest. It was still two in the afternoon but due to the weather, the afternoon looked gloomy yet wonderful. The snow wasn't heavy and it gave an impression of an enchanted land.

"I'll take a rest for a while. Please wake me up after three hours." Jillyanna stated before walking upstairs with Jade. She wanted to sleep with her daughter this time.

Jackie and Riley was still in the living room and when Jillyanna left, they immediately called Cielo and Jenny.

"Is she home already?" Cielo asked softly.

"Just got home." Riley answered. "Her baby will turn eight months old. What do you think should we do for her?"

"I heard that Jillyanna isn't allowed to take surprises anymore. We shouldn't do something overwhelming. I suggest we just throw a small celebration. Like a little get together before Christmas." Cielo suggested with concern for her sister.

"Okay. I'll inform big brother about this. Let's just hold the celebration here. It would be bad if she travels with a heavy stomach." Jackie stated.

They all agreed to do a little celebration for Jillyanna before Christmas. It was for her baby which would turn eight months old. It wasn't like the grand baby shower but just a little celebration to spend Christmas with distant friends and families.

Jillyanna was starting to get accustomed to surprises but she would still become very happy whenever she gets one.

After the discussion, Travis was informed immediately. He just let them do whatever they want as long as no one would get hurt.

Second Saturday of December, friends and family held a little get-together to celebrate a little for Jillyanna and her baby at the same time, have an early Christmas celebration with them.

This time, Savannah and the other weren't around due to their work. Eliezer and Vincent came with their gifts. Jillyanna had gifts for them, too. A little toke of gratitude from her. She didn't know what Vincent liked so she gave him a pair of shoes. For Eli, she bought him a watch.

"I noticed that you have been using your phone to check for time. I know watch is very important but no matter how important it is, you don't have time to buy one for yourself. So, I got you one. Advance Merry Christmas, Eli." Her eyes squinted into a crescent moon as she greeted him happily.

"Thank you. Merry Christmas to you and your family." Eli responded as he tried putting on the watch. It was a perfect fit around his wrist.

Travis looked at them from his peripheral vision but he was no longer jealous of Eli. He knew that Jillyanna didn't have feelings for him other than being friends.

'Thinking about Rival, I still have one that is yet to come. I hope he was telling truth about having wife.' Travis thought when he remembered about the man that Jillyanna talked to few weeks ago.

Thomas also came and brought his early gifts for everyone. He came with Gabriel this time since Winter was still in the military.

"Make sure to visit your parents once the weather gets a little better. They would be disappointed if you'd forget to visit them." Thomas reminded Jillyanna and Travis at the same time.

"Yes, dad." They answered in unison which made Thomas smiled at them. They actually planned to visit them before Christmas but the weather wasn't cooperating at all.

They didn't have much activity, just a little chitchat here and there, eatings, playing cards, chess, and other sort of light activities. It wasn't anything extravagant but everyone was enjoying their time.

"One more month and you will give birth to our baby. Just hang on a little longer, okay? I will always be here to support you and help you." Travis mumbled beside her while they watched everyone having fun.

Jade was playing with Shein using his laptop and they were creating blocks and different kinds of shapes using codes. Even though Jillyanna was smart, she wan't that well-versed when it comes to computer codes and programming but Jade was able to learn it quickly.

Seeing her happy smile, Jillyanna knew that she made the right choice of adopting the kid. Not only that, she was even blessed to have a sensible, smart and honest child. She was kind, too. 'Such adorable being fell into my arms. I must have accumulated so much good karma to get her in this life.' Jillyanna thought with a huge grin hanging on her lips.

"Don't worry. I will cling to my life and do my best. I won't leave you no matter what." Jillyanna told Travis after sometimes.

However, no matter how much you hold on to that hope, some people can't leave you be. Some people were just full of greed and envy that they can't allow Jillyanna to be happy.

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