Chasing After My Wife

Chapter 467 - MISERIES

Travis saw her breathing in relief. She might have not noticed it but she was actually sweating coldly. Her hands were shaking lightly as well.

He also found the several missed phone calls from Jackie and Riley but, Jillyanna was quick to call them back.

"Let's go back to the villa tonight." she whispered while looking down on the floor.


She knew that this day would come and she wasn't that surprise but she was still worried for her family. She didn't anticipate that Ryden would be so bold to go and find them by himself.

'Wait! By himself? He went there alone?' she couldn't wrap up her mind in this thought. 'It's impossible that he was alone. I don't believe it.'

And she was right in her wild guess and thought. Ryden wasn't alone but he was just so stupid and over confident. After killing the guards who came with Walter earlier, he let his two men to guard the main road in case someone would escape. With his small and stupid brain, he would have never anticipated that there was a different exit that Jackie and the others could use.

Travis and Jillyanna went home to the Madrid's family villa after the party. After finding out that everyone was safe, she wasn't worrying anymore.

'I don't want to kill people again.' Jillyanna thought. She just wanted to live her life peacefully. 'Well, I don't think he is considered a person so, I guess it's fine to kill him?' she added mentally, fiddling with her wedding ring without her knowing.

Travis took hold of her hand and intertwined their fingers. "What ate you thinking?" he asked with concern. She had been silent since they left the party venue and he was starting to get anxious.

"I was just thinking how to deal with Ryden. He had been messing with me for quite sometimes and I am really pissed off right now."

"You are that pissed off?" Travis wanted to laugh amidst the danger lurking around them. She said that she was pissed off but she was rather calm and nonchalant about. It just meant that she was handling her emotions properly.

"Don't worry. I'll think of a way to deal with this. Don't think about anything anymore."

"I won't ask how you will do it." She didn't need to know because how it will happen because she knew how it will end already.

Not long after, Top drove the car inside the gate of the Madrid's villa and stopped it in front of the main entrance.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Jade's cute and adorable face came into view as she ran towards them. "I was so worried about you two. Why didn't you answer my calls? Do you know how afraid I was? I really thought that something happened." She was complaining but her tone still has traces of concern and worry for them.

Jillyanna wasn't allowed to bend so Travis picked up their daughter to carry her in his arms.

"Sorry for making you worry." Jillyanna spoke softly and leaned closer to them to kiss her daughter's cheeks.

"It was a good thing that Uncle Walter warned me." Jade mentioned and shortly informed them of how they were able to escape.

Earlier, she told Jackie and her company that it was her 'father' and now, she was back to calling him uncle. She was could easily switched between her two roles.

Sky and Alex sighed a breath of relief after seeing them intact without any bruises or wounds. Since they were fine, they went inside their room to sleep the night away. They weren't that worried since there were many guards who looked after the house and their security.

Cielo also greeted them when she saw that her sister had come back safely. "I'm glad you're all safe. I was worried when I heard the news from Jade and the twins."

"Sorry." Jillyanna mumbled almost a whisper to them.

"That's fine. You've been out for a while and a lot of things happened. Go and take a rest. Don't think too much for now. Your baby needs to rest as well." Cielo reminded her.

"I already arranged your room, and changed the bedsheet and pillows. It's ready to use." Jenny informed her.

"Thanks Jenny."

"You're welcome." Jenny smiled faintly at her. "We don't have much room here so the twins will be sleeping with me."

"I see. Then, Shein can use the remaining spare room." Jillyanna responded promptly. "I'm sorry but I will retire first."

"Good night." They greeted back to Jillyanna.

They couldn't do anything about what had happened. Worrying about it will just make them more anxious. So, they decided to just let the law take care of everything.

Travis asked Walter about the whole event while Jillyanna led her daughter to their room and sang her to sleep.

"So, you were ambushed on the way? Where are your men?" Travis asked which darkened the face of the man in front of him.

"They're all gone."


"They're gone. Dead. When we were ambushed, Ryden and his men shoot my guards on their heads, not letting anyone escape."

Travis didn't say anything but he still gave Walter a gentle pat on his back as a form of comfort.

"Just let Lucian handle this matter. You can be a witness to this crime but we can't be so sure if they would be able to catch him." Travis sighed at his own statement. "If they authorities can't subdue him, would you like to work with me?" He whispered to him, making Walter stiffened on his seat.

Lucian was long gone to accompany his wife to sleep so, he didn't know what Travis was talking about. Since they got the statement and information from Walter, he already asked Nik to check the crime scene as soon as possible.

While everyone was minding their own business, the two in the living room already made a pact to do things on their own if the law can't do anything.

Ryden didn't care about the person who escaped. He wasn't his main purpose anyway. He can do whatever he wants once he would take down Jillyanna. She was his main target in this messed up game of revenge.

Ryden went back to the abandoned house of his family with the two men who still stayed and worked for him.

"Boss, when are we going to attack them again?" one of the men asked as the trek the road leading to the huge but abandoned house.

"Let's wait and see. For the meantime, let's figure out where those scoundrels ran off to." Ryden responded with his grim face. "At the same, do you still not know where Lyla is?"

"No boss. She just disappeared into thin air. Do you think Jillyanna silenced that woman already?"

"It's a possibility."

Ryden clenched his fist and unclenched it again. He really wanted to punch someone to pulp due to so much anger but, he only got two allies whom he couldn't dare to hurt. They're the only people left by his side, he couldn't afford for them to leave as well.

Next morning came and Walter was long gone without waiting for his daughter to wake up. He needed to see his men, who stayed by his side until their very last breath.

They might not have any families or dependents but to Walter, they were his companion when he couldn't even stay with his family.

He had a dangerous background and from time to time, people would target him. He just didn't expect that his wife would really turned her back on him. She didn't even ask for his help and she never once accepted his help either. When he left, to protect them, his wife made a clean break and told him not show his face in front of them anymore.

She returned all the money he sent and chose to die with their baby. Even in her last breath, she didn't tell Jade who was her father and she didn't tell him to look after their daughter.

In his opinion, his wise was rather selfish and not understanding. However, he couldn't blame her. His fate was just too dangerous and if he stayed with them they would die.

'If I knew you would still die in the end, I would have stayed and died with you.' This was what Walter used to think. After knowing that his eldest daughter was still alive, he decided to live his life again.

Now, he could only watch her call someone else her father while he stayed as her uncle. How ironic, isn't it?

Walter saw the lines of dead bodies in front of him. All pale and breathless. "After the autopsy, please have someone cremate their remains. I'd like to give them a proper burial." He mentioned to the police officer and to the forensic doctor who will make proper autopsy for the investigation.

"I am, perhaps, destined from the very start to live alone in this world." He mumbled to himself while looking down on his feet. A lone tear dropped on the floor from the overwhelming misery he felt.

Then and there, he decided to abandon the life that he was used to for a change.

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