Chasing After My Wife


Travis was alerted when he saw the nurse was running in a hurry from the emergency room. "What's happening?!" Travis questioned but the nurse didn't have the time to chat with him.

They would have asked for someone from her family to donate their blood for a transfusion but Dr. Sweden informed them that none of them was Jillyanna's biological family. Instead of taking more time for examination and blood extraction, they decided to call the blood bank to get three bags of blood from them.

The nurse who just went out was going to their blood bank to get the bags that they asked for. Lyla was watching Jillyanna from the sideline. The once beautiful and outstanding woman that many looked up to was now lying on the operating table, paled face, disheveled hair and messed up with her stomach sliced up from the c-section earlier.

"If it was years ago, I would never expect this scene. I would never imagine that I will be saving your life when you just ruined mine." Lyla murmured. "But there's no going back. Even if I live, I will be living in misery and humiliation."

When Jillyanna was sent inside, Lyla was dressed up as one of the nurses to hide her identity. She didn't want anyone to know that she would be the one who will save Jillyanna. There's a chance that Travis will stop her and she couldn't take that risk. She needed her plan to succeed.

After almost ten minutes, the nurse went back, sweat dotted his forehead as he handed the Styrofoam bucket which contained the three bags of blood. The tried to stabilize Jillyanna's condition first before they will proceed with the operation. Another half an hour had passed before they finally got the right numbers on the monitor. Dr. Sweden had sanitized himself as well as Dr. Alison who will be assisting him.

"Are you ready?" Dr. Alison asked Lyla who just nodded her head. "I wish you to have a better life in your next lifetime. Thank you for your courage and help." Lyla didn't speak another word. She just smiled faintly, her eyelids getting heavier from being drowsy as the drug kicked in.

Dr. Sweden didn't need to say a single word since Dr. Alison knew that he needed to operate. Dr. Alison took out the still beating heart from Lyla's body and handed it to the old doctor who will operate Jillyanna. They were all nervous yet confident. Nervous that Jillyanna's vitals will plummet which will put them in a predicament and confident that they can make it successful as long as nothing happens to her during the operation.

Outside the operation room, Travis and everyone were all waiting for him. Waited and waited, waited and waited; they didn't even know how long it was. Travis stood up and called Shein. "What happened tonight pulled the last string of my humanity. Send me the details." Travis didn't say another word and didn't wait for anyone to come with him. He left and no matter how many times Lucian called out to him, he didn't heed to his call or even stopped on his track.

Thomas tried stopping his son, too. Just like Lucian, his call was futile. Travis wasn't thinking of anything else aside from his intention to kill someone. When he passed by the general ward, he saw Shein was holding Riley who wanted to find her sister. Jackie was with her, too. When they saw Travis, they were all stunned and confused.

"Meeting someone?" Jackie asked. That 'meeting someone' was actually killing someone. However, they couldn't say it out loud in the premise of the hospital thus; she changed her words. Travis still understood what she meant and nodded his head. "I'll come with you. I know the place. I was watching Shein searched for it earlier."

Without further ado, the two left the hospital to meet someone. Travis couldn't wait to kill someone. If he had made his moves, Jillyanna wouldn't be in this dire situation. It was because of hid carelessness that his wife was now in a critical situation. Jackie took the laptop from Shein and used her basic knowledge when it comes to monitoring someone. She didn't have to do so much since Shein already uncovered the whereabout of their enemy. They just needed to the red dot which was blinking on the screen.

Before they went off to chase their enemy, Travis went back to Jillyanna's house and picked up some tools. Jackie didn't get anything since she already got her guns. She was just waiting for Travis to come out. After getting their tools, the two of silently traveled towards the destination where their enemy was waiting for them.

Ryden was ecstatic after the victory he gained. From afar, using his binocular, he saw Jillyanna fell on the floor with a pool of blood underneath her. He was delighted to see that she was going to die. But then again, he was stupid and overconfident. "Going to die" and "dead" are completely different matters. He was already celebrating his not-so-clear victory. He didn't even confirm himself if Jillyanna was really dead.

Utterly stupid! Foolish!

He was drinking some red wine which he asked his two subordinated to buy. Even though they weren't that wealthy as how they were before, even though he was listed as the most high-priced criminal, his mother would still send him money, using the identity of his men. They couldn't send money directly to him in order to avoid the law who never ceased to haunt him.

"Boss, you are so great! They must be mourning right now. Hahaha!"

"Who told them to mess up with our boss and his family? Hmp! They should have looked over the people they wanted to step." The other man chided in.

"C'mon. Don't think about that bitch anymore. Let's drink to our heart's content." Ryden raised his glass for a toast and sipped on the wine. The house was still dark and their voices echoed at the empty abode. The only source of light was the candle on the center of their table.

Travis parked the car at some distance to make sure that they won't alert the enemy. He carried his tools while Jackie carried the laptop to make sure that they were still on the right direction.

"That bitch deserved to die." Ryden stated with a maniacal laughter. This was also the statement that Travis heard upon reaching the place. His eyes were red and he was already clutching his hand on the trigger.


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