Chasing After My Wife


It's been a month since she was discharged from the hospital. Travis still asked the nurse to come and continue her therapy. She was getting stronger each day and now, she can go up and down the staircase without getting flustered and running out of breath. Travis allowed her to carry their baby for ten minutes now but she was still not allowed to stay late at night.

He was still responsible for taking care of their son. Jillyanna didn't really mind but sometimes, she would intentionally sulk to him because he was being strict. However, no matter how much she sulks or act, Travis wouldn't give in to her. When it was time to sleep, she had to sleep. When it was time to do a light exercise, she had to exercise. When he wanted to drink a little bit of coffee, he would scold her before giving her a glass of milk.

Her birthday had passed and they weren't able to celebrate it and it looked like he didn't have any plan to celebrate it either. He was busy with their children and making sure that she followed through her schedules every single day. This time, Travis gave her a day off, a whole day in which he wouldn't debate with her no matter what she wanted to do.

Just in time, Cielo called her and asked if she wanted to come to the villa. Since she had holed herself inside the house under the surveillance of her husband, today, she finally got the chance to leave and enjoy herself. She looked for him inside the room of their son and found him reading the book about the three little pigs to their son who was sitting on his lap, behaving like an obedient student with the handsome teacher. Jade was on the other side, playing with his phone.

"I finally found you." She mumbled making the three pairs of eyes looked at her. "I want to go out."

"Where to?"

"To the villa with Cielo."

"Bring Jade with you. Mom and Dad just called to let her visit them."

"Okay. Come here, Jade." Jillyanna reached out her hand and hold the little girl. Jade returned the phone to Travis with a wide smile. She didn't know that she was being set up again.

"Take care of yourself. Make sure to call me. And don't go outside the villa. Bring Top with you as well as Brown." He reminded her.

"Yes, sir." She leaned close to him and kissed his lips before kissing the top of her son's head. "Thanks for letting me out."

Travis just smiled and watched her leave. When she was out of his sight already, he immediately sent a message to Jackie and everyone else. Sky, Cielo and Alex received the message as well and smiled. They will do their best to keep their part. Jenny left the villa and asked her body guard to drive her to Jillyanna's house. Since she couldn't really get rid of the bodyguard so, she decided to just get used to them. However, when she's going to school they would maintain a certain distance.

Jackie and Riley went to the back garden instantly. Jillyanna never got the chance to visit the back garden since the time she was discharged. Travis told her that there was a construction in the neighborhood and it would be dusty. She didn't have any idea that the construction was a surprise for her.

The construction was almost done and they also needed to place the koi fishes and the lilies on the pond. The filters and fountains were done and the lush bamboo groves were planted on the side. It was inspired with the Japanese style villa of Five Michael, the designer.

Jackie and Riley coordinated with everyone to help finish whatever it was that needed to be done. They already bought the furniture for the houses and it was ready to be lived in. Valkyrie and Brown were responsible for the security of the whole property and a batch of construction workers came to change the fence of the house as well. This time, they weren't just putting a fence to Jillyanna's house but to the whole property that the men bought. Shein and Riley finally have a house of their own, away from the prying eyes of the public. Hawk wanted to give Savannah a place to stay when they were not in a mission as well. Brown and Valkyrie needed a place where they can do their thing without worrying about the effect to the young children.

They only have a day to finish everything and to set up Jillyanna's birthday surprise. They doubled the man power and increased the salary for that day just to make sure that everything will be finished. Since they didn't have much time, Jackie also contacted an event organizer to help them.

Inside the house, Travis was still holding the sleeping baby in his arms. As time went by, he could tell that the baby got his look from his mother. He's got the same eyes as Jillyanna, thick and long lashes, the same nose and the same small face. "You will be handsome just like how your mother is beautiful." Travis murmured and kissed the baby's forehead.

Just like a smart child, or perhaps the baby felt how much his mother struggled this past months, baby Raizle never once gave them a problem. He would only cry whenever he's wet or when he's hungry. When he's sleepy, he would just find the best position in his father's arm and close his eyes.

With the ongoing construction and other noise pollution, Travis decided to bring the child to Jillyanna's little room downstairs. It had the best soundproofing and as long as you close the door, you won't hear anything from the outside. Before, it was Jillyanna's room. Now, it was Jade's small study room and play ground. They also installed cameras and proper ventilation to make sure that she's fine and comfortable whenever she uses the room. As of the moment, the past and current owner of the room wasn't around so, Travis got the whole room to himself. There was a small crib in the corner that Jillyanna placed to make sure that she can watch over the child while playing with Jade.

You can say that the whole house was changed and set up with the consideration of the two children. Travis looked around the room and found the albums that Jillyanna kept all these years. Most of them were pictures of her childhood and few pictures of her when she grew up.

He found a baby picture of his wife and sure enough, when he compared it to their son, he really looked like her. "I just wish for you to grow up in good health with good manners. I won't force you to learn everything like how my father did in the past. I will give you the freedom to choose." Travis mumbled softly.

If he knew how troublesome his son would be in the future he wouldn't say it today. He didn't know that in the future, Raizel would grow up and would want to learn different things. They were polarly opposite. The things he hated to do when he was young would be the things that Raizel would love to be doing once he grew up. Anyway, that's a story for later, a story five years later with the troubled father.

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