Chasing After My Wife


Jillyanna gave Shein a series of tasked that day. He was asked to find Lyla's parents and delete all videos of Lyla that they uploaded. Everything about Lyla should be deleted. The first task was easy but, the last one was very difficult since he had to hack millions of IP addresses to remove the downloaded videos as well. 

"Sis, why are you doing this to me? Have I done something wrong? Why are you punishing me this way?" Shein questioned since he didn't know why he was asked to delete the videos that he uploaded.

"You didn't do anything wrong. This isn't a punishment either. I just want to make it up to my heart donor."

"You mean—"

"Yeah. Don't ask about it." Jillyanna responded to him and left. Shein didn't need to ask anymore and started working. He logged on to the hacker's forum and as one of the top hackers in the whole world, he ordered everyone to help him with the task and everyone will be rewarded handsomely. Some of them didn't need cash but some other help so he promised to help them as long as none of the videos will show up again.

In that one day, several people posted that their computers or phones were hacked and there were number of pictures and videos that were deleted. Not just in one city but in the whole world. It was like an organization made a move and decided to clean their phones or computers. No one mentioned what information were deleted but a post confirmed something which made some of the people scared.

"ANYONE WHO WILL POST A VIDEO OF LYLA, YOU KNOW WHICH LYLA I MEAN AND YOU KNOW WHY YOUR THINGS WERE CLEANED, I WILL DESTROY YOUR LIFE. COME AND TRY ME." This wasn't just posted in a social media but to every social network site. It was even made into an ad and some streaming outlets were hacked to view this warning. It was really chaotic since no one knew what was going on. When you search anything about Lyla, no information of her will show up, not even her school records. The professor who molested her before was also punished.

It was the least thing that Jillyanna can do for her. Lyla thought it was impossible to achieve her last request but Jillyanna was still able to do it with the help of her younger brother. Other people who saved a copy of her videos were so afraid when they found about this warning so they deleted it themselves.

After that day, it was like Lyla didn't exist in the first place.

Travis knew that his wife felt guilty for what she did and he felt bad because of that. "Do you want to carry the baby?"

"Can I?"

"Hn. I'll let you take care of him until he sleeps tonight"

"Really? You won't take back your words?"

"When have I taken back my words?" Travis smiled and kissed her temple. "I will help you as well."

"This is great." Jillyanna took the baby from him and went inside the house. "You play with Jade here. I'll bring him inside."

So, the father-daughter pair played with the flowers while the mother-son duo stayed inside the house, Jillyanna was reading a story to her son. It was the first time that she read a story to him since she was discharged from the hospital. Travis had been the one responsible to lull their baby to sleep and sometimes, she'd fall asleep too.

"Baby, mommy will take care of you, today. Isn't that great?" Jillyanna spoke to her child who smiled happily at her. "My baby is the most handsome." She stated as she made a nose-to-nose gesture with her baby. "What else shall we do today?" she questioned even though the baby didn't really respond to her.

She spent her time with her baby and sometimes, Jade will join them but most of the time Jade was answering some workbook beside her mother and brother. Travis was busy making snack for them. The four of them were so happy spending their time together.

Shein came to find her and reported his work. "I finished it. I didn't really delete everything since I can't cover the whole world and you can only imagine how many gadgets I'd have to hack to achieve something like that."

"So, what did you do?"

"I deleted most of the videos that I can cover, my friends helped me as well. I put up a post to warn anyone so I don't think someone will upload her video as well and I a placed monitor to find anyone who will upload it."

"Alright. I won't ask you how you do it, it will give me a headache. As long as nothing about her will show up in public media again, everything's alright."

"Is there anything else you want me to do?" Shein inquired to make sure that he didn't miss anything.

"None so far. I'll let you know if something comes up." Jillyanna responded.

"Can I borrow Jade for a while? It's boring at home."

"Wait for her to finish one lesson."

Jade raised her head to her mother and blinked her eyes. "I covered three lessons already. Can I play now?"

"Wow! My little princess is very smart. Let Uncle Shein check it and you can play after."

"Yay! Thanks, mom." She handed her book to her uncle and left with him. "Dad, I'll play with Uncle Shein and Auntie Riley for a while. I'll come back later." Jade informed her father while following beside her uncle.

"Don't tire yourself so much." Travis reminded her.

Jade might not be spoiled so much by her family but she was having so much fun with them. She wasn't materialistic type of kid as well but, she would still be happy to receive something. However, she would never ask for it voluntarily.

They were the only household where their servants were quite free. As long as they were not busy, they would do the work themselves. They would cook their own food, they would wash their own dirty dishes and sometimes water the plants. Most of the time, Auntie Fei and Auntie Sisi were only responsible for the laundry, the cleaning the house and the garden; and they don't even have to do it all the time. Anyone who works for them, as long as you are loyal and truly cares for them, you will be considered lucky.

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