Chasing After My Wife


Tiffany and Ethan stayed a little bit so that the kids and catch up with each other. They let them play on their own while Travis tended to their son upstairs.

"I'm still worried for her." Jillyanna mumbled while watching her daughter feed the koi fishes with Ethan in the backyard.

"You should put a little trust in her but be sure to communicate with her every after school. I don't want you to end up like me and my son."

"Hn? What do you mean?"

"Ethan has always been smart since he was young. He can easily grasped into little things and understand it. He could converse with the adults like he is and adult himself. We started to trust him and thought that he would be fine on his own. He is smart and capable so we were so sure that he will be just fine. I don't know when it started but he started to close off himself. He shut us from his world and he would never talk to us. He didn't like to attend any gatherings or any events. Even going to a shopping mall or to a restaurant is a hassle to him. When I asked him that we will come and visit you, he was still adamant about it."

"What made him come?"

"I told him that there's a special little girl living here who can probably understand him. That little girl is your daughter. And I guess, I made the right decision."

"Uh..this won't lead them to an arrange marriage, right? I don't like that kind of set up." Jillyanna expressed what she thought honestly.

"No, I don't mean it that way. I still want him to choose the woman he will love in the future. I won't force him even if I like your daughter."

"I'm glad we are on the same page." Jillyanna responded happily. "But, I'd be very happy if your son will become her friend. I need someone who can be trusted and I know Ethan is that person."

"That is not an issue to me."

They watched their children talk about fishes, laugh about silly jokes and become surprise of the other's trivia.

Jade finally found someone of her age that can totally understand her. Ethan felt the same thing.

"Don't you like your own house?" Jade asked out of nowhere while they played with the koi fishes.

"Why do you ask?"

"Because you were so happy looking at our house. Your eyes sparkled when you look around our place. Or is it because our house is huge? Or the architectural structure is nice?"

Ethan looked at her for a few seconds before averting his eyes and looked at the fishes that fed on the the food she's holding in her dipped hand. "Our house is cold. It's like no one lived in there. People just come and go like they were strangers."

"I see. I'm sorry to hear about that. Have you ever tried communicating with your family?"

"I tried but they're always busy. They don't have time for me." Jade felt bad about him so she reached her hand to pat his head. "What are you doing?"

"I'm comforting you. That's what my mother and father do when I'm feeling upset or sad."

"Your family is really nice."

"Of course." Jade proudly responded. "But I have a secret to tell you."

"What is it?"

"I am not their daughter. I am just an adopted child." Jade whispered with a smile on her lips. "I am so lucky I met them, don't you think?"

"Yeah, you are." Ethan replied with a little bit of jealousy. Jade wasn't really a biological daughter yet, she was loved by everyone. On the other side, he was made of the same flesh and blood as his parents but they just neglected him. "Where are your true parents?"He asked.

"My mother died when I was three together with my younger sister. My father? Uh..he is still alive but I don't know where he is now." Jade wasn't lying. If it was before, she still knew where her father was but after Jillyanna's birthday, he didn't show up again and disappeared like a popped bubble.

"I'm sorry to hear about that. I guess, we are really of the same kind."

"I guess so."

The two of them continued to play and chat while Travis watched over them from Raizel's room. 'I'm a bit troubled watching these two.' He thought to himself while holding the baby in his arms.

"Let's think about the date." he mumbled before walking towards the bed and laid the baby down. He picked up his phone from his drawer and called Jackie about the trips they have planned for him and his wife.

Jackie was currently having her break after an intensive training when Travis called her. She filled him in with the details of the trip for the honeymoon.

After talking to Jackie, he called Sky and Cielo to come and stay in their house during their trip. He needed their help to take care of the children. Riley was back to work, Jenny and Jackie were back to school. Savannah helped Shein with work and Hawk was their bodyguard. Valkyrie and Brown was entrusted to take care of the security in their house. Everyone was busy and he couldn't bother them with the children.

Sky agreed immediately without a second of hesitation. Cielo promised to come and visit but she had to come home as well since her husband will be waiting for her. Travis didn't mind it. He was more than grateful to have Sky take care of the two children.

"A week of honeymoon. Baby, don't give trouble to your sister, okay? Mom and Dad will spend a little time together in a faraway place but we will be back as soon as possible." he told the little baby on the bed who only smiled at him. "Though it's late, we still can't miss this stage that should have been given after the wedding."

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