Chasing After My Wife


Shein tried his best to take control of his computers again but he couldn't seem to do it. Questions after questions kept flashing on the screens.




The last question made Shein and Riley looked towards each other. "REMEMBER ME? Does that mean, Jillyanna knew of this person before?" Shein questioned his girlfriend.

"I guess so. Who else in this world can hack into our system? Do you have any idea?"

"I ranked second in the whole world and most people don't want to cross with me. Only the first ranked T would do this and is capable of doing this."


"Hn. That is the code that this person chose. We still don't know if he's a he or if she's a she." Even as he spoke, his fingers didn't stop working, flying across his keyboard.

"As soon as you're done here, go to the mansion. I'll inform big sis about this."


Riley washed her face and brushed her teeth as fast as she could. As soon as she was done, she left the house and went to the other side to find her sister. 

When she got into the living room, she saw Jillyanna and Travis playing with their children. "Sis!" Riley called out which startled the kids. Riazel was even looking at her with fear from her loud voice. "Sorry for the sudden intrusion but we have a problem."

"What problem?" Travis was greatly alarmed when he saw how flustered and worried Riley was. She was never someone who lose her composure for no reason. Something must have really happened.

Riley took a seat on a vacant couch and faced the couple. "Did you guys notice anything suspicious lately?"

"None so far." Jillyanna answered unconcerned since she was too tired to think about it. Travis contradicted her though.

"This morning, a message was sent to Jillyanna's phone. It's about someone who wanted to see her." Jade didn't say anything on this matter since they were talking about some serious matter.

"This is bad." Riley bit her fingers from anxiousness. "Shein's computers were also hacked this morning."

"Really?!" Travis and Jillyyanna exclaimed in unison. Their faces showed a trace of disbelief that someone actually managed to slip inside Shein's security network. Riley just nodded her head and recalled the person that Shein mentioned earlier and the possibility that Jillyanna know this man or woman.

"Aside from Shein, I don't really know anyone who's better than him in the hacker's world. Most of the people I know were from entertainment and business industry." Jillyanna stated her opinion on this matter. "Maybe I met this person in passing."

The identity of the person was still a mystery to them but Jillyanna wasn't the least bit bothered. She wanted to enjoy her life to the fullest and no one will come to hinder her from doing that. 'Come and let me destroy you.' She thought to herself while keeping a smile on her lips. She can play weak in front of her husband, act coyly whenever she wanted but, she can also kill if some warrants her to do it again.

"Don't think too much about it. Call Shein and eat your food." Jillyanna reminded her sister.

Riley just nodded her head and left them alone for a while to call her boyfriend. It was after half an hour that Shein manages to fix their system but somehow, he wasn't feeling confident against that first ranked hacker. Nonetheless, he was still able to get back his control.

With the two children keeping people together, they dispelled the negativities around them and everyone was soon happily gathered together in the living room.

Shein and Brown talked about getting their personal information changed for the sake of the people that they will spend time for the rest of their life. Shein and Riley had the same last names since Jillyanna was the one who gave it to them. Now that they have fallen in love, it wouldn't be good for both of them if people knew about their relationship. Shein didn't want to risk Riley's carrier.

As for Brown, everyone knew that he was the adopted child of Dr. Anderson. Even if the man didn't change his name, he was still considered a son in papers. He wanted to change it for Matthew's sake.

Jade was happily talking to Valkyrie about the military forces and their combat skills. He showed them some pictures of their air crafts and other machineries. He searched for videos when it comes to combat practice and showed it to her as well. "But, you know what, your mother is still the strongest woman I know."

"Huh? Is my mother part of the military forces?" Jade asked since it was something she never heard of.

"Nope. She's part of a secret organization. You can ask her about it but I can definitely say that she's strong, even stronger than your Auntie Winter."


"Really." Valkyrie answered with clear admiration. He would never forget the scene when Jillyanna fought with the criminals back then. She's very intelligent and perceptive as well. However, he was a little doubtful of her strength now. She had been hospitalized for a long time and she didn't have time to practice her skill. It was a bit worrisome whenever he thought about it.

As time went by, lunch break was soon approaching and one after another, their guests arrived. Thomas and Gabriel came together with Uncle Wesley, their driver. They even brought two baskets of fresh fruits from the hacienda. Cielo and Lucian came together after getting her check up done and she brought a cake which the chef in Summer Café made. Alex and Sky also arrived with Jenny following behind them. The three of them brought some food that they made together before coming over.

Savannah and Hawk also finished cooking in the kitchen and was currently setting the table at the back garden. It's always nice to gather everyone in the family once in a while. That's what others thought but for Jillyanna, she wanted to spend time with them as much as she could since her numbers are still counted. Even if she got a transplant, there's still a chance that she would relapse and die.

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