Chasing After My Wife


"You know who he is?" Travis spoke from behind which startled the hell out of her.

"Don't startle me like that." Jillyanna scolded him while clutching her chest.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. Besides, you didn't really notice me here? That's odd." With his wife's ability, he knew that she should have noticed his presence.

"Why would I out myself on guard inside my own house? Do you think someone would creep behind me and kill me? I would only be wary around the people I don't know."

"You are so trusting."

"Because everyone her trusts me, too." Jillyanna responded with a smile. "Going back to your question, I have a guess to the identity of this person." Travis just cocked his brow for her to continue while he sat on a stool right in front of her. "Remember the time that I was under observation few months ago? Someone called me that time and you even asked if her was your rival."

"Oh? You mean that man is the same man who's sending weird messages to you now?"

"I guess. When Riley told me about the message they got this morning, I was quite bothered by it. If I remember correctly, Tristan told me that he'd come and visit with his wife."

"If it is him and he just want to purely visit you, he didn't have to do those weird things, don't you think so?"

"I agree with you on that. I am not really sure how he's doing now and I don't have any interest either but, I guess we need to check on him just in case."

"Let's talk to Shein about him later." Travis stood up and held her hand before they got out of the kitchen.

Thomas and Alex were playing chess with Hawk and Valkyrie watching their game. Jenny was talking to Brown regarding some medical stuff. She wanted to become a doctor and since she was smart, likes science and math, they didn't doubt that she'd make it.

Hearing some parts of their conversation, Jillyanna was intrigued. In truth, she was slowly influencing Jenny to become a doctor. When she first took Jenny in and sponsored her education, she told her about the wonders of science and mathematics. After sometimes, she told her about how beautiful it would be if someone can cure people like her. Then, she introduced her to Brown who's a doctor and has more knowledge when it comes to the medical field. Slowly, time after time, Jenny took interest with Medicine and Biology. She likes checking the Internet for some information and she likes to watch experiments as well.

It was all under Jillyanna's grasps. She wanted someone to inherit her mother's research and continue; Jenny was the best candidate. However, she was a bit worried for her. These past few times that they met, she thought that Jenny had something she wanted to talk about. But she never opened up to her.

"Jenny, can we talk later?" Jillyanna asked het to make sure that she will have a chance to communicate with the young girl before she leaves the house.

"Sure. I'll come and find you after getting more information from Evan." Jenny responded enthusiastically. She had a bad feeling about this 'talk' that Jillyanna wanted to have but she didn't know the reason for that.

Around four in the afternoon, they had an afternoon tea with some desserts that Cielo brought earlier plus, some cookies that Savannah made. Shein and Jade were still happily having a contest of who can crack a security server faster than the other. It was Jade who will choose which server and to make sure that it wasn't a bias game. Riley came in and brought them some refreshments but the two of them didn't even acknowledge her presence.

"These two are hopeless." She murmured before going out of the computer room to give them space again.

Jenny and Jillyanna was sitting on the bridge, their feet were hanging down, hovering over the pond beneath them. "Do you have anything you'd like to tell me?" Jillyanna spoke first, trying to sound gentle as much as she could.

Jenny looked down on the pond, watching their reflection as the fishes rippled the water every time they moved. "I actually wanted to talk to you about something but I don't know how to deal with it and I am a little afraid."

"What makes you afraid? Didn't I tell you that you are a family to me. At the same time, I don't want to hold too much control of your life. If you want to do something, just do it. As long as you won't step on other people, I won't hinder you."

Jenny took a deep breath and looked towards Jillyanna, the person who acted as her guardian when there's no one who cares about her; even her mother left her. "The truth is…I..someone..I like someone." Jenny opened up with shaky voice.

"And then?" Jillyanna questioned softly.

"Well, this person likes me, too." She paused for a while and fiddled with her fingers.

"I can sense that there's a 'BUT' next to your words."

"Well, kind of. His from a prominent family in the city and his parents didn't like me. I don't mind about it since we aren't married or engage. Nonetheless, it still bothers me. I like him since the first time I met him during the entrance ceremony."

Jillyanna reached out her hand and ruffled the young girl's hair. "There's a season and time for everything. Did you agree to become his girlfriend?" Jenny shook her head to deny it. "Since you aren't committed to him yet, don't stress yourself over it. You are still young to start thinking about that. Aside from that, if that person really loves you, he will do everything he can for his family to accept you. If he won't even defend you against his parents, I don't think he loves you at all. However, this is just my own conjecture. I don't really know him to say something ill but, if you really love him, then do your best to prove to his family that you are worthy of his love. Study hard."

Jenny knew that she needed to achieve something to prove that she was worthy to stay beside him and to do that, she needed to become the best person in medical field. That was the reason why she was so obsessed with science and mathematics. Jillyanna's influence really came in handy to her.

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