Chasing After My Wife


Travis brought her food upstairs and let her eat while he took care of their son. Jade was answering her workbooks to finish the whole 5th grader course before taking the exam. She was very hardworking and whenever she's got questions she couldn't quite understand, she's got her parents to explain it to her.

"I'll contact the school administrator later to get a schedule for your examination." Jillyanna told her daughter who was answering her math questions.

"During the examination, are you coming with me?" Jade asked her mother without raising her head.

"Of course. I'll go with you since your father will be taking care of the baby." She stated with a victorious smile. Since he won't let her take care of their son so, she will take advantage of it to go out with her daughter.

Little did she know, she won't be able to do it.

After she ate her food, Jillyanna called the number on the back of the manual to get in touch with the admin.

"Good afternoon! This is Trine Elite University admin. How can I help?"

"Hello. This is Jillyanna Madrigal. I'd like to ask if you are starting to accept application for your accelerated study test?"

"Yes, ma'am. How old is your child?"

"She's 6 years old."

"Just give me a sec." the lady on the phone opened her computer to get into the profile section for applicants. "What's her name?"

"Her name is Jade Venus Madrigal."

"What grade would you like her to skip?"

"5th Grade."

"I presume this is a female student."


"What's your email address for notification purposes?"

"Do you have anything on the 25th of this month?"


"Good. I'll send a confirmation message on the phone number you are using right now and please follow the steps to proceed."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. I wish your daughter luck." The woman ended the call and sent a message to Jillyanna.

"It's done?" Travis asked her when he saw her putting down her phone.

"Yup. But, there's still some things we need to do. I just got the message."

"Let me do it for you. You can take care of the children here." Jillyanna didn't ask anything anymore and gave her phone to him. She would never let this chance pass when she can finally take care of her babies.

Though it was considered taking care, she was just looking after them since Travis fed their son and changed his diaper already. She's got nothing much to do. In the end, she just sang a song to him. After all, she was once a singer.

Travis took a little time since there were several steps needed for the school examination. On the last step, it was asking for Jade to take several tests from Grade 1 to 4. Though there weren't so many questions, it was still considered time consuming. One grade was equal to one and hour which means, Jade will take the exam for six hours.

Travis looked towards the time and it was just few minutes past one in the afternoon. "Well, I guess she can finish this before dinner time." He mumbled to himself and brought the laptop to Raizel's room. "Jade, you will be taking a preliminary test before getting the proper 5th grader exam on the 25th. Would you like to answer this here or inside your small study room downstairs?"

"I'll do it downstairs."

"Alright. Daddy will accompany you. Come here." The two of them went down, leaving Jillyanna and Raizel alone. She wasn't bothered by it since she was alright with her son. It was also their quality time. She carried the baby and slowly walked around the room while telling him some fables.

Travis set up the laptop on the small table and started the exam time for his daughter. He was a little worried since she was studying with 5th grader topics earlier and now she was taking this exam again. If they knew it would be like this, he wouldn't have allowed her to study earlier. It will tire her brain.

He sat on the couch behind her and watched over her. Thinking that she'd need to replenish her energy, Travis went to the kitchen and took out some snacks for her. "Sweetheart, do you really want to take this school? It's a bit tiring to take these whole exams of different subject."

"Don't worry, Dad. I finished the first grader already."

Travis blinked his eyes at her. It hadn't been long since he left and she was done with one grade already. Well, it should be a piece of cake to her since she had done taking this course few months ago. Still, Travis was worried that she'd burnt out her brain circuits. He wasn't really asking so much from her. As long as she enjoys her life, he won't set high expectations from her. It's not because he didn't believe in her but he was a little worried that she'd have a boring life.

He's been there so many times. When he was young, he studied hard and agreed to whatever his father wanted him to do or study. He wanted to prove to them that he was smart and capable. They've got high expectations from him. In the end, he had the most boring childhood and he ruined the first person that he befriended.

No matter how much Jillyanna told him not to think about it, he can't stop himself from doing so. He would always feel guilty because of what happened. Which was also the reason why he loved her so much now. He wanted to make up for the lost years when they're still apart.

'Tick! Tock! Tick! Tock!'

Time was ticking slowly while Jade answered the exam. When she looked in the lower right corner of her father's laptop, it was still three in the afternoon. The number of items were increasing as well. When she answered the first grader exam, there were 50 items per subject and she took five subjects. For the second grader, there were 60 items per subject and it was still the same five subjects. She was currently taking the third subject and there were 70 items per subject. This time, there were six subjects that she needed to answer.

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