Chasing After My Wife


Even with the issue and the danger lurking around them, Riley didn't give up with her mischievous plan of 'helping' her sister in packing her things.

"You will leave tomorrow, right? How about I help you pack with your things?" Riley asked her sister over dinner. They were also gathering to talk about the trip that everyone will have to take while the couple's away from home.

"You can pack your own stuff. Why bother me?" Jillyanna retorted before eating a spoonful of food.

"Shein packed my things already. I just want to help you since you will be packing the stuff for kid, right bro?"

Travis could see the mischief behind her smile and he wanted to go along with her plan. 'It's good to be naughty once in a while.' he thought to himself with a faint smile. "You can pack her things. Make sure to pack her 'most important' belongings."


"Why are we going on a trip, too? Isn't it supposedly your date?" Jade asked her parents about it.

"Your Dad and I will go to a different place while you and the other stays in Clover Beach Resort. You won't be coming along to our date." Jillyanna answered her daughter truthfully.

"We won't be going on that trip with everyone since we have a mission. But I guess, we can ask Calhoun to let Savannah and Brown stay with you guys. After all, you are also implicated in this matter." Valkyrie suggested.

"I'll handle that matter. Hopefully, Calhoun will allow us so, that someone can keep them safe on this trip." Savannah added.

"You mention that it is 'everyone'. Does that mean everyone in their house or will that include the family in hacienda and Madrid's villa?" Jackie asked to make sure that she got the information correctly.

"This trip includes them." Travis responded. "Tomorrow, once we leave for Bali, you will also leave for a trip."

"Honestly, this is the first time that I feel afraid over a fight." Riley commented as she put down her spoon and fork. "I've always been confident with my fighting skill but, facing this problem suddenly makes me feel weak."

"Who says you're going to face them?" Hawk questioned softly. "The military will face them but not you. We received the information from Tristan and Shein will help us check it later. You don't have to worry about anything. Leave this matter to the soldiers."

While listening to their conversation, Jade understood that the trip tomorrow wasn't merely a family vacation. It was also to hide them and keep them safe from the lurking enemies.

In a small apartment, Tristan was finalizing all the information he gathered while taking a sip of his energy drink. Since he arrived home from the interrogation and from visiting his sister, he hadn't taken any food and he avoided contacting his parents as well. He didn't want them to worry so much and it was also possible that they were being monitored so he was avoiding all forms of contacts with them.

"Dragon Gang might be powerful with so many people connected to them and so much money and assets in their possession. I wonder why they were all stupid?" He murmured to himself while his hands didn't stop doing their job of typing on his keyboard. "I don't know if I should feel bad or if I should laugh that they trusted me so much. Don't they know that even a mouse, when cornered, it can bite a cat? Just because they have my sister, doesn't mean I'll obey everything they says. Hmp! I will make sure that you'll pay for what you've done to my fiancee."

To the outside world, what they knew was that his fiancee died due to a car accident. However, to her family and to him, they knew who the people involved in her death.

They wanted to retaliate. He wanted to retaliate. But he was powerless against them. He was only good in business and technology. He was best in hacking. But, it was also easy for them to figure out that he was the one who leaks the information and he couldn't risk it. He will be dead before he can achieve his goal.

His one and only option was Jillyanna. When he was first given the task to check on Travis Madrigal, it was her name that caught his attention. He never thought she would be relates to the powerful man. What was more shocking was that, she had been targeted by different people and she had been putting her life on the line for her baby's sake. She was so brave that he envied her strength and intelligence.

When he contacted her for the very first time after several years, he remembered his fiance. At that point, he really wanted to introduce his beloved to his former classmate but she was gone. All he could do was to make up some lies and take his time.

He thought that the Dragon gang already gave up their pursuit after few months. He didn't know that they would ask him to do the same thing again. They still wanted to take the business that Travis put his life on to. Not just him, his father and his grandfather nurtured the company to what it is today.

He hated the idea of doing it but they used his sister against him. Thus, he could only do whatever they want while mixing his own plan. He would make sure that he destroy all of them.

"It's payback time." Tristan mumbled and sent the documents to the Shein as well as to Jillyanna and Travis to make sure that the both of them were calibrated.

Jillyanna got his message and replied with an 'OK' sign before going to their daughter's room. She was tasked to pack her things while Travis pack their son's things. Riley was tasked to pack Jillyanna's stuff. Well, she wasn't really tasked to do it but she insisted in doing it.

"I'll make sure they'll have fun even if we are having this little problem behind us." Riley chuckled whenever she imagine her sister's reaction. "It would be pretty fun."

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