Chasing After My Wife


"Run as fast as you can! I have disabled all the trap mechanisms here. It's fine to run out of this place." Hibiki announced and dragged Celestine towards the exit of the basement. Hawk and the other soldiers followed them out and when they arrived on the first floor of the mansion, they saw a huge portion of the wall was destroyed. There were many wounded soldiers as well and Valkyrie was nowhere to be found. 

"Val!" Hawk called out his name as loud as he can. "Valkyrie! Where are you?" There was still no response. He checked each of the soldiers and helped those that were stuck and bleeding. Celestine was already out of danger so she helped in taking the soldiers out of the house.

"Officer Anderson!"


"Sir Anderson!"


Hawk and the other soldiers kept calling his name while digging on the pile of rubbles and cement. They needed to find him, bring him back – dead or alive. It would be great if his alive. They don't want any casualties on their team.

Valkyrie's ears were still ringing from the loud noise due to the explosion earlier. He was at the end of the group and the last one to escape. The floor under his feet collapsed from the explosion and he fell on the ground. He couldn't move his feet and his surrounding was very dark.

"I'm still alive, right? I must be alive. I can still feel the pain so I must be alive." He murmured to himself and tried moving his body. He felt some smooth walls on his left and his other leg was also numb from pain. "I won't be crippled, right?" He was starting to worry for himself while trying to make a room for himself. He touched his ear too see if the earpiece was still there but he only felt something sticky on his ears. When he smelled it, he realized that it was his own blood.

Brown was staying with Savannah and the whole family at the resort to keep them safe in case someone would really attack them. He was currently playing chess with Jade when he felt a sudden tug in his chest. He felt nervous for no reason and the first person he thought was Valkyrie.

He wanted to call him but he realized that he shouldn't be bringing his phone during this critical mission. "Wait a minute, Jade. I'll call Shein." He stood up as he dialed Shein's phone number. Seeing his anxious face, Jade started to worry as well. She could count the number of times that Brown had that look on his face and most of the time, it's because of Valkyrie.

"I hope Uncle Matt is alright." Jade whispered to herself while watching her Uncle Brown made a phone call.

Shein had been trying to figure out a way to trace where Valkyrie was after the loud explosion. As soon as he received Brown's call, he told him the real condition of the soldiers involved in this mission including Valkyrie. "Sorry Brown. I am still trying to locate him. I think his earpiece fell somewhere since he wasn't responding to my voice. I don't want to make a conclusion of his life. I still believe that he is alive and waiting for us to find him."

"Please, Shein. I'm begging you to find him soon." Brown responded. He wanted to calm himself but his mind would always wander to the negative side of the situation. He wanted to believe that Valkyrie was still alive. He wanted to see him alive.

"Let's just continue this game next time, Uncle Evan." Jade told the man and rubbed his back. "I know you are worried for everyone specially, for Uncle Matt who's out there fighting the bad guys. Let's just pray that they'll be fine."

Brown pulled the young girl into his warm embrace. He needed comfort right now and the little girl in front of him was the answer. "I hope everyone's fine."

Hawk had told the wounded to stay outside and to tend to their wounds first. Celestine was good in doing first aid so, she was able to help them. Hawk and several soldiers went back inside to look for Valkyrie once again. They couldn't give up on him since there was a high possibility that he was still alive. 

"Valkyrie! If you can hear me, please answer. I need to know where you are so I can get you! Val!" Hawk shouted as loud as he can. They were walking towards the second floor to see if he was stuck under the collapsed floor upstairs.

Valkyrie stopped moving to conserve his energy. He didn't have any idea how everyone was doing or if the mission was a success. He closed his eyes, took a slow but deep breath and shouted at the top of his lungs. "Schniezel Knight!" It was Hawk's complete name that he shouted in an attempt to get his attention.

It was the best move he had done since Hawk was just nearby. Hawk heard someone calling for his name, though muffled, he was still able to find the source of the voice. Together with the other soldiers, they slowly lifted the boulders and the cement that collapsed due to explosion.

It took them three minutes to finally see Valkyrie's face. "Val! Are you alright?" Hawk asked immediately while lifting some debris away from him.

"I guess but, I couldn't move my feet. It hurts." Valkyrie mumbled.

It was his upper body that they saw first and while talking to Hawk, the other soldiers where lifting the rest of the debris from his body. What was exposed to them was his leg being pierced with three metal bars.

Valkyrie saw the horrible expression on their faces so he looked towards her lower body. "I'm so dead."

"Yeah. If not Dr. Anderson, Brown will probably kill you." Hawk responded to him blandly. "I'll ask for someone to send us the needed help. We can't just move you without proper aid."

"Hn." Valkyrie didn't finish his statement and he fainted. Perhaps due to the lack of oxygen earlier or from so much pain and blood loss. His body wasn't able to bare the pressure and he gave in.

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