Chasing After My Wife


There were people who could come and take care of the mess when they killed the target and someone would also come to collect the living person that she beat up. She was merely having a practical training with her soldiers. If they won't be able to do it, she would come to the rescue and take note of their weakness and their strength. She needed to know what was good and what was bad for them. She needed to know how to improve their skills.

"Alright. Next target. There will be seven people and you have to take care of them. Capture them dead or alive. We'll start with 7201 to 7207. I won't be able to come and check you all at once. I will have two people to accompany you and record your actions. Make sure that no civilians are involved."

"Yes, ma'am!" they answered in unison, all with serious expressions on their faces. Winter drove the military vehicle and they arrived at the hotel where their targets were working. Two of them were managers, one was working as a chef, another one was supervising the cleaners and the others were working as waiters. The looked like decent workers but in fact, they have killed many people before getting the work they have now.

The waiters would also work diligently but in fact, they were gathering information from their customers and reported it to their higher ups. It was their way of acquiring business and people. They would gather those who were desperate and used all kinds of tricks to make them join their group. Those who refused the offer were killed.

Tristan had all the evidence of their crimes and if their family would file a claim against the way the soldiers do their job, they would have concrete evidence to show them. Not a single one can escape from the law. It was the only way to give justice to those who died meaninglessly in their hands. It was also the way for Tristan to atone for their sins. After all, he was part of the group and he was also one of the main reasons that they got all the information to use against their enemies. He was their main intel and the one who caused so many deaths.

When Winter's team came inside, they caused panic to the people's heart inside the hotel. They were wondering why they came in large number, armed and serious-looking. They wanted to know who their target was but they don't want to be involved as well. The targets that they were able to capture were the waiters. Since they were working as waiters, the weren't armed. Thus, Winter told her men to capture them alive.



People were screaming and fleeing which alerted the chef. However, he wasn't able to escape as well. There was someone waiting for him at the back door. "Let me check the remaining three." Winter informed and looked for her other soldiers. They've got information from Shein that the other targets were at the 5th and 7th floor. Her soldiers also went upstairs directly to tackle them.

As soon as Winter arrived at the 5th floor, a warning was sent by one of her soldiers. They've got a device that they used for communication. If you tap on it thrice, it will issue a warning to your leader. Winter's eyes turned cold and she told her other soldiers to stay at the lobby instead of coming up with her.

She needed room in case she'd have to fight and rescue her soldiers. She couldn't afford to put the rest of her team in danger. She checked her tracker and found that the list of people who needed to be captured was still in full color. Her soldiers failed. Winter put on her black gloves and walked towards the door where the people should be located.

The door wasn't locked and when she opened it, she found two of her soldiers were injured and wounded. Blood were all over the floor, the tables and chairs. The place was a mess and the most worrying thing was the bomb tied around one of her soldiers.

"Lieutenant! Behind you!" one of the soldiers, who was still conscious, shouted a warning and Winter side stepped to avoid the attack. The person was using a metal bar and he was good in fighting. In his light steps alone, Winter could tell that he was a difficult target to handle. No wonder her soldiers were beaten to pulp.

"Weak." Winter smiled and tied her hair into a high ponytail. In the military, most of them were asked to shorten their hair because it would sometimes cause someone to fail in their mission but Winter didn't like cutting her hair. She would sometimes trim it but she would never cut it short. She kept it long after becoming an officer.

The man was standing in front of her with a smirk. "Weak or not, I can at least take some of your beloved hatchlings with me to hell."

"Dream on!" Winter smiled and, in a flash, she landed a punch on the man's stomach. He was pushed back but he didn't fall. "Oh! You are strong for such a lean man." She didn't wait for him too react and gave him a roundhouse kick, an uppercut punch and took the metal bar from him. "I'm still stronger than you." He used the same metal bar and stabbed him with it.

The man died without having a chance to fight back. Not waiting for the others to sneak attack, Winter took out her gun and fired at the closet several times. Two bodies fell on the floor from the closet and their blood flowed out on the floor.

"Where's the other one?" Winter asked while trying to check the bomb. There was five minutes left and she didn't care about the other person who seemed to have escaped. The bomb wasn't familiar to her and she couldn't just recklessly rip it off from her soldier. She contacted Calhoun to ask for someone who's familiar bombs.

"Lieutenant, I don't really mind taking this bomb with me. I don't have a family who look for me which was why I joined the military. I would be happy to keep the people safe." The man with the code 7205 talked softly. He looked calm but his eyes showed that he was afraid.

Winter knocked his head. "Shut up! I don't want anyone from my team to die this way. I won't allow it!"

"Lieutenant, save my comrades first. Don't worry about me. I'll wait for help here."

"No! I won't go. You can die!"

"I know. I will wait for help here but I guess the others needed to have their injuries and wound treated as well." Winter looked around and found that the other soldiers were still lying. The others were getting their consciousness back but the others were severely injured.

"Okay. Please wait for me while I bring them down."

"Hn." The young soldier nodded his head. There were three minutes left before the bomb explodes. Even if Calhoun found someone to stop the bomb, it would take few minutes to check and cut the right wire. Instead of waiting, he would rather save everyone.

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