Chasing After My Wife


Jade woke up in the middle of the night and climbed down of the bed to get some water since her throat was a little parch after eating a lot of sweets the day before.

"Sweetie, where are you going?" Savannah asked when she felt that the other side of the bed was empty.

"I'll get some water, Auntie Savy. Just go back to sleep. I'll be fine."

"Okay. Don't go out of the room."

"Yes, auntie." Jade poured a glass of water for herself and drank it. She also brought another little to place it on the bedside table, just in case she'd get thirsty again. She walked back to the bed with the bottle of water.

She noticed that there were people walking back and forth outside the room and base on their steps, she could tell that they were the soldiers stationed to keep them safe. How she knew? Well, she was living with four soldiers at home and she can distinguish the light steps whenever they walked.

Remembering what Savannah said, Jade ignored what was happening outside and went back to sleep. If she went out, she'd probably be taken as a hostage. There were members of the gang who infiltrated the hotel and the soldiers received the information not long ago.

They didn't have any idea who the people were and what kind of identities they used. They needed to strengthen their security. Stefan also received the news from the head of the security department of the hotel. Worried for the security of his friend's family, Stefan told the security department that other guests should use a different elevator, as well as the hotel employees. The elevator at the left wing should be used by the soldiers and Travis' family. No one else aside from them can use it.

It was another way for him to separate his special guests from the possible treat that came to his hotel. He also informed Travis about it via text message since he knew that it would be inappropriate to disturb him in the middle of the night.

When next morning came, Travis woke up first but he still stayed beside his wife. He knew that Jillyanna would panic when he's not there the moment she wakes up. He picked up his phone on the bedside table and cuddled her once again. He read the messages that he received overnight.

His eyes turned cold when he read the one from Stefan. It was a serious matter and if Jillyanna knew about it, she'd be worried again. She couldn't make a phone call with her in his arms so he sent a message to Savannah, Brown and Gabriel about it.

Savannah just woke from her sleep when she received the message from Travis and Jade was still sleeping beside her. "This is bad." Savannah whispered to herself as she read the message. She sent a response telling him to take care of themselves since she will take care of the children and the other people with her.

Travis was confident that everyone will be safe with the soldiers looking after them. Brown sent him a message with the same thought as Savy. The same went for Gabriel. Even if he can't fight, he can still fire a gun if someone would forcefully take anyone from their side.

Brown informed Riley and Jackie about the message that he got from Travis. Between the three of them, the twins were the ones who can fight admirably against enemies. They got skills and strength to defend the family whereas Shein was a little weaker compared to them but he was very smart as well and can think of things strategically.

Stefan went to the hotel the next day to see how everyone was doing. Since they were considered under his protection, he needed to make sure that they were doing fine in his hotel. After all, Travis had helped him a lot. It was his little way of repaying his kindness.

He went to look for Jade first and when he found that she was alright, she looked for Raizel which was being taken cared of Sky and Alex. He brought them fruits and other kind of food that they can consume. Even though they were in a resort, they couldn't enjoy the place because of the risk that's lurking around the corner.

It was Winter's soldier who found out that some of the escapee went to the resort where the Madrigal and the Madrid were staying. They were about to withdraw from the mission to wrap things up when he noticed that four people from the lists had a change of information.

He didn't know how it changed but he knew that Tristan did something with the profiles. Whenever the member tries to escape, the information will also change and it will show their current location. The reason why he knew that it was the resort that Jillyanna's family hid was because he was told by Winter to look after Gabriel from afar.

Wherever Gabriel was, Thomas should be there. Wherever Thomas was, Brown and Savannah would be there. Wherever these two people are, Jillyanna's family would be there. Therefore, he made a conclusion that it was where the whole family stayed. He relayed this information to Winter as soon as he can and she confirmed that it was indeed the resort where the whole family stayed.

Thus, the soldiers were dispatched once again to capture those men before they can harm the people at the resort. They can't be certain if they were targeting the Madrigal family but it would be troublesome if the criminals will involve the civilian, Madrigal, Madrid or not.

Soldiers were roaming around the place to make sure that no one will come to the two floors were the VIP guests were staying. Some people were even wondering what was going on. Yesterday, the soldiers were wearing civilian clothes but it would be difficult for the other family members to distinguish them from the other civilians.

Now, with the threat of the criminal being in the same premise as them, the soldiers changed into their camouflage and brought out their guns. They all had a serious facial expression and the looked really imposing.

The other guests feel comfortable as well, knowing that they were secured from any harm with the soldiers around them.

"Looks like we can't take action against them. It would be better if we surrender instead of getting killed. Our punishment should be lighter since we haven't killed anyone yet."

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