Chasing After My Wife


Jillyanna was sitting on the cafeteria with Cielo and Lucian, two months from now, they will be graduating but Jillyanna will still have one more year left. "I have enough money to start with our business. Let's just do it after you graduate." Jillyanna stated.

"Weren't you planning to leave for Europe again? You will need that money." Cielo responded to her while forking the carbonara on her plate.

"I have enough money to go to Europe."

"Are you sure about this?" Cielo questioned her again.

"Yup. You and Lucian will be getting married soon. You will have your own family and you need to be financially prepared for that. This business will be our opportunity."

Lucian reached his hand and rubbed Jillyanna's head. "Thank you for thinking about our future. It is not really your problem to deal with. Just focus on your studies."

"I just want to help. Aside from that, I want to have more money. How will I feed my child in the future if I don't have money?"

"Here we go again." Cielo chuckled before taking a sip of her juice. "Aren't you giving up with that idea of yours? It's never easy to have a baby."

"It's fine. I can perfectly take care of him or her."

"Do you have anyone in mind to get the sperm?" Cielo whispered since their topic was a little too much and if anyone hears them, they will think weirdly of them.

Lucian also knocked his girlfriend's forehead for going along with her sister. The two of them were really getting dumber when it comes to Jillyanna's plans. "Stop talking about that. Yanna's still very young."

"She's past the legal age already." Cielo responded.

"Still, getting a baby in a very young age would be a little difficult for her." Lucian insisted.

"Fine. Fine. We won't talk about this for now." Cielo conceded and the three of them ate their food peacefully.

Jillyanna already knew what kind of business she wanted. She has concrete plans and steps to achieve her goals. Her brain was full of thoughts with dollar signs.

"Hi Yanna!"

Jillyanna raised her head and saw Natsu walking towards her. "Hey."

"Did you finish your report for this afternoon?"

"Yeah. I have it all prepared."

"That's good to know. It would be sad if our smart student fails due to a missing report."

"Tsk! Don't show your face in front of me." Jillyanna waved her hand to shoo him away but he only chuckled at her. "I really hate your smiling face."

"I like yours."

"Shut up!"

Cielo watched them bicker back and forth. Natsu was really a good-looking guy and he was also smart. He was actually Jillyanna's junior but there's a subject which the two of them attended together. They were closer than the other classmates and even after Natsu confessed and got rejected, they still stayed friends.

Natsu conversed with her for a while and left since he still need to do something. "Natsu is really a nice person and a handsome one, too. Why did you reject him?"


"Because you are still thinking of your childhood friend. He won't be coming back Yanna. Get real!" Cielo interrupted her which was true. She hated RV but at the same time, she wanted to see him.

Jillyanna sighed and just smiled faintly. She didn't have anything to refute her sister's word.

Just as she planned, after Lucian and Cielo graduated, they started their business idea. Cielo was able to get a space in Venus Plaza which was what Jillyanna wanted her to do. She didn't know why she wanted to have it in Venus Plaza but seeing their sales prospect, Cielo understood what her sister was thinking.

However, there was another reason why Jillyanna chose Venus Plaza. She wanted to be closer with RV and maybe, they would be able to see each other.

On the day that the construction started for their café, Jillyanna and Cielo came to supervise it and to make sure that they didn't lack anything. They were very hands on with their business. The interior design was done by Jillyanna and most of the recipes were done by their parents and Cielo herself.

Travis just finished working and Hawk was currently driving the car so that they can go back to the hacienda. "What's that shop being constructed over there?" Travis asked while watching the workers arrange their equipment after a whole day of work.

"That should be the Summer Café. It was submitted last year and their proposal was really good. If nothing unexpected happens, their business will boom in just a year. They might open another stall around here."

"Did I approve of this?" Travis questioned again since he couldn't remember anything.

"Yes, you did." Savannah responded. "You even said that the owner's name means 'Sky or Heaven' and that they will be blessed for sure."

"Did I?" Travis frowned but he just continued to watch the construction. "Summer café." He said the name several times. He remembered that Jill's middle name was Summer. "Where could she be right now? I hope she's doing fine."

The traffic light turned to a stop so, Hawk stepped on the brake to stop. On the other lane, Lucian also stopped the car because of the stop light. Jillyanna looked outside the window and saw the handsome side profile of the man on the next lane. "If you will look at me, you'll be mine." Jillyanna whispered with a smile.

"Yanna, what are you looking at?" Cielo called her attention since she was very focused on something outside.

"Ah? N-nothing. I was just looking at the cars."

Inside the other car, Travis felt someone was watching him, when he turned his head to look outside the window, he found a woman who was talking to another woman. He couldn't see her face since her hair was blocking her and she was facing the other side as well.

"What are you looking at?" Savannah asked Travis.

"Nothing. I am just looking at the cars." Travis responded before looking back in front of him, ignoring whoever was looking at him.

The traffic light turned green and Hawk stepped on the accelerator to go home. Jillyanna watched the car leave and she let out a deep sigh. 'That handsome man wasn't meant for me. No one is.'

On the day of the opening, Jillyanna had to go back to states to check her adopted siblings. She had to see their progress and to make sure that they were doing well. "Take care of our café while I'm gone. If there's any problem, let me know as soon as possible."

"Okay." Cielo hugged her sister. Their parents were there as well as Lucian. "Take care of yourself and make sure to call me when you have time."

"Sure. Sure." Jillyanna pulled away from her sister and took hold of her suitcase. "I'll go now." She waved her hand before dragging her suitcase to get inside the airport.

There still an hour to go before boarding time so Jillyanna sat on the bench that she found. She checked her social media account while waiting for the time.

Travis was sitting on the bench at the airport, waiting for his boarding time. He was currently having a call with Savannah who was checking with Jill's whereabouts. It's been so many years and there was still no lead of her. There was no record of her being dead as well. Her relatives, who were supposed to take care of her, didn't know where she was either. Or rather, they didn't want to tell him.

"Savy, please do everything you can. I don't believe that we won't be able to find her. I might be late but I still want to fulfill my promise to my mother. We need to find Jill."

Jillyanna flinched when she heard the name that the man behind her spoke of. After few seconds, she also dismissed her anxiety since there are millions of people with the same name or nickname as her. The man continued to talk over the phone regarding Jill this or Jill that. He sounded anxious.

Hearing how anxious he was and how desperate he was, she knew that the 'Jill' he mentioned was a very important person. 'I hope you find her soon.' Jillyanna prayed silently before putting down her phone. 'I hope someone would also look for me because I am an important person, not because I have so much money.'

"All passengers for New York please…" the announcement came few minutes before their boarding time. Jillyanna stood up to fall in line and Travis did the same. However, there was one person in between them. They were both taking a business class seat but Jillyanna's seat was on the left side, two rows from the front and Travis was on the right side, two rows from the back.

During the whole flight, the both of them were sleeping. One didn't know that someone was looking for her. The other didn't know that the person he had been looking for was just within reach.

Fate was having fun playing with them.


I hope you are having fun reading this dramatic, serious, fun and sexy novel. I had been going through a lot these past months but I am glad that I didn't miss any update. This novel had been a rollercoaster ride for me. I cried, sometimes, I laughed while writing this. I got my heart broken because of Elizabeth and Anton but I also fall in love because of Jillyanna and Travis. I put my heart into this and I hope you like this.

I'm sorry for some typos here and there.

Also, I'd like to thank all of you for supporting my work. Thank you so much! Mwah!

Just like Travis and Jillyanna, our journey together doesn't end here yet.


Read (She's My Sleeping Pill) the book II of the series. It is the story of Stefan and Cayenne. Jillyanna and Travis will be featured as well.

Read SAY YOU'LL LOVE ME AGAIN, a modern fantasy novel which will show us the love between Hana and Jacob. The woman who lived several lives but would end up dying when she knew that the person she loves also loved her. Bearing the curse within her, she was looking for a way to undo it, just to be with the person she likes. But will she be able to handle the price that comes when undoing the curse?

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