Chasing After My Wife


'Love? Ha! Don't make me laugh!' Jillyanna snickered mentally towards his words. 'Didn't you say weeks ago that you're not taking me seriously? Did you really think I didn't know? What a dumbass!'

Internally, she had been scolding him but she kept a happy face in front of him. After all, it was because of his gift that they were able to find her that soon.

Realizing this fact, she felt a sudden headache. How will she escape now that a device was attached to this bracelet?

"Let's just get inside. I felt dizzy." she told him without responding to his feelings or confession.

Travis felt disappointed but it was way better than rejecting him right there and then. He will just prove to her that his love wasn't just some kind of fleeting emotions. He will prove to her that he's being serious.

Of course, Jillyanna didn't know what he's thinking at all. She thought he would just give up on her if she won't respond to his love since she once told him that it won't work between them.

When they got inside, the four people were looking at them with different gazes.

"These are my best friends. The doctor who helped you is Evan a.k.a Brown. The driver and the one who pointed his gun at Enzo is Matthew a.k.a Valkyrie. That bulky guy standing at the window watching his girl is Schniezel a.k.a Hawk and the lady is Taira a.k.a Savannah. Due to special circumstances you have to call them with their pseudo name. Don't utter their real name or you'll be in trouble. I'm letting you know their real name because you're special. So everyone, I'd like to formally introduce to you Jillyanna Madrid, my wife - Aaahhww!" he exclaimed after receiving a pinch from her on his waist.

"Stop introducing me as your wife! How many times should we talk about this?" she rolled her eyes at him before smiling to the four people. "I'm glad to meet you. Thanks for saving me. Well, I know I would be able to go back sooner or later though. Still, thank you." she bowed deeply at them which made Savannah flustered.

"You don't have to bow. It was my fault that it happened to you." Savannah stated with a guilty-looking face.

Jillyanna smiled awkwardly in return, "I was actually planning to escape that day. It was unfortunate that Enzo caught me."

"So honest." Valkyrie commented with a faint laughter before throwing a pitiful glance to Travis, obviously mocking him.

"It's nice to meet you Jillyanna." Hawk stated simply with a nod. Brown just smiled at her since they had a bit of chitchat last night.

"I cooked a simple breakfast. If there's anything that you like just let me know. Pregnant women tend to be picky so I could understand." Savannah commented before leading her to the kitchen.

Jillyanna was shocked to see the 'simple' breakfast she mentioned. In front of her were different kinds of food and fruits. There was a glass of milk for her, too. All foods were cooked with her pregnancy taken into account.

"I am really famished. I won't be shy at all." she spoke without any shame at all and started eating her food. Even if she's not pregnant, she's always a glutton.

"I hope you like it."

"I love it. It's delicious." she murmured while slowly chewing her food.

Travis just looked at her tenderly before sitting beside her. He would sometimes put some food on her plate and refill her glass of milk. Brown and Valkyrie weren't talking at all. On the other hand, Savannah and Hawk were minding themselves.

"Are you guys going to scout that place again?" Travis asked the four people around the table.

"Brown and Valkyrie will check on it tonight." Hawk responded to his inquiry.

"Go home and take a rest. Let me know once you're about to go out." Travis commented.

"I will." Brown spoke this time before shoving another mouthful of food in his mouth.

Jillyanna was shifting her gaze from Brown to Valkyrie and vise versa. She was really having fun watching them. Even though they were silent, she could tell that something's brewing between them.

"Are you going to work today?" Jillyanna asked Travis after drinking the glass of milk.

"Nope. I will take a leave of absence today." he answered skillfully to avoid arousing her suspicion. She didn't like hanging out with rich people so he couldn't tell her his real identity yet. He will tell her the truth once he could see a small chance of them being together.

"You must be aware that Cielo and Lucian will be coming over."

"Yeah. They will be here before noon." Travis responded.

"Okay. I'm full now. I'll take my leave first." she stood up and was about to go upstairs when she remembered something. She returned back to the table and looked at him. "I need to barrow a phone."

Without any hesitation, Travis gave her his phone. She uttered her thanks and walked back to her room.

"Your future wife isn't someone you could win with sweet talks. She isn't someone who loves money. She didn't like getting into a relationship. She didn't look like someone who would be dependent to someone else. She's brave and smart. She's rich and kind. She's almost perfect. I don't think you'll win her easily." It was Valkyrie who stated that which made Travis' face darkened.

It's not because he was hurt or insulted with what he said but because it was the truth. He spoke facts base on his observation and he felt it, too.

Before he was a little bit happy because she seemed to give him a chance to get closer to her but now, she seemed to close off her world. She's putting walls between them and he didn't know how to break it. Yes, they still talk but she was emotionless.

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