Chasing After My Wife


After half an hour, Travis came back with a glass of milk and a rice porridge for her. It smelled so good that she immediately got out of her blanket to look at him.

"You like it?" Travis asked which made her blush from embarrassment.

"It smells good." she admitted and sat up on her bed. Travis didn't forget to place a pillow on her back to make her comfortable.

He sat on her bed in front of her and fed her the food he brought spoonful after spoonful.

"Yanna, I'm giving you five minutes." Cielo's voice can be heard outside her room but she soon realized that she was dressed up by Travis last night.

"Come in." It was Travis who answered since Jillyanna was still chewing her food.

Cielo and Lucian was quite surprised to see their little sister being fed. Ever since she was young, she would always do her best to eat her own food even when she's sick. This was the first time she let someone to feed her.

"Mom made you some soup. You can heat this up later. They will be visiting you tomorrow by the way." Cielo placed the thermos on her bed side table.

"I was worried when I found out you're sick. Looks like you're fine though." Lucian commented but his words came out as a tease instead.

"I am tired. Really tired. Well, isn't it great to be taken care of sometimes? I'll just grab this opportunity." Jillyanna also made a sarcastic remark.

"We won't take so much of your time. I still have to go to the station and Cielo needed to check the cafe." Lucian informed her.

"Take care. Let me know if something comes up." she responded to them.

Travis just watched them silently and would feed her when she's not speaking. When she finished the whole bowl of porridge, he placed it back on the tray, handed her the glass of milk and waited for her to finish it.

"Thank you so much for taking care of our sister Travis." Lucian expressed his gratitude to the man.

"It's my responsibility. I can't hand her to anyone else." Travis retorted before taking back the empty glass. He also got the thermos to bring it back to the kitchen for later.

When Travis was gone, Cielo approached her with a teasing grin. "You guys look so sweet just like a newly wed couple."

"Geez! That's a horrible thought you have." Jillyanna pushed her off of her bed and slid back under the cover.

"We are just glad you found someone like him. Anyway, we'll be leaving now. You take care of yourself and make sure to behave. No escaping this time." Cielo reminded her and kissed her cheeks.

"This is for real this time. We're going out now." Lucian said with a faint chuckle.

"Fine. Go away you two. Take care." Jillyanna responded with a smile.

Cielo and Lucian left after their short visit. She was left alone in her room for a while which made her feel a little lonely.

A little later after they left, Travis came back with some of his belongings and his evil grin hanging on his lips.

"You're serious?" Jillyanna asked in surprise as she eyed his things.

"Yeah. I'll make space of myself here." he got inside and opened his wardrobe and place his things on the space available. "I think we should get a new cabinet for me." he commented while arranging his things.

"You can't be serious!" Jillyanna exclaimed and tried stopping him but she felt dizzy moving around.

"I am serious sweetheart. I'll be staying here with you."

"My goodness! You're shameless! You can buy your own cabinet for all I care!" she yelled at him and sat back on her bed. She felt so tired and irritated at him.

Travis didn't refute her or anything. He just continued moving his things back and forth from his room to hers.

When the sun was completely shining, Savannah and Hawk saw him got out of his room with his things.

"Where are you going?" Savannah asked with worry. She thought she was leaving them.

"I am moving to her room." Travis answered and continued walking.

"Oh. I see." she murmured and continued walking down the stairs to go to the kitchen and prepare their breakfast.

It was at this time that Brown and Valkyrie came back with their tired and exhausted faces. Valkyrie had a deep cut on one of his arms which was already stitched up by Brown.

"How did you get that?" Savannah asked with worry. With these boys around her, she can't be relaxed at all.

"We tried to escape when some ruffians tried attacking us." Valkyrie answered. Truth is, he got it when someone tried attacking Brown with a knife and he used himself to shield him.

"Be careful next time. I'm making breakfast. Anything you like?" Savannah reminded them and inquired at the same time.

"Anything that you cook is fine. Where's Travis?" Brown was the one talking this time.

"He's moving." Hawk said since Savannah left already.

"Moving? To where?" Valkyrie and Brown asked at the same time.

"Moving to his woman's room." Hawk answered before following Savannah to the kitchen.

"Oh." That's all they can say with the situation.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, Travis finished moving his things to Jillyanna's room. He arranged everything, including her stuff, to make space for his things.

"From now on, I will be going back home to this house." Travis looked at her and said this.

"It's fine if you won't" Jillyanna responded.

Internally, she kept reminding herself not to fall in love. 'I really need to find a new way to escape.' she noted mentally while looking at the scenery outside her window.

"What are you thinking about?" Travis asked looking at her solemn face.

"I am thinking how to chase you away!" she snapped at him but Travis just laughed it off.

"My wife, you can't chase me away. I have decided to stick myself on you." Travis retorted to her statement and sat on her bed to face her.

He was about to say something when his phone rang. It was Diego who was calling.

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